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  • 1. (2023高二下·百色期末)  阅读理解

    Four Projects to Bring Fresh Inspiration into Students

    PetWise Award 

    The PetWise Award project is a fun, free, educational resource aimed at primary-aged children. It not only teaches students how to keep their pets happy and healthy but also about careers where they can work with animals. Visit pdsa.org.uk.

    The Link 

    The Link is the only specialist speech and language magazine written for schools. Posted free of charge (收费), termly, to every UK primary school to share with students and teachers, the magazine provides professional and helpful knowledge about speech, language and communication skills. Visit speechandlanguage.info.

    Fiver Challenge 

    The Fiver Challenge aims to help young people to develop a wide set of skills using real-life contexts. Pupils are encouraged to use their creativity by developing an idea that helps them to engage with their local communities and develop new financial (金融的) skills through practical learning opportunities. The project's free resources can be used flexibly (灵活地). Visit fiverchallenge.org.uk.

    Encounter Edu Live 

    Encounter Edu Live lessons create"wow moments"in the classroom. Bringing new knowledge and a changing planet direct to thousands of children, Encounter Edu's free classes have travelled to farms, the deep ocean and even outer space. Visit encounteredu.com.

    1. (1) Which website should you visit if you are an animal lover?
      A . pdsa.org.uk. B . speechandlanguage.info. C . fiverchallenge.org.uk. D . encounteredu.com.
    2. (2) What can students do with the help of The Link ?
      A . Experience farm work. B . Offer community services. C . Improve communication skills. D . Get knowledge about pet care.
    3. (3) What do the listed projects have in common?
      A . They are very popular worldwide B . They offer free resources.. C . They are designed for college students. D . They have got great support from local schools.
