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更新时间:2023-10-26 浏览次数:20 类型:月考试卷
  • 1.  完形填空

    Mr. and Mrs. Woods owned a cat1 Sugar. Her fur was white like sugar. That is2 she got her name. The cat was sweet like sugar too. She was a pleasant pet. She had a bump(肿块) on one leg, but Mr and Mrs. Woods thought that Sugar was just right.

    The Woods family lived in California. They lived there for a long time. One day they had to move to3 state. It was a long drive to their new home. Sugar did not like to ride in a car. The family did not know4 to do.

    The neighbors who lived next door wanted a cat and said they would keep Sugar. Sugar would not have to move or ride in a car. Everyone thought that would make her happy. The Woods family packed the car. They said5 to Sugar and left.   

    The Woods family moved to Oklahoma, which was far from California. They started a new life and were comfortable, but they often6 their cat. One day Mrs Woods was enjoying the sunshine. A cat came in the open door. The cat was wet and7 , but, under the dirt(污物,泥土), its fur was white. It was white like sugar.

    The cat purred(咕噜叫) softly and jumped into Mrs Woods' arms. Mrs Woods felt she knew the cat, but her cat lived far away. Then she saw something. There was a8 on its leg! The cat was Sugar! The trip9 the cat more than one year. They did not understand how Sugar found them, but they were10 that she did!

    A . likes
    B . called C . like D . calls
    A . when
    B . what C . how D . where
    A . another
    B . other C . others D . the other
    A . how
    B . how much C . why D . what
    A . hello
    B . sorry C . goodbye D . pardon
    A . thought of
    B . remembered C . looked after D . heard from
    A . clean
    B . weak C . dirty D . dry
    A . bump
    B . fur C . sugar D . mouse
    A . caught
    B . took C . spent D . cost
    A . sorry
    B . strange C . glad D . angry
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Dear Jane,

    Yesterday we took a boat to a place called Kangaroo Island. We went very early in the morning. We wanted to have time to see everything.

    Kangaroo Island is a national park and one of the few places in Australia where you can see rare animals living in the wild. We spent the morning watching koalas and kangaroos. We saw the babies coming out of their mothers'; pouches and feeding close by. It was amazing. Later in the day we went on a trip to the Seal Bay(海豹湾). We walked on the beach and saw lots of Australian sea lions. They were swimming, eating fish and enjoying the sunshine! We took a guided tour. Our guide was great. He told us all about the Seal Bay. At night we went to the Penguin Centre(企鹅中心). We saw the penguins come out of the sea to sleep in their burrows.

    We are staying on the Island for three days. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

    See you soon.


    1. (1) How did they go to Kangaroo Island?
      A . They took a boat to Kangaroo Island. B . They took a bus to Kangaroo Island. C . They flew to Kangaroo Island. D . They walked to Kangaroo Island.
    2. (2) What did Mary see in the morning?
      A . Koalas and kangaroos. B . Koalas and seals. C . Koalas and sea lions. D . Seals and sea lions.
    3. (3) What can tourists do in the Seal Bay?
      A . They can swim and eat fish. B . They can see Australian sea lions. C . They can see many penguins. D . They can swim and catch Australian sea lions.
    4. (4) How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the email?
      A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six.
    5. (5) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The Penguin Centre. B . A holiday in Australia. C . A trip to the Sea Bay. D . Rare animals in Australia.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    There are two kinds of animals. There are animals that eat plants. We call these "herbivores". There are also animals that eat meat. We call these "carnivores".

    But plants are the same. They make their food using energy from the sun, don't they?

    Well, most plants do make their own food. But some plants get their nutrients in other ways. The Venus flytrap is a good example of this. It does make its food using energy from the sun. But, as it lives in damp soil, there is not enough water or nitrogen here to help the plant grow. So the Venus flytrap gets its nitrogen by eating insects.

    Each leaf of the Venus flytrap has two parts, joined at the back. There are hairs along the sides of the leaf. When an insect lands on the leaf, the plant feels it and closes fast. It joins its hairs together to hold the insect. The Venus flytrap kills the insect and then eats it.

    The leaves open up to wait for the next insect.

    1. (1) Which of the following belongs to "herbivores"?
      A . Cats. B . Dogs. C . Rabbits. D . Snakes.
    2. (2) What is the Venus flytrap?
      A . It is a kind of fly B . It is a special plant C . It is a kind of nutrient. D . It is a kind of insect
    3. (3) Which of the following shows how the Venus flytrap catches an insect?

      ①The plant kills the insect and eats it.

      ②The two parts of the leaf close fast.

      ③The leaf opens up again.

      ④The hairs along the sides of the leaf hold the insect.

      ⑤An insects lands on a leaf and the plant feels it.

      A . ③⑤④②① B . ⑤④③②① C . ⑤②④①③ D . ⑤④②①③
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "damp" mean in Chinese?
      A . 肥沃的 B . 潮湿的 C . 松软的 D . 坚硬的
    5. (5) We can probably find the passage in a
      A . story book B . science magazine C . history book D . geography book
  • 4.  阅读下面短文,从所给选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整,其中有一项是多余选项。

    John and his family just moved from Mexico(墨西哥) to Canada in December. He missed the warm sun back home and the holidays on the beaches.

    One morning, He quickly dressed up and went into the kitchen. His mother said to him, "John, it snowed last night. There's no school today."

    Everything was covered with a white blanket of snow. Few people were on the streets, and there were no cars on the roads. John pulled on his coat and gloves and ran outside. Then he packed it into a ball and threw it at a tree." Wow!" he shouted happily. It was his first snowball.

     They had a snow fight. John got hit on the face a few times. His face might be black and blue, but he felt excited.and they even agreed to teach him how to sled.

    Playing in the snow was so much fun that John didn't even feel cold.

    A. John looked outside.

    B. Soon his friends came.

    C. John woke up and found it was quiet at home.

    D. He picked up some cold, wet snow.

    E. Some people were sweeping the snow in the street.

    F. Later John's friends taught him to build a snowman

  • 5.  阅读文章并回答问题,每题答案不超过6个词。

    I was on a train in Switzerland. The train came to a stop and the conductor's voice over the loudspeaker delivered a message in German, Italian, and French. I'm made the mistake of not learning any of those languages before my vocation.

    Everyone started getting off the train and an old woman saw that I was confused and stressed. She could speak some English and told me that an accident had happened on the tracks. She asked me where I was trying to get to, then went and talked to some workers, and came back to tell me that we'd have to change trains three or four times to get there.

    I was really glad she was heading the same way because it would have been impossible for me to figure it out on my own. So we went from one train station to the next, getting to know each other along the way.

    She was really the sweetest woman. It was a 2.5-hour journey in total, and when we made it to the final destination, we got off and said our goodbyes. I had made it just in time to catch my train to Rome. She told me she had a train to catch as well. I asked her how much farther she had to go and it turned out that her home was two hours back the other way.

    She had jumped from train to train and travelled the whole way just to make sure that I made it. I was in shock. A woman spent her whole day sitting on trains and taking her hours away from her home just to help out a confused tourist visiting her country.

    No matter how many countries I visit, I'll always say the most beautiful country in the world is Switzerland.

    1. (1) What language could the writer speak?
    2. (2) How long did the old woman spend travelling that day?
    3. (3) Why did the old woman go with the writer together?
    4. (4) What country does the writer say is the most beautiful country in the world?
    5. (5) What do you think of the old woman?
  • 6.  根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,使其意思完整。

    Last weekend I went cwith my dad and my brother, Jim. We took a tent, sleeping bags, flashlights, water and f.

    We arrived at the campsite on Saturday afternoon. There was enough room to build a campfire. Jim and I collected some dry l, small sticks and branches and Dad started a campfire. Then we cooked potatoes and cabbage for our s and had some apple cakes for dessert. Everything tasted d

    Soon it was time to put u the tent. We helped Dad pull the tent out of the bag, b unluckily, we f there were no poles to hold it up." Oh," cried Jim," I must have them left at home." What could we do ? 

    Dad looked up at the starry sky. The night was clear and the air was warm." it's OK," he sto us." We don't even need a tent." He put the sleeping bags on the ground.

    We slept well that night. The sun was shining on us when we woke up the next m. I think it was my best camping trip.

