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  • 1. (2021八下·高州期中) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    I was born and grew up in Scotland. Three years ago,I finished school and1to Tennessee (a state in southeastern USA) for work. The scenery here is wonderful. The people here are2. Everyone is so kind to me that I soon felt right at home.3,it took me quite a long time to get used to the local language.

    Mike was an experienced model designer (设计师) in our factory. He was not a4of my team, but his team and mine often worked together. One day, I listed some work that Mike needed to do."Mike, can you get this done in two days? It's not much5."

    "I don't care to do that, Laura!"

    I was surprised by this6. It was his job!

    "We need to get this done, or we can't continue with our work! Can you please get it done?"

    Mike raised his head, saying,"I've told you already—I don't care to do that!"

    I was quite7."Hey, do we need to go to your boss?"

    "What's the8? I've told you twice I don't care to do it. And it won't take me long to do it.I will have it done by this afternoon."

    Hearing these words,I suddenly9that "I don't care to do something" means "I don't mind doing something" in Tennessee. So Mike was10me all the time!

    A . returned B . moved C . left D . turned
    A . lazy B . nervous C . wise D . friendly
    A . Certainly B . Instead C . Luckily D . However
    A . hero B . guest C . member D . pupil
    A . use B . fun C . work D . money
    A . reply B . advice C . story D . joke
    A . sad B . tired C . angry D . worried
    A . chance B . problem C . price D . secret
    A . explained B . remembered C . discovered D . understood
    A . agreeing with B . talking with
    C . searching for D . waiting for
