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  • 1. (2020高一上·温州期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    On a warm summer evening in western New York when I was seven, my dad and I were eating watermelon on our patio(露台).

    My brother always swallowed the watermelon seeds, but I saved mine 1 a pile on the edge of the plate. "Do you think 2 I plant these in the ground a watermelon will grow?" I asked my dad. "Sure!" he replied.

    The next day was Saturday. My dad popped his head through the side door of the garage as I was 3 six small holes in the soil. "Are you going to grow that watermelon?" he asked.

    "Sure I'm!" I replied. It was only 8:30am, 4 the watermelon had the entire day to come up.

    An hour later, I ran to 5 I planted the seeds to see if the watermelon had grown. Believe it or not, there was not 6 a sprout(幼芽). An hour later I checked again. Still nothing. While I was eating lunch, my dad was 7 outside the house and called to me, "Mary! Come here!" I ran outside very fast.

    "What is it?" I asked.

    "I just wanted to let you know that the watermelon hasn't grown 8." He did this over and over, 9 I finally started to ignore him when he called me.

    After a few days, I put the watermelon plant out of my 10 and continued with the other important 11 of being seven, 12 suddenly my mother called me from my bedroom. "Mary! Come outside!" I went out and 13 her calls to the side of the house. 14 there, stood a perfect green watermelon that had obviously grown directly from the ground. My dad stood next to her, pretending to be amazed at my 15 thumb. "It's unbelievable! We'll have a party!"

    Later that evening, several of the neighbors came over to our "patio". We cut 16 the watermelon, and Dad made it 17 that I was a superstar for growing this 18 fruit. I was too 19 and too naïve (天真) to notice that the 20 tag was still on it.

    A . in B . on C . by D . under
    A . when B . whether C . if D . unless
    A . covering B . drilling C . filling D . digging
    A . before B . but C . so D . while
    A . where B . place C . which D . there
    A . merely B . even C . ever D . still
    A . standing B . planting C . staring D . shouting
    A . finally B . already C . fully D . yet
    A . therefore B . until C . before D . after
    A . mind B . soul C . sight D . attention
    A . sadness B . games C . issues D . pleasures
    A . when B . before C . while D . but
    A . responded B . followed C . replied D . accompanied
    A . Simply B . Definitely C . Exactly D . Right
    A . green B . purple C . white D . brown
    A . broad B . down C . open D . out
    A . known B . obvious C . certain D . factual
    A . precious B . amazing C . lovely D . delicious
    A . nervous B . confused C . puzzled D . excited
    A . paper B . price C . address D . brand
