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牛津版(深圳·广州)七下同步试卷Module 1 Unit ...

更新时间:2024-05-07 浏览次数:3 类型:同步测试
  • 1.  阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    In Germany, children go to the kindergarten when they are three years old. They will stay there for three years. What do they do 1 the three years? Do they study maths, German, music or other 2 ? No. During these years in the kindergarten, the children 3 the Police Station and learn how to call the police for 4 . They go to the Fire Station to learn how to 5 the fire and save 6 from the fire. They visit the mayor (市长) to know the mayor and learn about his work. They 7 a tramcar to remember how to get home. They 8 go to the supermarket and buy something in order that they know how to choose things and 9 things. After three years, they have the 10 to live. I think this is just the real basic education.

    A .  at B .  on C .  during
    A .  stories B .  subjects C .  classes
    A .  meet B .  visit C .  watch
    A .  lessons B .  study C .  help
    A .  put out B .  put away C .  put on
    A .  them B .  theirs C .  themselves
    A .  take B .  takes C .  buy
    A .  also B .  both C .  as well
    A .  take B .  spend C .  pay for
    A .  power B .  energy C .  ability
三、根据句意,选用and, but或so填入空白处。
  • 8.  根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。

    Australia is a beautiful country in the world. It is smaller than  (Chinese).

    Australia is big,  there are fewer people there. The population (人口) of Australia is smaller than that of Shanghai.

    Australia is in the south of Earth. So when it is the hot summer in our country, Australia will be the cold winter. The seasons in Australia and in China are quite (difference). Summer in Australia is from December to February, and winter is from July to August. it's spring in our country, it will be autumn in Australia.

    Australia is famous  sheep and kangaroos (袋鼠). They are both popular in Australia.

    You can see kangaroos not only in zoos but also outside the (city) and towns. People call Australia "the country on the back of sheep" because there are a lot of sheep there. After a short drive from any town, you (find) yourself in the middle of white sheep. It's really common for people (see) sheep everywhere.

    Do you know the kangaroo? It has a "bag" on its body. The mother kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroos in the "bag". It looks very (stranger), doesn't it?

  • 9.  完形填空。

    Have you ever tried Beijing dishes? Every year, many 1 chefs (大厨) go to Beijing and bring different ways of cooking to the 2 . It makes Beijing dishes very delicious. One of the most famous food is roast duck. It 3 about 45 minutes to roast the duck. The duck looks wonderful and tastes delicious. To 4 the famous duck, Quanjude Restaurant is the best choice for you. The ducks here are the best in Beijing, and the service is very good 5 . The ducks are kept in cages without moving around so that they will get 6 easily. Then the ducks are roasted (烤) in an oven (烤炉), or hung over the fire until they are done. After that, the cook 7 the duck into 120 pieces and serves the customer. It is not necessary (必要的) to order other soup, because your order has already 8 the duck-bone soup.

    After my four visits 9 Quanjude Restaurant, I find that the service there is always quite good. And the price of the duck is not too 10 . The rooms are clean and the waiters are polite. Why not go there to try some roast duck?

    A .  lucky B .  valuable C .  excellent
    A .  capital B .  country C .  centre
    A .  costs B .  takes C .  spends
    A .  train B .  add C .  enjoy
    A .  as well B .  either C .  also
    A .  fat B .  thin C .  tired
    A .  buys B .  gives C .  cuts
    A .  appeared B .  included (包含) C .  bought
    A .  to B .  for C .  with
    A .  big B .  tall C .  high
  • 15.  请你根据下面的内容提示,写一篇短文。80词左右,可以适当发挥。


    Guangzhou is calling

  • 21.  阅读理解。


    Pyramids (金字塔) are one of the most interesting buildings in the world. There are many pyramids along the Nile River in Egypt. In modern days, people look at them and wonder, "Who built them? Why? When? What is inside?"

    Thousands of years ago, some kings of Egypt built the pyramids. They built them as tombs (坟墓). They thought the pyramids would help people remember them as important persons.

    The oldest pyramid we know today is about 5,000 years old. The largest pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. It is about 144 meters high. It is made of 2,300,000 stones. The stones are very big, and most of them are taller than a person. To build the pyramid of Khufu, about 100,000 men worked for twenty years.

    How did the people build the pyramids? How did they carry and lift up the large stones? Each stone fits with one another so well, but the people didn't have modern machines at all! Scientists have studied the pyramids, but nobody can say how they built them.

    1. (1) The pyramids are in ____.
      A . Egypt B . France C . South Africa D . the US
    2. (2) The kings of Egypt built the pyramids as ____.
      A . houses B . tombs C . schoolsC. palaces
    3. (3) How old is the oldest pyramid we know today?
      A . About 5,000 years. B . More than 100 years. C . About 2,000 years. D . More than 7,000 years.
    4. (4) Which is NOT true about the pyramid of Khufu?
      A . It is the largest pyramid. B . It is about 144 meters high. C . It is made of 2,300,000 stones. D . About 200,000 men built it for twenty years.
    5. (5) In modern days, people don't know ____.
      A . who built the pyramids B . how people built the pyramids C . when people built the pyramids D . why people built the pyramids

