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  • 1. (2018高三上·辽宁期中) 阅读理解

        In 2016, three viruses made news, and they present difficult problems for health officials in the New Year. One virus threatens babies in many parts of the world. Another has reappeared in an African nation. And a third is one of the deadliest viruses of modern times. The three viruses are Zika, polio and HIV. However, in 2016 scientists and researchers from all over the world worked to make progress against those viruses and to develop better ways to control them.

        The spread of the Zika virus caused public health officials in many nations to put in place strong measures to control its spread.

        Brazil, which hosted the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, was hit hard by the virus. Health officials warned pregnant women against traveling to the sporting event. Zika is usually a mild illness. It is so mild that most people who are infected do not know they have it. However, in the past two years in the Western Hemisphere, Zika has been linked to babies being born with extremely small heads. This condition is called microcephaly. The international medical community found that this link to birth defects makes Zika a very dangerous virus.

        Zika first appeared in Uganda more than 60 years ago. It is spread by mosquitos and by sex. The virus recently appeared in Brazil. Then cases appeared in other countries to the North. Cases were reported in the United States in the southern state of Florida. Health officials in Texas are also concerned the virus might be spreading there.

        Doctors can only advise women to be careful. They advise women not to travel to areas where the virus is spreading, to avoid mosquito bites or to delay pregnancy. Currently there is no vaccine against Zika. However, one could be available by 2018.

    1. (1) What is the best title of the passage?

      A . The virus of Zika B . Three viruses made the news C . The cause of Zika D . The causes of the three viruses
    2. (2) If a pregnant woman is infected with Zika , the result will probably be______.

      A . that she is dying soon B . that she will give birth to a dead baby C . that she will be seriously ill D . that she will have a baby with a very small head
    3. (3) All of the following are right except _______________.

      A . HIV is one of the most deadliest viruses of modern times B . Many countries have take measures to control the spread of Zika C . Pregnant women were forbidden to travel to the 2016 Summer Olympic Games D . People are not easy to feel infected with Zika in the very beginning
    4. (4) What will be possibly talked about after the passage?

      A . something about the virus Polio B . something about the virus HIV C . something about Brazil D . something about Uganda
