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更新时间:2018-01-12 浏览次数:182 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        What's this? It's a white cup. It's Frank's. His 1 name is Miller. You can see a 2 on the cup. 3 are they in the photo? They are Frank 4 his father. His father's name is Eric 5. Frank has many photos. And he likes to put the photos on the 6. Frank's mother has a green cup. Her cup has a photo of her 7 children. Frank and Frank's sister Mary. Mary has a 8cup. Red is her favorite color. On her cup, you can 9her parents, her brother and her. It is a photo of her 10. I think these cups are nice. I want to have a cup with my photo, too.

    A . Chinese B . one C . first D . last      
    A . name B . phone C . photo D . number  
    A . What B . Who C . How D . Where      
    A . and B . but C . too D . so    
    A . White B . Brown C . Smith D . Miller         
    A . pens B . rulers C . cups D . jackets    
    A . five B . four C . three D . two      
    A . red B . black C . blue D . yellow     
    A . see B . look C . say D . have  
    A . friend B . school C . family D . dog       
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


        Hi, I'm Harper Seven Beckham. I'm an English girl. Harper is my first name. Seven is my middle name. Beckham is my last name. Here's my family photo. This is my father David Beckham. That is my mother Victoria Beckham. Those are my brothers Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz.

        My name is Kimi. I am not English. I am Chinese. My father is Lin Zhiying. His English name is Jimmy. My mother is Chen Ruoyi. Her English name is Kelly. My parents are my friends. Oh, Angela and Cindy are my good friends, too.

        Who am I? I am Cindy. My Chinese name is Tian Yucheng. Tian Liang is my father. Ye Yiqian is my mother. Tian Xinchen is my brother.

    1. (1) Harper has ______ brothers.
      A . one B . two C . three D . four   
    2. (2) Who is NOT Kimi's friend?
      A . Angela. B . Kelly. C . Cindy. D . Harper
    3. (3) Which of the following statement(陈述) is right(正确的)?
      A . David Beckham has three children. B . Kimi is an English boy. C . Tian Yucheng's English name is Angela. D . Tian Xinchen is Cindy's brother.
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


        Look at the clothes line in the twins' bedroom. There are some clothes on it.

        You can see a green blouse(衬衫), a yellow skirt(短裙) and a pair of trousers(裤子). The trousers on the clothes line are black. They are not new but clean.  

        Are they Lily's clothes? No. I know they are Lucy's. Lily's clothes are on a clothes tree near one bed in their room. Trousers are brown, her blouse is white and her skirt is blue.

        There is a new hat on the clothes tree, but it's not Lily's. It's Lucy's.

        There are no clothes on the other(另一) bed, and the bed is Lily's.

    1. (1) You can see the following in the bedroom EXCEPT(除了) ______.
      A . a clothes line B . a clothes tree C . two beds D . the twins    
    2. (2) What color are Lucy's trousers? They are _______.
      A . green B . black C . brown D . white
    3. (3) Where is Lucy's hat? It's on _______.
      A . the clothes tree B . the clothes line C . Lily's bed D . her own bed
    4. (4) What is on Lily's bed?
      A . Her skirt. B . Her tree.        C . Her clothes. D . We don't know.  
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


        We use names every day. When we meet a new person, we usually ask him or her about the name first. It's important to learn a person's name. Most people have two names. Some have more names.

        In the USA, most people have a first name, a middle name and a last name. Parents choose the first name and middle name for their babies. There are names for boys and names for girls. For example, John, Peter, Tom and Mike are all names for boys. Elizabeth, Bonnie, Susan and Mary are all girls' names. The last name is the family name.

        All people, places and things have names. Names are important.

    1. (1) What do we usually ask a new person about first?
      A . Age. B . Name. C . E-mail address. D . Phone number.
    2. (2) Parents choose __________ for their babies.
      A . the first name and the last name B . the last name and the middle name C . the last name and the family name D . the first name and the middle name
    3. (3) What can be the names for Mr. Green's three daughters?
      A . Mike, Linda, Susan. B . Tom, Bill, Cathy.     C . Elizabeth, Bonnie, Mary. D . Peter, James, Jack.    
  • 5. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


        Jack is a 13-year-old boy.

        One day, his father asks him, "How many letters are there in the alphabet(字母表)?"

        "24." He says.

        "24?" His father asks loudly, "Are you sure?"

        "Sorry, I don't know." Answers the son.

        "You don't know? You are in school for 7 years and you don't know how many letters there are in the alphabet?" The father is very angry(生气的).

        His son says, "No. But let me ask you a question, dad. You often go to the post office(邮局). Please tell me how many letters there are in the post office."

    1. (1) Jack is a ______.
      A . girl B . teacher C . father D . student
    2. (2) Jack says there are ______ letters in the alphabet.
      A . 13 B . 26 C . 24 D . 7
    3. (3) Letters in the post office mean ______.
      A . 字母 B . 数字 C . 答案 D . 信件 
    4. (4) How is Jim's English?
      A . good B . great C . bad D . nice  
    5. (5) Why is Jack's father angry?
      A . Because Jack's father doesn't know how many letters there are in the alphabet. B . Because Jack doesn't know how many letters there are in the alphabet. C . Because Jack's father doesn't know how many letters there are in the post office. D . Because Jack doesn't know how many letters there are in the post office.
  • 6. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。

    be    , key    , that    , she    , at

    1. (1) Please call Mr. Smith 873526.
    2. (2) It's not my schoolbag. It's .
    3. (3) I found a set of on my way to school.
    4. (4) girls are my sisters.
    5. (5) Where my father and my mother?
  • 7. 根据中文意思填空,完成短文,并注意单词的正确拼写形式。

        Good afternoon, boys and girls. Let  (我们) review what we have learned during the two months. It's not your  (第一) time to learn English, but I  (认为) you learn more this term. With the (帮助) of our teachers, we learn many new words, so we can  (说) the things around us in English. Also, we know how to introduce(介绍) ourselves and our family to friends.  (在……里) Unit 3, we learn to write Lost and Found. My classmate Jim isn't  (整洁的). He puts his things  (到处) in the classroom. So sometimes he can't find his things, like pens, rulers, and  (橡皮). But  (现在) he can write a Lost when he wants to get his things back.

  • 8. 根据①-⑤题的内容,从A-F选项中选择与各题相应的应答语。

    ①A ring is on the floor in the classroom. Is it yours, Grace?

    ②I need my tapes at school. Where are they, Mum?

    ③My baseballs are in my schoolbag. Where are Frank's?

    ④I can't find my school ID card. Who see it? Please call Julia at 128-4378. 

    ⑤Some green pencils are on the sofa. Are they yours, Linda?

    A. I don't know. Ask Frank, please. Do you want to play baseball?

    B. Hello, Julia. I found your school ID card under the desk in the library.

    C. No, they aren't. My pencils are white. I think they are Dale's.

    D. I don't know. Are they on the table? Or are they on your tape player?

    E. No, it's not mine. My ring is in my bookcase in my bedroom.

  • 14. 连词成句,注意标点。
    1. (1) these, yours, books, are(?)
    2. (2) nice, of, family, my, two, are, here, photos(.)
    3. (3) room, in, I, your, know, grandparents', is, it(.)
    4. (4) it, you, can, how, spell(?)
    5. (5) teacher, for, the, please, it, ask(.)
  • 15. 你知道屠呦呦吗?她是第一位获得诺贝尔奖的中国女科学家。请根据下列表格介绍以下她的基本情况,并简单谈谈你对她的评价。50词左右。














