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更新时间:2023-10-30 浏览次数:27 类型:月考试卷
一、阅读,第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  • 1.  阅读理解                                                           

    Yali High School English Musical

    The Lion King

    Date: May 19-20, 2023

    Time: 5:45 pm


    Place: The School Hall


    1. Arrive on time. You can't enter(进入) the hall after the show is on.

    2. Don't eat or drink during the show.

    3. Set your phone to mute(静默的).

    Book the tickets on www. Yali.hn.cn. or call 0731-85532038.

    1. (1) When can students enter the school hall to watch the Musical show?
      A . At 5:50 on May 19. B . At 5:30 on May 19. C . At 5:40 on May 21.
    2. (2) Which of the following is not the way to buy the ticket(票)?
      A . Booking on the Internet. B . Sending(发送) an e-mail. C . Making a call.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    In China, people celebrate(庆祝) the New Year by cleaning their house, making dumplings, or having a big meal with their family. How do people in other countries celebrate their public holiday(公共假期)?


    Wang Jiayue, 12, Singapore


    In Singapore, we have 11 public holidays every year. On some festivals, such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Puasa(开斋节) and Deepavali, which people also call Festival of Lights, we have a two-day break(间歇). On other holidays, we only have one day off. During public holidays, my family and I usually decorate(装饰) our house.

    Jaehyun, 14, South Korea


    A lot of holidays in South Korea are also celebrated in other countries in the world, such as Christmas and New Year's Eve. Chuseok(秋夕) is around September each year. On that day, people celebrate the harvest(收获) in the autumn. It is like the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. We get to eat a lot on that day.

    Wang Yunru, 12, Australia


    Many holidays in Australia have something to do with religion(宗教), such as Easter and Christmas. Our Labor Day(劳动节) is on Oct. 2. We have a day off for Valentine's Day. On that day, some people send cards. We may also go shopping on that day.

    1. (1) What do we know about Chinese New Year in Singapore?
      A . People can have two days off to celebrate it. B . It is also called the Festival of Lights. C . Everyone has to decorate their houses.
    2. (2) What does Chuseok celebrate?
      A . The start of a new year. B . The harvest in autumn. C . The half-moon in September.
    3. (3) According to Wang Yunru, which of the following is not the way to celebrate Valentine's day?
      A . Sending cards to people's lovers. B . Going shopping. C . Eating a lot.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    From mutton(羊肉), fish and chicken to cabbage and potatoes, almost all foods except(除...以外) fruit can be barbecued(烧烤) across China. These days, Zibo's special barbecue has become a must-try of the city. In February this year, some university students went to the city in Shandong province to try barbecue. They took videos of themselves enjoying the food and posted them online. Since then, a lot of students from across the country have started to visit Zibo to try its famous barbecue in groups. After enjoying the barbecue, they also set out to see Zibo's places of interest.

    What makes the Zibo barbecue special? The foods are 70-80 percent cooked and then people bring it to the table. Diners can finish cooking it on their own stoves(火炉) and make their DIY food according to personal(个人的) taste. They are served(服务) with pancakes(煎饼), scallions(大葱) and dressing(调料) so that they can eat in much the same way Peking Duck is eaten.

    The city has opened 21 new bus lines to take visitors to barbecue restaurants. To make more people come, the city has made a rule: visitors between the age of 18 and 35 can get a discount(折

    扣) in some hotels. The city also has a barbecue festival around the May Day holiday. People can visit 10 scenic spots(景点) in the city for free with their train tickets(票) if their final destination(终点) is Zibo.

    1. (1) According to(根据) to paragraph 1, what food can't be barbecued across China?
      A . Watermelon. B . Potatoes. C . Fish.
    2. (2) Why do lots of students start to visit Zibo?
      A . To try its famous barbecue. B . To take videos of the food. C . To visit Zibo's places of interest.
    3. (3) What makes the Zibo barbecue special?
      A . All foods can be barbecued in Zibo. B . People can prepare(准备) their own barbecues. C . People can get good service.
    4. (4) What do the city do to make more people come to Zibo?
      A . Visitors at the age of 20 can live in some hotels for free. B . Visitors can take new bus lines to barbecue restaurants. C . Visitors can enjoy 21 scenic spots for free if their final destination is Zibo.
    5. (5) What's the main idea of the passage?
      A . What makes the Zibo barbecue special. B . What food can be barbecued in Zibo. C . What makes the Zibo barbecue popular.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    On Friday, a group of people mostly made up of young students are joining an exciting festival of Chinese culture(文化) in Kigali.

    The afternoon begins with a kung fu show. Not far from the kung fu show, they gather around

    a Chinese traditional(传统的) clothes show. After that, they enjoy a Chinese drawing show. Dave, a third-year food science student at the University of Rwanda(卢旺达大学), says Chinese clothes are "pretty beautiful". Marie, a science student, says she is impressed(印象深刻的) by the kung fu show.

    Some students are taking Chinese lessons at school and they also help visitors answer questions about Chinese culture. "I'm pleased to tell other students about Chinese culture," says Grace, one of the helpful students. "We are very happy and excited when many people are interested to know more about Chinese culture." Grace also helps to teach Chinese drawing to visitors.

    Kate, a grade seven student, goes with her teacher. She doesn't know much about Chinese culture. "The festival has many interesting things, so we can learn much about Chinese culture" she says. She joins the show when she is free.

    Chinese culture is a treasure(宝藏) that needs to be showed to the world. The host(主办人) thinks it's a great chance to tell the world how good Chinese culture is. And she also believes language and culture sometimes move together, "we wish people around here to join our show so that they can see and feel the experiences."

    1. (1) What is the first show in the festival in Kigali?
      A . a kung fu show B . a Chinese traditional clothes show C . a Chinese drawing show
    2. (2) What do you know about Dave according to paragraph 2?
      A . He is three years old. B . He likes Chinese traditional clothes a lot. C . He is impressed by the kung fu show.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "pleased" in paragraph 3 mean?
      A . relaxed B . happy C . bored
    4. (4) Why does Kate join the festival?
      A . Because the show is free. B . Because her teacher asks her to come. C . Because she wants to know more about China.
    5. (5) What's the best title for this passage?
      A . Great Treasure of Chinese Culture B . An Exciting Festival of Chinese Culture C . Students like Chinese Culture
二、阅读,第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 
  • 5.  阅读下面短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项仅使用一次。

    How's the weather in the north of China now? It's snowing and the weather is really cold in the north of China. In Beijing, people are enjoying the weather in the park. They have different activities to have a great time. You can see many children playing with snow. Some are skating on the river because it's so cold that the water in the river freezes. It's a white world. How beautiful!

    No. We have different seasons in a year. In Australia, it's summer now and the weather is hot and dry. When you go to the beach, there are a lot of people enjoy the sunshine together. They are having a good time. Look at those boys! Jim and his friends are playing soccer near the beach. They want to swim after playing soccer. Friends can always share the happy time.

    Do you like summer or winter? Which country do you want to live? No matter where you are, don't forget to spend your time living a happy life.


    A. Some of them are making snowmen.

    B. It's December now.

    C. Many people are swimming in the sea.

    D. Is it winter in Australia?

    E. The sunny weather is really great for them.

三、阅读,第三节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
  • 6.  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    Thea Stilton is a set of books by Italian(意大利的) writer Elisabetta Dami. The books tell the stories of Thea Stilton, a smart and cool girl. She works as a journalist in city.

    In the first book of the set, Thea goes back to her school to teach how to write news. There, Thea meets five girls and they work out(解决) a mystery(疑案) together. They become best friends and call themselves the Thea Sisters. The Thea Sisters are Nicky, Colette, Paulina, Pamela, and Violet. Nicky is from Australia. She loves the outdoors and is afraid of small spaces. Colette is French and loves fashion. She thinks pink is her lucky color, so her favorite color is pink. Paulina is from Peru and is good with computers. Pamela is African American. She has a way with mechanics(机械) and loves eating hamburgers. Violet is from China and is quiet and shy. They are different but together they can work as a wonderful team.

    The Thea Sisters go on many crazy trips all around the world. But sometimes, they even go out of this world, visiting imaginary kingdoms(虚构的王国) as well.

    The Thea Sisters solve(解决) many mysteries in all kinds of cool places. They travel and live like there is no tomorrow. This is why readers love them so much. From the books we can know that everyone can live a wonderful life. It has nothing to do with wherever you come from, whatever kind of people you are...

    1. (1) What does Thea Stilton do?
    2. (2) How many girls work out the mystery?
    3. (3) What is Violet like?
    4. (4) Why do readers love the Thea Sisters?
    5. (5) Can anyone live a great life according to the books?
四、语言运用,第一节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    A 16-year-old girl from Changsha, Hunan province, successfully 1  the top of Qomolangma(喜马拉雅), known as Mount Everest in the West, 2  Monday morning. She becomes the youngest Chinese girl to do that.

    Xu Zhuoyuan is a first-year high school student at Hunan Normal University Affiliated Middle School. On April 15, she 3  Changsha for Nepal(尼泊尔). On April 21, she starts her 4  from Lukla. On April 28, she arrives at the base camp and starts to 5 . At 10 pm Beijing time on Sunday, Xu is climbing from Camp 4 at 7,950 meters. 6  10-hour climbing, she successfully gets to the top.

    Xu Zhuoyuan's father is the first person from Hunan province to climb Qomolangma. Because of 7 , Xu Zhuoyuan goes to many different mountains when she is very 8 . And she wishes to climb the highest mountain when she is 12. Four years later, her dream comes 9 .

    Xu Zhuoyuan is such a little girl, 10 she thinks a lot. "Human beings are small in the face of nature. We should respect nature and get close to Qomolangma," says Xu Zhuoyuan.

    A .  gets to B .  gets back C .  gets up
    A .  at B .  on C .  in
    A .  leaves B .  stays C .  comes
    A .  study B .  work C .  trip
    A .  practice B .  enjoy C .  visit
    A .  Before B .  In C .  After
    A .  her B .  him C .  them
    A .  happy B .  young C .  old
    A .  true B .  home C .  back
    A .  so B .  because C .  but
五、语言运用,第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 8.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    People all over the world enjoy sports sports are good for people's health and make people strong. Some people like to play games by themselves, but some enjoy (watch) others play sports games. They don't spend money tickets(门票). They usually have "their teams" or "their players". When "their teams" can't win(赢) the game, they (be) sadder than the players themselves. Most (man) favourite sport in summer is swimming and (skate) is usually a winter sport. Sometimes people play games in the room, and sometimes they play outside. Some sports are very (interest) and people everywhere like (they). People from different (country) can't understand each other, but after game they often become good friends.

六、语言运用,第三节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
  • 9.  阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。

    Do you like animals?在世界上有各种各样的动物 Some animals can be trained(被训练) to help humans. For example, some dogs can learn to help blind(盲的) people walk around the town. Some animals can learn how to help people with problems.

    In the nature, animals and humans are not usually friends, but there are a few interesting examples where they can work together. In Africa, birds work with children to find food.The birds like to eat a kind of insect(昆虫) that lives inside a beehive(蜂窝). A lot of honey(蜂蜜) is in it. The birds know how to find beehives but they can't open them and get the grubs. We like to eat

    honey,但是我们不擅长找到它 So the birds and the people help each other. When the people open the beehive and take the honey, they give the grubs to the birds.

    So it's very important for us to be friendly with animals.

  • 10.  假如你是李华,今天你们学校组织了一次春游活动。在公园里,你想写一封信寄给你的好朋友Jenny,和她分享你的喜悦之情。请根据图片内容来写信,内容包括:1. 去公园的交通方式,路上花费的时间。2. 天气情况,大家正在做的事情。3. 你的感受。


    提示:植树plant trees 搭帐篷 set up the tent 望远镜 telescope

    Dear Jenny,

    How's it going with you?


    I'm looking forward to your reply.


    Li Hua

