当前位置: 初中英语 /仁爱科普版 /七年级上册 /Unit 3 Getting together /Topic 2 What do your parents do?
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仁爱科普版七年级上Unit 3 Getting togeth...

更新时间:2017-03-21 浏览次数:1065 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子。

    1. (1)  (孩子们), welcome to school!

    2. (2) Boys and girls, I'm (高兴的) to meet you!

    3. (3) — Ma Li, please go back to your  (座位).

      — Yes, Mr. Wang.

    4. (4) My (父母)   are at home today.

    5. (5) My sister is 25 years old this year. She is a (医生).

  • 7. 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子。

    1. (1) — Where does your father  (工作)?

      — He teaches in a school.

    2. (2) My mother is a doctor. She works in a  (医院).

    3. (3) — Can you  (给……看) your photos to us?

      — Sure.

    4. (4) Jack's father is a farmer. He works on a (农场).

    5. (5) The man is a driver and he  (驾驶) a bus.

四、 单项选择
  • 13. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。

    1. (1) Mr. Liu has a d, and her name is Liu Hulan.

    2. (2) Cathy is my a. She is an office worker.

    3. (3) There is(有) a big t in our school. The students often read books under (在……下)it.

    4. (4) We have a long s in our home. We can sit(坐) on it.

    5. (5) I don't have a sister, but I have a b.


