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  • 1. (2020九上·京山期末) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词)。

    A long time ago, there lived an unhappy king. He didn't feel like (have) any food or drinks. His face was always pale and he often cried for no reason. Without , he caught a bad illness, which made the queen and his people worried.

    One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. He found nothing wrong with the king's body but his mind. "Neither medicine. rest can help him. What he needs to make him happy is the shirt of a happy person to wear."

    A famous artist was called to come to the king's room. But this was what he said: "I'm afraid I'm not happy, either. It's true that my paintings are very popular and expensive now. But, you see, if I stick  only one painting style, the pictures  (copy) easily by others. My wealthy life will end up and I will be poor again!
