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  • 1. (2021九下·宁波期末) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Turtle was wise and hard-working, and he had delivered(投递) the mail for many years. Turtle had been working for so long that no one, not even Turtle himself, could remember when he had his last rest. So Turtle's friends wanted him to have the best vacation ever.

    "Go to see the world," said Stork, who helped busy parents to look after their babies. Stork traveled to very far places because she could fly. But Turtle could not fly and did not think one day off was long enough to see the world.

    "Sleep in," said Bear, who would like to stay in the warm cave(洞穴) where he had spent all through the winter. Turtle also enjoyed sleeping in the mud during the winter, but it was spring now.

    "Find a new place to live," said Hermit Crab(寄居蟹), who had recently traded his old shell(壳) for an empty tin can (锡罐). "My new place smells like peaches!" But Turtle was not able to leave his shell the way that Hermit Crab could.

    "You should go to see a movie," said Owl(猫头鹰), who worked at night. "I hear there is a new movie about owls that is supposed to be quite good."

    Turtle smiled politely at Owl and said nothing. He then called his cousin, Frog, and asked if shewas free the next day. Turtle smiled happily at her reply.

    1. (1) Which of the following may happen next?
      A . Turtle would make plans with Bear. B . Turtle would make plans with Owl. C . Turtle would make plans with Frog. D . Turtle would make plans with Stork.
    2. (2) Frog was probably telling Turtle that _____.
      A . the new movie about owls was very good B . she was looking for a new home C . she was too busy to make time for Turtle D . she had no plans for the next day
    3. (3) What would Bear probably do during the winter vacation?
      A . Have a good sleep in a cave. B . Ask Frog if she was free. C . Go to see some movies. D . Take a vacation around the world.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
      A . Turtle's Cousin B . Turtle's New House C . Turtle's Friends D . Turtle's Vacation Plan
