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  • 1. (2023七上·金华月考)  Remember to w your hands before dinner.
  • 1. (2023七上·金华月考) What's the weather like in the woman's city?
    A . Warm. B . Hot. C . Cold.
  • 1. (2023七上·金华月考)  请阅读下题中的个人情况说明,然后从A-F六个选项中选出符合要求的最佳选项,并在题号前填写相应的字母,选项中其中有一项为多余。


    A new sweater


    A Shoe Shop


    Tom's Grandpa


    My Good Friend


    Cindy and Sports


    Favourtie Colour

    Cindy likes playing sports. She has a great sports collection. She has 4 basketballs, 4 footballs and 5 tennis balls.

    Lucy is my good friend. She is 14. She has a twin sister. Her name is Lily. She is also my good friend.

    Tom is a good boy. He buys a new sweater for his grandpa in Huaxing Clothes Store. It is $15.

    Sam has a shoe shop. Its name is Mr Clerk's Shoe Shop. You can see many nice shoes at very good prices there.

    Anna likes blue. Her dress is blue. Her trousers are blue. Her schoolbag is blue too. Look! Her shoes are also blue.

  • 1. (2023七上·金华月考)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

    The octopus(章鱼) usually has eight legs, but Tony the octopus has seven ones. Tony's1 isn't happy about that. Tony's brother and sister don't2 him. "Tony is not a member of our family because he has 3 seven legs," his sister Tina says. Of course, what Tina says isn't4 . "Go away. I don't want to5 with you," his brother Tom tells Tony.

    Tony is very sad and he swims away. Then, a sea fairy(仙女)6 . "Don't be sad, little octopus," the fairy says. "I can make you 7 . Please make three wishes(愿望) now. "

    Tony makes the 8 wish after thinking for a minute. "I want my mum always to be happy," he says.

    "9 . Now you have two more wishes," the fairy says.

    "I want Tina to be honest(诚实). And I want Tom to be10 to me.

    "You are so nice, little octopus. I wish you all the best," the fairy swims away11 she says this.

    When Tony gets to his12 , his mum gives him a big smile. And Tom and Tina say, "Come and play with 13 , little brother." Tony is happy and he knows the fairy really14 him.

    On Tony's birthday, he makes a wish for the eighth15 . The next day, he really has got it! Great !

    A .  dad B .  mum C .  grandpa D .  grandma
    A .  like B .  meet C .  know D .  catch
    A .  also B .  too C .  only D .  again
    A .  bad B .  right C .  old D .  difficult
    A .  work B .  shop C .  read D .  play
    A .  comes B .  sleeps C .  stands D .  writes
    A .  fat B .  tall C .  happy D .  strong
    A .  last B .  next C .  some D .  first
    A .  No B .  OK C .  Bye D .  Sorry
    A .  nice B .  cold C .  healthy D .  important
    A .  so B .  after C .  before D .  because
    A .  zoo B .  park C .  house D .  school
    A .  me B .  us C .  you D .  them
    A .  helps B .  loves C .  thanks D .  welcome
    A .  hand B .  foot C .  eye D .  leg
  • 1. (2023七上·金华月考)  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过三个词)。

    What's your dad like? I have super dad. He often turns into (变成) the person I need most!

    In the evening, he turns into a teacher. He helps (I) answer many difficult questions of homework. When I don't do well in study or I am unhappy, Dad will turn into Baymax(大白)! He doesn't say anything but (give) me a big hug. Friday to Sunday, Dad becomes my brother. He eats ice cream and plays (game) with me. When we go (swim), Dad becomes Sun Yang. Why? he swims so fast! He also teaches us to swim.

    It's December 20th today, it's my (father) birthday. I want (say), "Thank you, Dad! You are the best father in the world."

  • 1. (2023七上·红塔期中) — _____________ do you spell baseball?

    —B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L, baseball.

    A . What B . What's C . How D . How's
  • 1. (2023七上·萍乡期中) Please call my friend Jenny ________ 368­7526.
    A . in B . to C . at D . on
  • 1. (2023七上·萍乡期中) Look! Five ________ and a set of ________ are in the black bag.
    A . photo; key B . photos; keys C . photos; key D . photo; keys
  • 1. (2023七上·萍乡期中) —Do you ________ his name?

    —Yes, his name is George.

    A . see B . think C . spell D . know
  • 1. (2023七上·吉林期中) —Let's play computer games.


    A . Yes, we do B . No, we don't C . That sounds good.
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