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更新时间:2023-11-13 浏览次数:24 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  —How cute your cat is! But it keeps touching me with its tail. 

    —It likes you. It's expressing its friendliness.

    A . describing B . producing C . showing
  • 2.  —Your little cousin left us a deep impression with his dancing in your family party. 

    —He loves dancing. I think he is a born dancer. 

    A . memory B . meaning C . symbol
  • 3.  —Do you know how the astronauts in TiangongⅡ space station keep fit

    —It's said that they have to exercise every day, like running and riding a bike.

    A . good and safe B . strong and healthy C . quiet and relaxed
  • 4.  —It is reported that smoking is one of the major causes of death and disease. 

    —That's true. As teenagers, we must stay away from smoking for our health.

    A . reasons B . excuses C . results
  • 5. —It's amazing that the big project was finished by your team in just one week.

    —Yes. We made it though it was difficult. We were all satisfied with the team work. 

    A . relaxed B . frightened C . pleased
  • 6.  —Jason, you look great in your class photo. Do you have your single photo? 

    —Sure, mom. Here is mine. That day we took photos together and then ____. 

    A . separately B . luckily C . simply
  • 7. —What's so exciting on TV, John?

    —Come and join me! Three astronauts are about to ____ into space in Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship. 

    A . take off B . set off C . put off
  • 8. —Did you hear a dog barking all night? I think it's ____ of people to put animals in small spaces.

    —I agree with you. They need large spaces to run free. 

    A . cruel B . careful C . responsible
  • 9. —I ____ why Tommy didn't attend school last week. Do you know the reason?

    —I do. Poor Tommy tested positive for COVID-19 again. 

    A . discover B . wonder C . imagine
  • 10.  —I received a letter of ____ from the restaurant after I called the customer service. 

    —They had to say sorry for serving terrible but expensive food. 

    A . offer B . thanks C . apology
  • 11.  完形填空

    When I walked together with my disabled father, he would rest his hand on my arm. As a result, people would look at us, and I would feel embarrassed (尴尬的) about the unwanted 1

    It was 2 for both of us to keep our steps at the same speed. But when we 3 , he always said, "You set the speed. I will try my best to follow you. "

    Our usual walk was to or from the 4 . That was how he got to work. He 5 missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. When the ground was covered by snow or ice, it was 6 for him to walk, even with help. At such times, my sisters or I would 7 him through the streets on a child's sleigh(雪橇)to the subway station.

    When I think of it now, I am 8  how much courage it must need for a grown man to make himself suffer such indignity(有失尊严). And I also wonder how he did it—without any 9  feelings or complaint. 

    He passed away many years ago, but now I 10  him often. I wonder if he found my embarrassment with him during our walks. I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was. 

    A .  help B .  attention C .  importance D .  information
    A .  pleasant B .  necessary C .  serious D .  difficult
    A .  went away B .  started out C .  got up D .  drove on
    A .  subway B .  school C .  market D .  airport
    A .  hardly B .  always C .  mostly D .  sometimes
    A .  joyful B .  helpful C .  impatient D .  impossible
    A .  see B .  hang C .  pull D .  attract
    A .  worried about B .  surprised at C .  interested in D .  bored with
    A .  bad B .  serious C .  lovely D .  common
    A .  believe in B .  agree with C .  think of D .  play against
  • 12.  阅读单选

    He Jie made history by becoming the first Chinese runner to win a full marathon(马拉松) gold medal in the HONOR·Shenzhen Marathon 2022. It was an international sports event. It started at 7:30 a. m. at the Civic Center in Futian District on February 19th, 2023. The event saw 10,000 full marathon runners (including 300 running groups) from 14 countries and areas. 

    He Jie completed the 42. 195-kilometer full race in 2:13:29. Adula Alemayehu from Ethiopia won the first place in the women's group with a time of 2:34:19.

    "The view is very beautiful along the way and the atmosphere(氛围) is very good," He Jie said. Alemayehu was also pleased with her results. "Shenzhen is a beautiful city and I'm motivated while I'm running. When the volunteers cheered for us along the way, I was full of energy," she said.

    "The atmosphere is cheerful because more people come to support the runners. It's my first time to volunteer in a marathon. It's a new and interesting experience for me," a Russian volunteer Maria told Shenzhen Daily.

    Turk Toprak, a Ph. D. student at Shenzhen University, said the marathon was well organized. "The organizers have really worked to provide a good and safe environment for the runners. "

    Although the HONOR·Shenzhen Marathon 2022 ended, sportsmanship remains and gives people power to move forward. 

    1. (1) What do we know about the HONOR·Shenzhen Marathon 2022 from Paragraph 1?
      A . It was held on February 19th, 2022. B . It was an international sports event. C . More than 300 runners joined in it. D . Every runner finished the full race.
    2. (2) What are Paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly about?
      A . Runners' results and feelings. B . Students' comments and help. C . Organizers' work and support. D . Volunteers' ideas and experiences.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "motivated" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . laughed at B . turned down C . pushed away D . cheered up
    4. (4) Why are Maria and Turk Toprak mentioned by the writer?
      A . To show that a full marathon is popular among foreigners. B . To show that the marathon couldn't take place without them. C . To show that the marathon was a great success in many ways. D . To show that it was very meaningful to watch the amazing game.
    5. (5) In which part of a newspaper can we read this passage?
      A . Sports. B . Nature. C . Technology. D . Education.
  • 13.  阅读单选

    In the digital (数字的) world, it is far more convenient to send a text or email than send a letter. Is the writing style with a traditional pen and paper worth passing on? Is it out of date?Well, some people believe that writing is still useful, so maybe it's not time to throw away your ballpoint or fountain pen yet.

    Nowadays, when people require things in writing, a typed, electronic document(文件) will be mostly accepted. It could be written, saved and sent by email. But making a handwritten document is special. It needs planning and thought, as well as practicing your handwriting. It helps you remember the spelling of words. 

    Some experts believe it is helpful to our brains to write with pen and paper. This is especially true for students. It is because typing notes into a computer doesn't have enough feedback(反馈) to the brain. However, writing with pen and paper does.

    According to BBC Work life website, when taking notes by hand, our brains take part in summarizing, organizing and words building. In other words, it helps train our brains. And handwriting may do good to fine skills in our hands and fingers. 

    Besides, writing down notes, shopping lists, or messages on the back of an envelope can still be useful in our daily lives. A handwritten letter to a friend or loved one may be more meaningful. 

    Katherine Moller, a writer, told the BBC, "In a world where it is so easy to go online to send an email or a fast text, it is so personal and joyful to read a letter from others, because they choose to spend some time with you. "

    1. (1) What does "It" in Paragraph 2 refer(指代) to?
      A . Writing a paper document by hand. B . Sending an email through computers. C . Saving and sending an electronic document. D . Typing an electronic document on a computer.
    2. (2) Why do experts say that using pen and paper is good for our brains?
      A . Because it may give enough feedback to the brain. B . Because writing with pen and paper is fashionable. C . Because typing notes into the computer saves time. D . Because it gives us enough time to do brain exercise.
    3. (3) What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?
      A . The brain only works when we are taking notes. B . Handwriting can train both our brains and hands. C . Experts have different opinions about handwriting. D . Handwriting plays an important role in summarizing.
    4. (4) What can we know from Katherine Moller's words?
      A . Handwriting is more popular in the digital world. B . It's easy and meaningful to send friends a fast text. C . She prefers to read a letter rather than read an email. D . A typed letter is more special than a handwritten one.
    5. (5) Which of the following is the best title for the article?
      A . It is the time to welcome the digital world. B . We cannot get away from the digital world. C . Electronic documents make our lives better. D . Writing on paper will still be quite important.
  • 14.  阅读单选

    In the morning, Dorothy and the Scarecrow(稻草人)found some water, and Dorothy washed. "You have brains, and you can think. That's wonderful. " said the Scarecrow.

    Suddenly, they heard a shout from the trees near the house and they all ran out of the house to look. 

    They saw a man by a big tree, with an axe in his hand. He was made of tin. He stood very still. And he shouted "Help!" again and again.

    "What can I do for you?" asked Dorothy.

    "I can't move," said the Tin Man (锡人). "Please oil me. There's an oil-can in my house. "

    At once Dorothy ran back to the house and found the oil-can. Then she carefully oiled the Tin Man. Slowly, he began to move, first his head, and then his arms and legs. 

    "Thank you," the Tin Man said. "I feel better now. " He put down his axe. "I went out in the rain, you see, and water is very bad for a tin body. By the way, where are you going?"

    Dorothy told him about the Wizard of Oz(奥兹魔法师). "I want to go back to Kansa, and the Scarecrow wants some brains," she said.

    The Tin Man was very interested. "Can the Wizard give me a heart, do you think? I have no heart, so I can't love, or feel. . . I would very much like to have a heart. "

    "Come with us," said the Scarecrow.

    "Yes," said Dorothy. "And then you can ask the Wizard for help, too. "

    So the three friends walked along the yellow brick road. 

    1. (1) Who was the man by a tree, taking an axe in his hand?
      A . Dorothy. B . The Scarecrow. C . The Tin Man. D . The Wizard of Oz.
    2. (2) What do we know from the underlined sentence "He stood very still. "?
      A . He couldn't move. B . He was very quiet. C . He was so helpful. D . He felt quite lonely.
    3. (3) What is the right order of the following events? 

      ①Dorothy oiled the Tin Man carefully. 

      ②The Tin Man thanked Dorothy again and again. 

      ③Dorothy ran back to the house and found the oil can. 

      ④The Tin Man began to move his head, arms and legs. 

      ⑤The Tin Man shouted "Help!"again and again.

      A . ①②③④⑤ B . ⑤③①④② C . ①④⑤③② D . ⑤④①③②
    4. (4) Why did the Scarecrow want some brains?
      A . Because he wanted to move. B . Because he wanted to think. C . Because he wanted to feel. D . Because he wanted to love.
    5. (5) What would probably happen next in the story?
      A . The three friends would live in the Tin Man's house happily ever after. B . The three friends would take their trip to Oz without any difficulty. C . The three friends wouldn't ask the Wizard of Oz for help. D . The three friends would go to visit the Wizard of Oz.
  • 15.  阅读还原6选5

    The popular TV series Meet Yourself show the beauty of some intangible cultural heritages (非物质文化遗产) in Dali, Yunnan province.  

    Wood carving (木刻) 

    Jianchuan wood carving has a history of over 1, 000 years. It has rich culture meanings. The carvings usually use patterns like flowers, plants and dragons.  Each piece of wood carving carries great efforts from the masters. 

    Tie-dyeing (扎染法)

    Tie-dyeing is a traditional dyeing skill.  Now the tie-dyeing has added modern things, producing more products such as clothing and bags, selling at home and abroad. 

    Flower cake 

     It has a history of more than 300 years. Even the Qing Dynasty emperor Qianlong was its big fan. The most special part of the cake is the flower filling. Rose petals (花瓣) are added in the round cake with a golden surface.  

    The traditional skills not only stand for Chinese wisdom, but also add colors to our modern lives. 

    A. Let's take a look at a few things.

    B. It started as early as in the Tang Dynasty. 

    C. Cormorant fishing was widespread during the Ming Dynasty. 

    D. Flower cake is no doubt the most special snack of Yunnan province. 

    E. This type of wood carving is widely used in local people's buildings.

    F. After taking one bite, the pleasant smell of rose spreads around, leaving endless aftertastes. 

  • 16.  下面的材料A—F是六个城市的介绍,请根据Lily、Simon、Jane、Bob和 Alex 的需求选择最适合他们的城市。                                         

      Lily is looking for a study tour to get to know the Egyptian history and culture. 

      Simon is really crazy about Thai food and wants to see famous Thai buildings. 

      Jane plans to practise her English and French during the journey in the summer holiday. 

      Bob is learning Russian, and he wants to experience the Russian culture in his trip. 

      Alex, a big fan of the Terracotta Warriors, loves to visit them when he has the money. 

    A. Mexico City is one of the most important cities in North America. It's famous for its ancient historical sites and western churches.

    B. Xi'an, a big city in northwestern China, not only is the home to the world-famous Terracotta Warriors, but also was the capital city for many times in history.

    C. Cairo is one of the biggest cities in the Middle East. It is an ancient city and a modern metropolis(大都市) as well. It is a good place to explore Egyptian history and culture. 

    D. Quebec is the largest city in Canada in area. Its capital, Quebec city, is the oldest city in Canada. The locals speak both French and English. 

    E. As one of the most popular Asian cities, Bangkok is well known for its nightlife and mouth-watering street food. You can also have a closer look at traditional Thai buildings. 

    F. St. Petersburg is a major historical and cultural centre and an important port. It lies about 400 miles northwest of Moscow. It's the second largest city of Russia.

  • 17.  语法填空

    Jane Eyre is a famous novel(小说)written by Charlotte Brontë, a British writer. It came to the public in 1847. It was thought to be one of the greatest  (work) in the world. 

    When Jane Eyre was little, she lived a terrible life after her parents died. She lived with her aunt and later was sent to a school. In the face of difficulties, she did her best to be strong and  (confidence). 

    Several years later, she found a job  a governess(女家庭教师)at Thornfield Hall. There she  (meet) Edward Rochester, the house owner. After spending time together, Jane fell in love with  (he). Later, Rochester asked Jane to marry(嫁)him. 

    , on their wedding day, Jane discovered that Rochester couldn't marry her because he already had a wife. Jane thought Rochester was not honest, so she left him ( angry).

    After that, Jane was taken care by some good people. One of them was St. John. He gave her job and soon asked her to marry him. John suggested that she join him to travel to India. At the (begin), Jane agreed to leave with him but not as his wife. But when Jane heard a call from Rochester, she left St. John and returned to Thornfield. She found that the house (burn) by Rochester's wife, and she then jumped to her death. Rochester was blinded because he tried to save her from fire.

    Finally, Jane and Rochester got married, and they had a son. 

  • 18. 假如你是阳光中学的学生李华,为帮助贫困山村的学生,你校举办了"Your kindness matters"的主题慈善活动。请你根据以下图文要点提示和要求,写一篇英文短文来介绍此次活动并分享你的感受。

    (1)80 — 100词,开头已给出,不计入总词数内; 


    central square 中心广场;charity sale 义卖 

    In order to help students in poor villages, Sunshine Middle School 

