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  • 1. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        According to a recent study in China, eating an egg a day may lower the risk of cardiovascular(心血管的) disease.

        The research shows people who eat eggs on a daily basis have lowered the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by more than 10%, compared with those who don't eat eggs in their daily meals. Despite the high-quality protein, eggs also have high amounts of cholesterol(胆固醇), and therefore doctors once thought that they might be harmful to patients with heart disease, as Yu Canqing, the co-author of the study explained.

        Due to the limited size of sample and information, however, existing studies on the relationship between eggs and cardiovascular disease are still debatable. That is why Yu and his colleagues continue to do the research.

        At first, they used information from an ongoing study of about half a million adults living in 10regions of China. They further narrowed down the data to 416, 213 participants who had never been diagnosed with cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes(糖尿病). Among these adults aged between30 to 79, a little more than 13% claimed to eat about an egg per day, while over g% of them said that they never or hardly ever had eggs. Nearly all the participants ate chicken eggs instead of duck eggs, Yu noted.

        The researchers tracked the selected group for almost 9 years, concentrating on major coronary(冠状动脉病)events, such as heart attacks and strokes. After analysing the data, the researchers found that people who ate about an egg a day had a lower risk of heart disease compared with those who did not eat eggs. According to the data, participants eating one egg daily had lowered the risk of hemorrhagic stroke(出血性中风) by about26% and ischemic heart disease(缺血性心脏病)by 12%.

    1. (1) In the past, doctors warned patients to avoid eating too many eggs because______.
      A . eggs can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease B . eggs contain too much high-quality protein C . eggs have high amounts of cholesterol D . eggs contain nutritional elements
    2. (2) According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
      A . The participants come from different regions of China. B . More than 15%of the participants said they ate about an egg a day. C . All the participants ate chicken eggs D . During the follow-up, the risk of hemorrhagic stroke has been lowered by 30%.
    3. (3) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . An Egg a Day for You and Me B . An Egg a Day to Lower the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease C . An Efficient Cure to Cardiovascular Disease D . An Egg a Day to Cure Heart Disease
