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更新时间:2023-03-30 浏览次数:53 类型:期末考试
  • 7. 请听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who's Linda?
      A . Bob's sister. B . Bob's cousin. C . Bob's friend.
    2. (2) What can Linda do?
      A . She can sing and dance well. B . She can play the guitar. C . She can make all kinds of food.
    3. (3) When is the talent show in the boy's school this year?
      A . On October, 18th. B . On September 18th. C . On December 18th.
  • 8. 请听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What did the girl think of Beijing?
      A . Boring. B . Not very good. C . Great.
    2. (2) Who did the girl go to Beijing with?
      A . Her friends. B . Her family. C . Her classmates.
    3. (3) What did the girl buy for her grandfather?
      A . A T-shirt. B . A hat. C . A sweater
  • 9. 请听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How often does Bill drink milk?
      A . Every morning. B . Every afternoon. C . Every evening...
    2. (2) Why does Bill drink milk?
      A . Because he likes it very much. B . Because he thinks it is very delicious. C . Because his mother wants him to drink it.
    3. (3) What drink does Betty like?
      A . Milk. B . Orange juice. C . Chinese tea.
    4. (4) What does Bill's father say about Chinese tea?
      A . Chinese tea is very popular in the world. B . Chinese tea is better than any other drink in the world. C . Chinese tea is very expensive.
  • 10. 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。
    1. (1) Where is the supermarket?
      A . It's near Alice's school. B . It's near Alice's home. C . It's near the park.
    2. (2) What does Alice's mother often buy in the supermarket?
      A . vegetables. B . Clothes. C . Books.
    3. (3) What's the price of a pen?
      A . 3 yuan. B . 2 yuan. C . 1 yuan.
    4. (4) When will Alice buy the red bag?
      A . During the Spring Festival. B . When she is in Grade Nine. C . When she is in high school.
    5. (5) Who will help you take the food home?
      A . The robot. B . The teacher. C . The shop workers.
  • 11. 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上,每空一词。

    Information card


    ●Lisa has hair than Julia.

    ●Lisa is quieter than Julia. Lisa often sits on the sofa and says when their parents' friends come to their house.

    ●Lisa likes , drawing and cooking, but Julia enjoys playing .


    ●They both like going and listening to music.

  • 22. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The students do all kinds of1on weekends. Every weekend is quite full for Bob. He has piano lessons2 a week, from 9: 30 to 11: 00 on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Bob really loves piano, and he is also good at3 it. He often takes part in(参加) 4 piano competitions. Nick has to stay at home because he has 5 homework to do. It often 6 him about five hours to do it on weekends. Lucy likes movies. So she 7 goes to the movies with her friends or her parents: And she also likes playing tennis on Sunday afternoon. She thinks it is 8. Jim doesn't think 9 is a good way to spend too much time watching TV, or playing computer games on weekends. He thinks 10 can make him happy. So he goes to learn swing dance. And he can dance well.

    A . programs B . shows C . activities D . sports
    A . twice B . four times C . three times D . once
    A . plays B . play C . playing D . played
    A . same B . different C . early D . funny
    A . many B . much C . few D . little
    A . takes B . costs C . spends D . pays
    A . never B . hardly C . often D . once
    A . exciting B . boring C . easily D . difficult
    A . it B . this C . that D . they
    A . swimming B . dancing C . singing D . cooking
  • 23. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。

    My name is Linda. I'm a fifteen-year-old girl. I have three good friends at school. They are Judy, Alice and Dave. All of us like watching TV. I watch TV three times a week. My favorite TV shows are sitcoms. I think they are very funny and can help me relax. Judy can only watch TV on weekends. She loves talk shows best. She thinks they're educational and she can learn a lot from them. Alice enjoys watching soap operas, because she thinks they're interesting. She watches them four times a week. Dave watches TV every evening. What kind of TV shows does Dave like? He likes the news. He wants to find out what's going on around the world.

    1. (1) Linda has three good friends at school and none of them likes watching TV.
    2. (2) Judy's favorite TV shows are talk shows.
    3. (3) Linda likes sitcoms best because she thinks she can learn a lot from them.
    4. (4) Alice watches soap operas four times a week.
    5. (5) Dave likes watching news because he wants to learn more about the world.
  • 24. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    Seven Stories

    Seven Stories is a great place for your kid's special birthday party.

    Opening time:

    Tuesday ~Saturday: 10: 10 a. m. ~9: 00 p. m.

    Sunday: 10: 00 a. m. ~8: 00 p. m.

    ★To book(预订): a party, please call us at 330-1095 between 10: 00 a. m. and 5: 00 p. m.

    ★Book a party at least three weeks before it.

    ★10 to 20 kids per party.

    ★13 dollars per(每一个)kid.

    ★The price includes(包括) the room, the party host and food for every kid.

    1. (1) Seven Stories is _______.
      A . a bookshop B . a storybook C . a place to read stories D . a place to have birthday parties
    2. (2) You can make a call to book a birthday party at _________.
      A . 8: 30 a. m. B . 9: 30 a. m. C . 11: 00 a. m. D . 6: 30 p. m.
    3. (3) If Kate's birthday is on December 25th, her family should book the party on _______.
      A . December 3rd B . December 9th C . December 15th D . December 22nd
    4. (4) If Mr. Hunt wants to book a party for 12 kids, how much should he pay?
      A . $120. B . $156. C . $170. D . $221.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Seven Stories is closed every Tuesday. B . The number of the kids at the party should be less than 15. C . People can book a party by calling. D . Seven Stories is closed earlier on Saturdays than on Sundays.
  • 25. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    Once, two mice went into a dairy(乳品店). As they were looking for something to eat, they fell into a large jar(缸) full of milk. They did not know how to swim. Soon they started drowning(下沉). Both of them tried their best to stay above the milk. One of the mice said, "Friend, I think we are going to drown. No one can help us now, I wish God(上帝)would send someone to help us!" The other mouse said aloud, "Don't be afraid, my friend. We must not lose heart. We must keep trying. "But a few minutes later, the first mouse gave up hope. He did not try and so he drowned. The other mouse saw his friend drowning in the milk and felt very sorry. Yet he kept moving his own legs to try to keep afloat(漂浮的). Finally the mouse climbed out safely.

    The mouse realized that God helps those who help themselves.

    1. (1) The two mice _______.
      A . could swim B . fell into a pool C . were playing D . were looking for food
    2. (2) The first mouse began to drown early because
      A . he was too hungry. B . he was heavier than the second one. C . he did not keep trying. D . he was not well before he fell into the jar.
    3. (3) What did the other mouse do at last?
      A . He drowned in the milk. B . He climbed out of the jar. C . He gave up hope. D . He helped his friend.
    4. (4) The underlined word-realized means "________" in Chinese..
      A . 帮助 B . 依靠 C . 认识到 D . 重复
    5. (5) The passage mainly tells us _______.
      A . God helps those who help themselves. B . Mice can help themselves. C . God would send someone to help us. D . We should believe God.
  • 26. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    Everyone knows that we should eat clean food. Many people think it's important and good for health to wash the food before cooking it. However, for some food like eggs, washing can do more harm(害处),

    People like to wash the shell (壳) before they cook the egg. They want to make sure there's no dirt or germs (细菌) on the egg. But they don't need to do this.

    There is a coating (涂层) on the shell of the egg. The coating can help keep the egg away from germs. When factories do the cleaning work, they wash away the coating and put a kind of special thing on the egg shell. It is there to keep germs from coming inside the egg.

    "Of course, there are germs on the egg but by washing it you make it worse. The egg shell is porous(可渗透的), " says health expert Amy Leigh Mercree. "And this can happen more easily when you use cold water or running water."

    "So don't wash eggs -- save yourself some time and keep the germs where they are." Mercree says.

    1. (1) For many people, washing food before cooking is usually _______.
      A . difficult B . easy C . bad D . important
    2. (2) What is the third paragraph about?
      A . How to cook eggs well. B . Why it's better to buy eggs from farmers. C . How to put a kind of special thing on the egg shell. D . Why there is no need to wash eggs.
    3. (3) In the third paragraph, what does the underlined: "It" refer to (指代)?
      A . the egg shell B . a kind of special thing C the egg. D. the coating
    4. (4) What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?
      A . Germs will go inside the eggs easily when people wash eggs with cold water. B . There is a kind of special thing all over the coating of the egg. C . People don't have to wash the egg because of its coating. D . Factories use something special to keep eggs away from germs.
    5. (5) Mercree thinks that _______.
      A . There won't be germs on the egg shells. B . The egg shells get broken easily. C . Germs are inside the eggs. D . Not washing eggs can save your time.
  • 27. 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。

    A. What do you want to be?

    B. of course I do.

    C. Great. I will be proud of you.

    D. It seems that you'll enjoy your work

    E. I am thinking about becoming a guide.

    (David and Tina are talking about what they are going to do in the future.)

    Tina: What are you going to do after leaving school?

    David: I like to visit different places.

    Tina: Do you like traveling?


    Tina: That's good. You are good at spoken, English.

    David: Really? I'm trying to learn it better.

    Tina: I want to be a PE teacher. 1 like playing all kinds of games with children.


    Tina: I hope my students will like me.

    David: Good luck!

  • 38. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,并将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。

    hobbies  something  myself  so  outgoing  weekly  watch  a  during  learned

    Hi, everybody! I am Greg. I am more than my sister and have many. For me, there are lots of things to do the holiday. This holiday, I plan to some exciting game shows. There are two wonderful game shows on CCTV5. I won't miss them. Then I think I should study computer science to improve . Last vacation, I painting, and it was fun. I also enjoy making nice to eat, I will try to make some fruit milk shake. I believe I will have good time this vacation.

  • 39. 假设你叫迈克,你的好朋友杰克邀请你这个周末参观他的农场,但是你不能接受邀请,请你根据以下内容提示,给他发一封电子邮件说明原因。










    Dear Jack,

    Thank you for asking me to visit your farm. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't.




