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  • 1. (2023七上·金华月考)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

    The octopus(章鱼) usually has eight legs, but Tony the octopus has seven ones. Tony's1 isn't happy about that. Tony's brother and sister don't2 him. "Tony is not a member of our family because he has 3 seven legs," his sister Tina says. Of course, what Tina says isn't4 . "Go away. I don't want to5 with you," his brother Tom tells Tony.

    Tony is very sad and he swims away. Then, a sea fairy(仙女)6 . "Don't be sad, little octopus," the fairy says. "I can make you 7 . Please make three wishes(愿望) now. "

    Tony makes the 8 wish after thinking for a minute. "I want my mum always to be happy," he says.

    "9 . Now you have two more wishes," the fairy says.

    "I want Tina to be honest(诚实). And I want Tom to be10 to me.

    "You are so nice, little octopus. I wish you all the best," the fairy swims away11 she says this.

    When Tony gets to his12 , his mum gives him a big smile. And Tom and Tina say, "Come and play with 13 , little brother." Tony is happy and he knows the fairy really14 him.

    On Tony's birthday, he makes a wish for the eighth15 . The next day, he really has got it! Great !

    A .  dad B .  mum C .  grandpa D .  grandma
    A .  like B .  meet C .  know D .  catch
    A .  also B .  too C .  only D .  again
    A .  bad B .  right C .  old D .  difficult
    A .  work B .  shop C .  read D .  play
    A .  comes B .  sleeps C .  stands D .  writes
    A .  fat B .  tall C .  happy D .  strong
    A .  last B .  next C .  some D .  first
    A .  No B .  OK C .  Bye D .  Sorry
    A .  nice B .  cold C .  healthy D .  important
    A .  so B .  after C .  before D .  because
    A .  zoo B .  park C .  house D .  school
    A .  me B .  us C .  you D .  them
    A .  helps B .  loves C .  thanks D .  welcome
    A .  hand B .  foot C .  eye D .  leg
