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  • 1. (2019八下·巨野期末) 从方框中选择合适的单词填到相应横线上,使下文通顺。(有的需要变换形式)

    toys    regarded    sleep   memory   crayons  own  childhood   soft  with  yard

        Everyone likes their childhood and wishes to go back there. I also have a wonderful .

        There are many sweet in it and I want to share some you. During my childhood I lived with my family. I have an elder sister and a younger brother and we used to play a game called " sale". It means "selling" old things like old toys, clothes, books, etc. in the front yard and we "bought" it with cards(扑克牌)instead of money. We had so much fun.

        Like other children, I also played a lot with many during my childhood. Children are always crazy about their toys. I two cute toy bears in my childhood and they were my favorite. They felt so and comfortable that I fell with them every night.

        I them as my best friends then and I didn't share them with anyone. Whenever someone touched them, I would cry loudly.

        This is my childhood. Do you have any kind of sweet memories like this?
