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  • 1. (2021八下·高州期中) 配对阅读I栏是五人对某事(物)的看法或者想了解的事(物),Ⅱ栏是对某事(物)的介绍或某观点的阐述,请从Ⅱ栏中为Ⅰ栏中的五人选出与他们相匹配的选项。

    My brother likes listening to music when he is running. He thinks music helps him exercise well.

    Li Ming first watched some people climb ropes on TV. He wants to learn more about rope climbing

    Hanhan is not good at history. And he has no idea why we learn history.

    Dad asks me to turn off my mobile phone when I go to bed. I don't think it is necessary.

    Nana is interested in inventions. She wants to learn about Chinese type printing.

    A.  Rope climbing is a popular form of exercise. In 1896, it first appeared as an Olympic sport. The climber who spends the shortest time reaching the top is the winner. After 1932, there was no rope climbing in the Olympics for some reason.

    B.  Just do as your dad says. Sleeping with the phone on is bad for our sleep. We may be woken up by messages. Even the light from the screen could hurt our sleep cycles (周期),resulting in sleep that is both too short and often interrupted(中断的).

    C.  He is right. Music makes us want to move. For example, when we listen to dance music,we naturally start to move to the beat.A cheerful song puts us in a good mood, so we feel much happier. So music gives us energy and helps us exercise longer.

    D.  Some students like to listen to music when they are doing homework. They think it's not a big deal,but it really matters. It distracts (使分心)students from their homework and makes them do worse in school lessons.

    E.  History is not just a study of the past. It is the study of people, places, and events that can influence the future. We can understand the mistakes of the past in history. And these mistakes will help us not to do the same wrong things.

    F. It's not easy to write stories in the beginning. Don't worry! The story can be real or made up, can be short or long. Just keep writing and express your ideas in your own words.

    G. It's said the printing was created by Bi Sheng during the Song Dynasty. It plays an important role in the history of printing. And it also helps to spread Chinese culture around the world quickly.
