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  • 1. (2023八下·沂南期末)  根据对话内容,在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整。

    Kim: Hi, Steve. The book report is due tomorrow. ?

    Steve: No, I haven't. I'm only on page 88. I'm too weak to read it now.

    Kim:      ?

    Steve: I had a car accident last Friday afternoon. 

    Kim: A car accident? Did you go to the hospital?

    Steve:      . A little girl and her mother helped me. 

    Kim: It's so kind of them. ?

    Steve: They made me lie down at first and then called 120 for me. And then my parents came to pick me up from the hospital. It's not very serious.

    Kim: We must be careful. And you should get some rest before you come back to class. 

    Steve: Thank you.  
