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  • 1. (2021八下·武城期末) 阅读短文,从短文下面方枢中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺究整、衔接自然。

    You know about Snow White. You've heard of Hansel and Gretel. But have you heard of Jacob and Wilhelm? .

    Jacob and Wilhelm came from Germany. Jacob was born in 1785. Wilhelm was born the next year. . They lived and worked together for most of their lives.

    In 1798, the two brothers moved to the town of Kassel. There they finished school.

    Then they found jobs in a library. In their free time, they collected old tales and songs.

    Jacob and Wilhelm collected tales from everyone they knew for several years. Marie Muller was a nanny(保姆). She told them the tales of Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty. One day the two brothers met Frau Viehmann. She came to their house many times. She told them more than 20 tales. .

    In 1812, the two brothers' first book of fairy tales (童话) came out. They had meant the stories for grown-ups(大人). They were surprised when children loved them too. The brothers wanted to find more tales. . People started to bring stories to them. Their next book of tales came out in 1814. Their last book of fairy tales came out in 1857.

    A. They were brothers and also best friend.

    B. Cinderella was one of them.

    C. Everyone loves reading fairy tales.

    D. Thanks to them, you have these tales (故事) to read.

    E. Both of them loved old stories.

    F. This time it was much easier.
