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更新时间:2023-06-27 浏览次数:62 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 完形填空

    I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one 1 was the most important.

    It happened last term just after I had got a 2 result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence (自信). I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 3.

    The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking 4 a teacher. Instead(相反地), he held up a twenty yuan note!

    "Who wants this?" he asked. Unsurprisingly, 5 of us in the-class put up our hands.

    The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but 6 nothing. Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same 7 a third time.

    I didn't 8 what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didn't know what to do. I wanted the note, 9 I put my hand up again. After a while, he 10 the note and started to laugh. You have all just told me how to become successful." 11 said to us with the note in his hand.

    "The note is worth(值) twenty yuan. It is 12 worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter(无论) 13 happens to you, you still have yours worth."

    When I heard those words, I was deeply moved. Suddenly, I began to 14 I was worth a lot. I may have done badly in an exam, but it doesn't 15 I can't do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful!

    A . classroom B . subject C . class D . school
    A . same B . good C . lucky D . bad
    A . confident B . successful C . famous D . rich
    A . like B . for C . about D . by
    A . both B . neither C . all D . none
    A . said B . bought C . saw D . wanted
    A . student B . teacher C . question D . way
    A . remember B . understand C . see D . find
    A . so B . though C . if D . or
    A . took out B . looked at C . picked up D . put down
    A . you B . he C . she D . they
    A . never B . sometimes C . hardly D . always
    A . when B . who C . what D . how
    A . know B . forget C . dream D . like
    A . know B . mean C . think D . say
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Summer Museums

    The Postal MuseumDate: July 17~23

    Age: 11~13

    Would you like to join us this summer holiday? You can make a stamp with your own design, write and post a postcard, and learn about the history of stamps.

    Tel: 965-0400

    The Air and Space MuseumDate: July 29~30

    Age: 8~11

    If you enjoy programs (节目) about air and space, please come here. It's a good place to make and fly your own paper plane, watch an IMAX movie, and climb into a real plane.

    Tel: 654-0930

    The Science Museum Date: July 7~20

    Age: 9~12

    You can experience video arts and computer technology (技术), play VR games to explore (探索) a future about science. It will be wonderful!

    Have fun!

    Tel: 357-3030

    The Building Museum Date: July 7~20

    Age: 13~15

    Want to enjoy design challenges (挑战)? Come and join us. You can also go on field trips to some famous buildings, and build small houses.

    All the programs are free.

    Tel: 272-0560

    1. (1) If you are interested in the program about video arts, you can phone ________.
      A . 965-0400 B . 357-3030 C . 654-0930 D . 272-0560
    2. (2) A 15-year-old student can take par in the programs at ________.
      A . The Building Museum B . The Air and Space Museum C . The Postal Museum D . The Science Museum
    3. (3) In the Air and Space Museum, you can ________.
      A . make a paper plane B . build a house C . create a stamp D . explore a future city
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Animals grow up in different ways. Some newborn animals are helpless but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is very small. It is only a few centimeters long. It closes its eyes and doesn't have hair. It stays safe in its mother's pouch(育儿袋) for a long time.

    A newborn monkey cannot walk. Its mother carries it everywhere.

    Other baby animals can walk soon after they're born. They learn to run with their mothers when danger is near. A baby zebra can run an hour after it is born.

    Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby wolves are usually born in big holes with little light. Other baby animals are born in the open space. A baby elephant is often born on the open land.

    Animals that drink their mothers' milk are called mammals(哺乳动物). A mother bear's milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months. This is the same with baby zebras. As baby animals grow, they need solid(固体的) food. Baby lions eat what their mother can catch!

    1. (1) Many newborn animals need their mothers' help because the babies can't ________.
      A . walk by themselves B . eat any food C . look after themselves D . drink their mother's milk
    2. (2) A newborn monkey's mother carries it everywhere because ________.
      A . it is very small B . it has no legs C . it closes its eyes D . it can't walk
    3. (3) Baby wolves are usually born in a(an) ________ place.
      A . open B . bright C . noisy D . safe
    4. (4) How many kinds of baby animals are mentioned(提及) in this passage?
      A . Five. B . Six. C . Seven. D . Eight.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Can you imagine(想象) you can fish in your home on a cold winter day? Now we are going to tell you about a special kind of house—ice fishing house. Staying in such a house, you can even do the fishing and watch TV at the same time.

    In North America, many people like fishing on the ice in cold winter. But it's too cold to stay out in winter, so people think of making an ice fishing house. An ice fishing house is set on the ice. The ice must be strong enough to carry it. In the house, people can dig holes in the ice and begin fishing.

    People can have a lot of fun in their ice fishing houses. Some houses look pretty. In the houses, there're enough things for everyday use. Some have a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. After fishing, people can cook the fish and enjoy their dinner. How great!

    Today, most of the ice fishing houses are made of light materials(材料). People can move them "after fishing". Would you like to fish in an ice fishing house? You will like it!

    1. (1) People in ________ like fishing in the ice fishing house.
      A . North England B . North Japan C . North China D . North America
    2. (2) What can't people do in the ice fishing house?
      A . Swim with their friends. B . Dig some holes and fish. C . Watch TV and fish at the same time. D . Cook the fish and enjoy their dinner.
    3. (3) What's the ice fishing house like today?
      A . It has some holes in the wall. B . It is light and you can move it. C . It is made of ice. D . It is strong and heavy.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Fish on a cold winter day B . Ice fishing houses C . Stay out in cold winter D . Enjoy dinner in the ice houses
  • 5. 阅读理解

    It's 9:30 on Sunday morning. What are the students doing in different countries?

    Jet Lee, China

    He's a boy from Shanghai, China. He is busy with his homework at home. And he has to prepare for a test on Monday. He wants to play basketball with his best friend Clark, but he can't. He has a lot of homework to do on Saturday.

    Molly, the United States

    She is 12 years old. She is from Hawaii. Hawaii is famous for best beaches and beautiful scenery. Now she is lying on the beach enjoying the sunshine.

    Becky, Australia

    Now she is taking Jeff, her pet cat, to the hospital, because he is badly sick and needs to see a doctor at once. So she can't go to the movies with her friends

    Joe, Japan

    He is 14 years old. He is playing football with his friends on the playground. He plays it very well. And he is captain of the school football team.

    1. (1) What is Jet Lee doing now?
      He is ________.
      A . lying on the beach. B . playing football. C . doing his homework. D . playing basketball.
    2. (2) Becky can't go to the movies with her friends because ________.
      A . She has much homework B . her cat is ill C . she is badly sick D . her mother is sick
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Jeff is the name of Becky's pet dog. B . Becky is reading an English book on the beach. C . Jet Lee has a test on Monday. D . Joe is captain of the school basketball team.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . How to Make Friends B . How to Relax on Sunday Morning C . Different Students School Life D . Different Activities on Sunday Morning
  • 16. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    about   tell   sound   sport   join

    Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join?

    Bob: I want to join a club.

    Jane: Great! What sports can you play?

    Bob: Soccer.

    Jane: So you can join the soccer club.

    Bob: What you? You're very good at stories. You can join the story telling club.

    Jane: good. But I like to draw, too.

    Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club!

    Jane: OK, let's now!

  • 17. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中词语的正确形式(不超过3个词)。

    Do you know Su Bingtian? He is a famous Chinese (run). He was born in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province August 20th, 1989.

    When he was a child, he liked running. His parents encouraged him to practice (run) and they took him to a local team. It was very hard (win) every race, he never gave up his dream. He kept on exercising and tried his best. In November, 2004, he took part in the regular match for the first time. After that, he got many good grades in all kinds of races.

    In 2015, he won the third place in 9.99 seconds. Su became the (one) Asian man who could finish the 100 meter-race in less than 10 seconds. In 2018, he broke his own record in 9.91 seconds. "I am so (excite). I can write my name in history now. I will work harder and I'm sure I will be able to run (fast)." said Su Bingtian after the race. He kept training hard and finally he made great progress. In 2021, he set a new Asian record in the men's 100-meter dash with a time of 9.83 seconds at the Tokyo Olympics. He has become one of the fastest (man) in the world.

    Su's story shows that dreams can come if you keep on.

  • 18. 最近,你班来了一个新同学。请根据下面所提供的信息介绍她。


    Alice Green















    Alice Green:正在做作业


    There is a new student named Alice Green in our class.

