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  • 1. (2022八下·定远期中) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Once there lived two pigeons(鸽子). They were husband and wife. They spent their time looking for food in the forest. One evening, the wife returned home early. As usual she was waiting for her husband to have dinner, when suddenly it started raining. She was worried.

    Just then, she saw a bird-catcher(捕鸟人)coming towards her. In a cage(笼子)he had a pigeon. It was her husband.

    Soon, it stopped raining, but the bird-catcher's clothes were wet. The poor wife sat by her husband's cage. And she started to cry. The husband said, "Don't feel sad, dear. We now have a guest. This man is cold and hungry. He needs your help." Hearing this, the wife flew around to get dry twigs(细枝). She made a fire for the bird-catcher. Then she looked at the bird-catcher and said, "You are our guest. Since I have no food to offer, I will jump into the fire. You can eat me."

    The bird-catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the humble pigeon. He stopped the wife from jumping into the fire. He opened the cage and set the husband free. The two pigeons were happy to be together.

    1. (1) Where did the two pigeons usually have dinner?
      A . In the forest. B . At home. C . In a cage. D . In a restaurant.
    2. (2) Why did the poor wife start to cry?
      A . Because she lost her husband. B . Because she had no way to help her husband. C . Because she didn't want to stay in the cage. D . Because the bird-catcher would kill her soon.
    3. (3) What does the underlined sentence mean?
      A . The bird-catcher knew how kind the wife was. B . The bird-catcher knew what the wife would do. C . The bird-catcher was angry about having no food to eat. D . The bird-catcher wondered why the wife did so.
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly tell us?
      A . Hard work will have good results. B . A bird in hand is useful than two in the forest. C . A good beginning is half done. D . A kind heart brings unbelievable results.
