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更新时间:2022-12-08 浏览次数:57 类型:高考模拟
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)。
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does Robert think of electric cars?
      A . They're highly economical. B . They're environmentally friendly. C . They're quite expensive.
    2. (2) What attracts Robert most about the latest Tesla?
      A . The speed. B . The price. C . The design.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What kind of book does the man want?
      A . A biography. B . An adventure story. C . A fantasy book.
    2. (2) Why does the woman buy books today?
      A . To complete her paper. B . To prepare a birthday gift. C . To kill time at the weekend.
    3. (3) Which series of books will the woman take?
      A . Harry Potter. B . The Lord of the Rings. C . The Hunger Games.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman care most about the summer day camp?
      A . Its history. B . Its reputation. C . Its location.
    2. (2) What can campers benefit from taking part in the camp?
      A . Improving their grades. B . Learning types of skills. C . Developing special interests.
    3. (3) What is the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Neighbors. B . Teacher and parent. C . Husband and wife.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) How did the man meet the tiger?
      A . They met at the zoo. B . A friend introduced it to him. C . He was asked to take care of it.
    2. (2) What is the feature of the tiger?
      A . It weighs 180 kilograms. B . It stands 2 meters tall. C . It is 4 meters long.
    3. (3) How much meat does the tiger eat every day?
      A . About 6 kilograms. B . About 12 kilograms. C . About 18 kilograms.
    4. (4) What is the woman?
      A . A hostess. B . A vet. C . A zookeeper.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) When did Zhang Hong go back to the base camp?
      A . On May 21. B . On May 24. C . On May 27.
    2. (2) Why is Erik Weihenmayer mentioned?
      A . He was an inspiration to Zhang Hong. B . He was Zhang Hong's guide. C . He sponsored Zhang Hong.
    3. (3) What does the speaker mainly talk about?
      A . Careful preparation for climbing is essential. B . A blind Chinese man climbed Mount Qomolangma. C . Climbing can help the disabled have a strong mind.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    While the educational aspects of a university and its fit for you remain the most important factors in a college decision, you can also keep in mind some of the fun "extras" offered by the school. Here are some of the coolest:

    Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey

    ·Free laptops for all students

    All incoming freshmen are given free laptops through the university's Mobile Computing Program. First-year students receive laptops already set up with all the necessary student software. Then, after two years, they receive new, updated laptops designed to carry them through graduation and beyond. According to the Seton Hall University website: "That second laptop is the one you will take with you when you graduate from Seton Hall, providing you with a laptop for that first job after college or for use in graduate school. "

    New York University, Manhattan, New York

    ·Free museum admission

    If you're a fan of museums, NYU is the perfect university for you. Not only will you be located in the heart of a city featuring some of the best museums in the world, but the university will provide you with free admission to many of them. These include the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum and the Frick Collection.

    Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan

    ·On-campus ski resort

    Michigan Technological University sets itself apart with its on-campus ski resort, Mont Ripley, which is accessible and free for all students. Instead of hitting the campus gym, you'll be able to get your exercise outside on the slopes. The resort includes 24 different tracks, conveniently located near great restaurants, nightclubs and shops.

    1. (1) When can a student in Seton Hall University get a laptop?
      A . In the first year. B . Before entering the University. C . In graduate school. D . After getting a job.
    2. (2) What do the universities mentioned have in common?
      A . They attach the greatest importance to sports. B . They are all located in cities with world top museums. C . They are welcome by students by their academic reputation. D . The all offer extra fun for the students for free.
    3. (3) The text is intended for
      A . parents B . teachers C . students D . advisers
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Many people have warm memories of playing games while growing up. Do you remember running around outside as a child playing rock-paper-scissors? You may not have realized it, but games are a very important part of life.

    During prehistoric times, humans would play a game called Knucklebones. To play Knucklebones, the players would balance small objects like sheep ankle bones on the top of their hands,toss(抛掷) them into the air, and then try to catch as many as possible.

    But why do people love games so much? They are fun to play, but that isn't the only reason why.

    For most, games are "like chocolate: a guilty pleasure consumed secretly", Canadian-American game designer Sid Meier said: "They have a series of interesting choices." The rock-paper-scissors game is just an example. In every turn, people make a judgment, which is often based on their personalities and past experiences. "Navigating these choices shapes the course of play, revealing who we are and how we think," The New York Times noted."Playing a game is an act of exposition(展 示). "

    Games such as this require a faster way of thinking than in everyday life. But interestingly, when the game is over, the players can switch out of competition mode quickly and return to normal. "It separates a game from reality," Sam Von Ehren of The New York Times wrote. "We can enter and exit the magic circle freely."

    Games can also be used to help improve critical thinking skills. Just take Go as an example. Go is a game that was made in ancient China, and it is still even played today. Even though we don't exactly know how Go started, many researchers think it was invented to help teach tactics and strategy skills.

    Even today, games are being used to help solve real-world problems. These types of games are called serious games, and they are used to help find solutions to problems in fields such as education and healthcare, among others. Perhaps playing games helps us to think outside the box in a fun and interesting way.

    1. (1) What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
      A . The way to play Knucklebones. B . The development of Knucklebones. C . The popularity of Knucklebones. D . The objects of Knucklebones.
    2. (2) What can we say about the rock-paper-scissors game?
      A . It is a game of eating chocolate. B . It shows the player's personalities. C . The way of thinking is a necessary rule. D . Judgments decide the player's past experience.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word in paragraph 6 mean?
      A . Awareness. B . Emotion. C . Politeness. D . Method.
    4. (4) What can we infer about games?
      A . Games are nothing but fun and interesting. B . Games are serious in the world of adults. C . Playing games may encourage creativity. D . We should play games while solving problems.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Since the age of 5,Laura Lee has had what most would consider an odd habit-she collects toilet rolls. At that time, she didn't know this habit would eventually become a nationwide recycling campaign.

    In December 2018, as a 16-year-old student of Nanyang Girls' High School in Singapore, Lee founded ToiletRollSG, a national project that aims to collect 1,000 kilograms of cardboard cylinders(纸 筒)-or about 150,000 pieces. As of February of 2021, Lee, who was studying at Hwa Chong Institution, had collected 860 kg of toilet rolls, reported Singapore Today. Slightly later, she was awarded Singapore's National Environment Agency's Ecofriend Awards, which recognizes individuals for their contributions to the environment, under the Youth and Students category.

    But why did she choose toilet rolls? "They are convenient to collect and also one of the purest forms of waste to recycle because they are made of only one material," Lee told Singapore Today. "Project must be economically practical too. For example, it's more difficult to recycle pens because they are made up of too many different materials like rubber casings (橡胶外壳),metals and plastics which require more resources to separate. "

    Lee went into a partnership with the waste management firm Veolia, which gives her five cents for every 1 kg of toilet rolls collected.

    She organized "toilet roll challenges" within Nanyang Girls' High School and worked with cleaners to collect used toilet rolls from school toilets. She also conducted talks about ToiletRollSG. But due to COVID-19, she has been unable to conduct physical talks, so she raises awareness about different social causes through her Instagram Live series called On A Roll.

    One of the biggest challenges Lee has faced has been others doubting her due to her young age. "I always have to use my actions as well as the different things I've done to prove that I'm passionate and know about this," she told The Straits Times.

    Lee will donate the money collected to a social cause that is focused on community health.

    1. (1) Why did Lee found ToiletRollSG?
      A . To develop some good habits. B . To be honored by Ecofriend Awards. C . To recycle toilet cardboard cylinders. D . To make contributions to her high school.
    2. (2) Lee's mention of pens in paragraph 3 is to_____.
      A . show toilet rolls are more important B . prove it difficult to recycle pens C . illustrate the process of recycling pens D . explain Lee's opinion on recycling
    3. (3) What is the biggest challenge Laura is faced with?
      A . The failure to conduct talks. B . The ineffective cooperation. C . The small amount of money. D . The mistrust of others.
    4. (4) Which of the following words can best describe Lee?
      A . Humorous. B . Responsible. C . Emotional. D . Curious.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Chinese astronauts conducted a science lecture to millions of students on Dec. 9,2021 from the Tiangong space station. The three astronauts, Hai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, showed life in space and conducted experiments in microgravity.

    It was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class, China's first extraterrestrial(地球外的)lecture series. Its goal is to popularize space science.

    "The laboratory of the space station has many conditions that the Earth laboratory does not have, such as the environment of weightlessness and radiation," said Wen Xin, a professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He said that important jobs for astronauts in the space station include cell observation and maintaining plant life.

    In the lecture, Ye demonstrated experiments related to cell growth in a weightless environment. He compared the growth and shape of cells in artificial gravity and zero-gravity to study their changing principles in space.

    Another experiment in the space lecture was shown by Wang Yaping. She illustrated how a paper flower "bloomed" on the surface of water in Tiangong space station. She explained that the surface tension of water is magnified(放大)in space due to zero gravity.

    One of the examples of surface tension on Earth is that some insects can "walk" on water. They use surface tension to "stand" instead of falling through water.

    Surface tension plays a key role in product development. Researchers around the world are measuring surface tension to improve the quality of their products, according to Biolin Scientific, a science company. Paints are tailored to stick better on the surfaces they are applied to. Surface tension also has impacts in drug development.

    Although the astronauts are thousands of miles away, their research does influence our life. Shi Yi, a teacher at the Beijing No. 101 Middle School, told China Daily that the space lecture was "an eye-opening experience that would arouse students' interest in science".

    1. (1) What makes the space laboratory special?
      A . It is operated by a professor. B . It has a unique experiment environment. C . It broadcasts experiments to students. D . It promotes cell growth.
    2. (2) What can we learn through Ye's cell experiment in space?
      A . The rules of cell growth. B . The secret in a weightless environment. C . The conditions of cell growth. D . The differences between the universe and the earth.
    3. (3) What can we say about surface tension?
      A . It can speed up flower blooming. B . It is related to product quality. C . Paints have an influence on it. D . Drugs are used to measure it.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
      A . Special Laboratory Environments B . Examples of Surface Tension C . Learning from Space D . Lectures about Cells
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Being a student can be overwhelming.  Hours of homework, studying for tests and writing papers can leave you feeling fatigued. So the best thing to do is get out of your current headspace for a little while and shake out all the anxiety.

    Take a break

    The first thing to do when you feel overwhelmed is take a deep breath. Try meditation(冥想)or mindfulness(正念减压法)practices,which have been found to ease anxiety and mental stress by making you focus on your breathing. and take yourself away from your work for a little while. A power nap might also be the answer to your stress.


    Whether it's a quick walk across campus or an online workout in your living room, it will increase your energy, sharpen your focus, enhance your mood and improve your memory.

    Challenge yourself

    If you're feeling overworked, try using a different part of your brain to spark some creativity. ,do a puzzle or play a board game with friends to stimulate your brain in a new and different way.  Lighting up different pathways in the brain makes you smarter by forming new connections and focusing your mental power on something that isn't your homework can make you feel accomplished, but not burned out.

    Change your environment

    You can take them to change up your work environment. Head to the other side of campus, and walk around a library or academic building you've never been in before. Try a new coffee shop or restaurant where you can work in a new place.

    A. Exercise

    B. Bake a new recipe

    C. Keep yourself busy

    D. You should change your hobbies

    E. You can play some calming music

    F. These "brain break" ideas may help

    G. Turn times of stress into chances of exploration

五、语言知识运用,完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Feeding wild cats in my neighborhood used to be part of my daily routine. I did it out of compassion(同情心)and1for animals.

    But last month, my favorite cat named Ginger entered a new2of life: She gave birth to a litter of cute kitties! Thrilled and excited, I bought them a brand-new cat3, food bowls and even a large pack of cat food so that Ginger could take care of her babies with a4stomach. I placed the whole package of5behind the bushes so that they'd be safe and sound.

    6, a few days later I found out that what I bought for Ginger was7! I started searching for Ginger and her nest right away. To my8 , a property manager(物业经理)showed up and told me something that was hard to9. "I know what you're10,"said the middle-aged man. "Relax. The cat family is11, and they didn't need what you bought for them. "

    My mind was filled with questions and anger, but he seemed12. "Ginger, if that's her name, is an 13creature. She can manage herself with or without you. I understand your14to help, but you are not going to keep her as a(n)15, right? Ginger should take responsibility for herself. However, by providing her with every refinement, you're making her more and more dependent on human beings. You've been making life way too16for them-and that's no good for any wildlife. "

    I17his point. For Ginger and her kitties, my care and love are a18, but they may weaken their19. As a helper, I was doing too much. I should let them be who they really are.  A helper doesn't20have to "help".

    A . curiosity B . love C . gratitude D . politeness
    A . stage B . home C . age D . object
    A . mask B . bottle C . nest D . gift
    A . warm B . different C . normal D . full
    A . care B . thought C . generosity D . demand
    A . Meanwhile B . However C . Instead D . Therefore
    A . empty B . remaining C . cold D . gone
    A . delight B . surprise C . regret D . doubt
    A . check B . describe C . accept D . notice
    A . setting aside B . taking up C . putting back D . looking for
    A . nice B . safe C . big D . fantastic
    A . careless B . blank C . worried D . prepared
    A . fearful B . thoughtful C . independent D . apparent
    A . willingness B . pride C . force D . dream
    A . pet B . honor C . goal D . interest
    A . busy B . bright C . easy D . rich
    A . witnessed B . recorded C . ignored D . understood
    A . failure B . blessing C . crisis D . joy
    A . relationship B . movement C . nature D . hope
    A . always B . never C . seldom D . even
六、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Your career is a very important part of who you are. The career you have   (define) your life, so taking time to think about it isessential exercise.

    The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before you make any choice about your(far)education. Some young people knowthey want to do, but many others just have a few ideas(bounce) around in their heads. One way to get some insight on a career path is to complete a "career aptitude test",  results will tell you about your(strong) and interests, suggesting careers that you may be suited to. Having this information will provide youa better chance of finding a job you like. There are many free tests online, if you don't want to look back in years(come)with regret, give one a try.

    In conclusion, career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool. However, it is important to remember that they(mean) for guidance. The secret to a good career is finding something you are passionate about.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Dear Liu Fang,

    Today the weather was wonderful, so I went out to the local park with some friends to fly kites. It seemed that half the city joined in us, so we had trouble find a good place to stand. But I felt so relaxing when we were done.

    Over lunch, I was told that kites were invented by a man naming Mozi, who was something of a philosopher and worked hardly to bring peace between warring countries. He also created many clever inventions from wood. I think it is so wonderful that Mozi could invent something would bring relaxation and happiness to such many people. I never thought to yourself that something like kites needed a inventor.

    Anyway, I have to do my homeworks. Talk to you later!



  • 19. 2022北京冬奥会圆满成功,你的美国朋友Jenny发来邮件表示祝贺,并询问中国做了哪些措施使得本届冬奥会受到世界各国的赞誉。请你告知,内容包括:







    Dear Jenny,


    Li Hua

