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    Kitchen Safety Rules

    The kitchen is often the center of activity in many homes, but it has a lot of possible dangers. When it comes to preventing accidents in the kitchen, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are some general rules of kitchen safety that everyone, especially children should follow to ensure a safe kitchen.

     Preparation:

     Always wash your hands before and after touching food.

     Tie back long hair.

     Wear a apron(围裙) and roll up your sleeves.

     Cleaning:

     Keep food preparation surface clean

     Wash fruit and vegetables under cold water before use.

     ____:

     Always ask an adult before using knives or going near hot things.

     Use knives and other sharp tools with care.

     Don't put tools on the edge(边缘) of the work table.

     When using a knife, always cut away from yourself to avoid cutting yourself.

     Use oven mitts(手套)when taking hot dishes from the oven or microwave.

     Special Attention:

     Clean food spills(溢出) as soon as they happen.

     Do not run around the kitchen where food is being prepared.

    1. (1) Which of the following is suggested after touching food?
      A . Tie back long hair. B . Wear an apron. C . Roll up your sleeves. D . Wash your hands.
    2. (2) you are supposed to ask for permission from your parents before you ____.
      A . Wear an apron B . Put things into a microwave C . Fill a cup of very hot water D . Wash fruit and vegetables.
    3. (3) the line can be filled in "____"
      A . knives B . Hot Things C . Work Table D . Tools
    4. (4) where might you see the poster?
      A . In a store selling kitchen tools. B . On a cooking website for children. C . On the wall of a restaurant. D . In a cooking handbook for adults.
    5. (5) what is the purpose of this poster?
      A . To tell people, especially children, how to keep safe in a kitchen. B . To train children how to use knives and sharp tools. C . To teach people, especially children, how to make a preparation for cooking. D . To sell kitchen tools to people, especially children.
