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  • 1. (2021高二上·浙江月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。

    I am a recovering perfectionist and learning to play again saved me. I remember playing a lot when I was younger and being1with a sense of openness, curiosity and joy. 2, my attitude began changing from playfulness to perfectionism. Instead of being present and3the process, I started focusing on performance. The more I did this, the more anxious, critical and4I grew.

    I first developed perfectionist when I was5piano lessons in school. I got the idea that I had to6each  note  again  and  again  to  perform  each  song  perfectly. I started hating piano and eventually7. My perfectionism8into other areas of my life, too. In school, I9 myself to get straight A's, and if I earned anything10, I felt like a failure. At this time in my life, I believed that if I worked11enough, I could do everything right and look perfect.

    It12me several years to find happiness again. One of the major things that helped me do so was recovering a sense of13. About this time, my friend Amy and I started taking fencing (击剑) lessons together. I was quite bad at it, but it didn't14. I didn't care about performing15 moves. Instead, I cared about being present with16in the process and staying open and curious. I felt free and17, and I realized that I had been18playfulness for many years. Fencing helped me rediscover play and leave perfectionism19. When we practice playfulness, life becomes a (an)20, and there is always something more to learn, explore and enjoy.

    A . rich B . full C . crowded D . filled
    A . Luckily B . Unfortunately C . Interestingly D . Surprisingly
    A . holding B . hating C . making D . enjoying
    A . positive B . discouraged C . convinced D . satisfied
    A . acknowledging B . obtaining C . taking D . adopting
    A . practice B . beat C . perform D . strike
    A . appreciated B . quit C . escaped D . failed
    A . broke B . disappeared C . slid D . spread
    A . pushed B . persuaded C . prohibited D . pulled
    A . less B . more C . slighter D . fewer
    A . barely B . slightly C . hard D . seriously
    A . spent B . paid C . cost D . took
    A . curiosity B . openness C . playfulness D . joy
    A . remark B . matter C . attach D . qualify
    A . perfect B . efficient C . wonderful D . artificial
    A . herself B . me C . myself D . her
    A . anxious B . alive C . still D . bored
    A . perceiving B . defending C . having D . missing
    A . alone B . away C . behind D . off
    A . adventure B . experiment C . experience D . preference
