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  • 1. (2020高一上·温州期中) 阅读理解

    Save money, save time with Cheapflights. Easily search for cheap flights and compare deals from more than 700 airlines and travel providers in seconds with the new Cheapflights app. More than 96 million people find flights with us every year. Whether you're looking for last-minute flights, domestic (国内的) flights or international flights, the perfect flight at the lowest price is just a click away. Search now to see which airline or travel provider is offering the best price today. With the Cheapflights flight search app you can:

    ●Find the cheapest and most direct flights to your chosen destination.

    ●Browse offers from hundreds of airlines and travel providers to find the right flights for you.

    ●Use price graphs (图表) and calendars to help you find the cheapest day to fly.

    ●Search for international and domestic flights.

    ●Save your flight searches.

    ●Share your flight details.

    ●Compare your favorite flights with our shortlists.

    ●Sort by SMART VALUE—we help you find the best balance between price and flight time.

    ●Download this free app now to begin your search.

    Friendship tips: Cheapflight is not a travel agent and doesn't sell tickets directly. We are a travel comparison website dedicated to bringing you the best deal. Once you have found what you are looking for, we direct you to the relevant company to make your booking.

    1. (1) What's the writer's purpose by mentioning "Save money, save time with…" in Paragraph 1?
      A . To tell readers how to save money and time. B . To attract readers' attention. C . To help develop potential consumers. D . To introduce a travel agent.
    2. (2) What is Cheapflight?
      A . It is the name of an airline company. B . It's the name of an airplane. C . It is a travel agent booking tickets for customers. D . It's a search software for booking flight tickets.
    3. (3) Which of the following statements is right according to the text?
      A . Cheapflight is a paid software. B . You can use a line chart for price comparison. C . You can book landmark tickets from Cheapflight. D . You can book domestic flights and private flights from Cheapflight.
