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  • 1. (2022高三下·吉林模拟) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Being a student can be overwhelming.  Hours of homework, studying for tests and writing papers can leave you feeling fatigued. So the best thing to do is get out of your current headspace for a little while and shake out all the anxiety.

    Take a break

    The first thing to do when you feel overwhelmed is take a deep breath. Try meditation(冥想)or mindfulness(正念减压法)practices,which have been found to ease anxiety and mental stress by making you focus on your breathing. and take yourself away from your work for a little while. A power nap might also be the answer to your stress.


    Whether it's a quick walk across campus or an online workout in your living room, it will increase your energy, sharpen your focus, enhance your mood and improve your memory.

    Challenge yourself

    If you're feeling overworked, try using a different part of your brain to spark some creativity. ,do a puzzle or play a board game with friends to stimulate your brain in a new and different way.  Lighting up different pathways in the brain makes you smarter by forming new connections and focusing your mental power on something that isn't your homework can make you feel accomplished, but not burned out.

    Change your environment

    You can take them to change up your work environment. Head to the other side of campus, and walk around a library or academic building you've never been in before. Try a new coffee shop or restaurant where you can work in a new place.

    A. Exercise

    B. Bake a new recipe

    C. Keep yourself busy

    D. You should change your hobbies

    E. You can play some calming music

    F. These "brain break" ideas may help

    G. Turn times of stress into chances of exploration
