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更新时间:2022-12-06 浏览次数:77 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Whose talk will be held today?
      A . Mr. White's. B . Mr. Smith's. C . Mr. Black's.
    2. (2) How much does the man pay?
      A . $28. B . $36. C . $40.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman want to do?
      A . To save some money. B . To take out some money. C . To exchange some money.
    2. (2) Where is the bank?
      A . Next to a bookstore. B . Next to a supermarket. C . Across from a supermarket.
    3. (3) How many times has the woman visited New York before?
      A . None. B . Once. C . Twice.
  • 8. 听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。
    1. (1) Where is Lily?
      A . On a plane. B . On a train. C . On a boat.
    2. (2) Why is Lily going abroad?
      A . To visit her friend. B . To study. C . To travel.
    3. (3) Who saw Lily off at the airport?
      A . Her family and friends. B . Her classmates and friends. C . Her teachers and classmates.
    4. (4) How long is Lily's journey?
      A . 3 hours. B . 4 hours. C . 7 hours.
    5. (5) Which country is Lily going to?
      A . USA B . UK C . Not mentioned.
四、完形填空<b> </b>(本题有15小题,共15分)
  • 9. 完形填空

    My sisters and I recently returned from visiting our beloved parents in Florida. For six days, we spent about six hours on the beach. We took the beach1—it's almost a full-time job! Though, we really2ourselves there.

    I usually read books on the beach while my mom and sisters enjoyed 3shells (贝壳). This time they filled their pockets and bags with seashells, and then took them home. They meant to4all kinds of things out of the seashells to sell. On the last day of our trip, I joined the family 5of collecting shells too. I grabbed handfuls of (一把) sand and picked out shell treasures. Having 6so many shell handicrafts (手工艺品) made by my mom and sisters before, I used to take shells for granted (理所当然). But I couldn't help but feel 7at the shells in Florida. Some were big and in different 8while some were no bigger than a nail, which was unbelievable.

    Many people know there's a beach full of 9in Western Australia, which is over 74 miles long! It's called Shell Beach. But nobody exactly knows10seashell species (品种) there are on the beach: 11, as many as 200,000 different kinds. However, very few of the shells have pearls (珍珠) in them. 12The Science Network, "A finished pearl takes 15 to 20 years to make, which13why a ton of shells might produce as few as three pearls. The probabilities (概率) of them being14pearls are, exactly, one in a million. "

    I was lost in thought. The chances of finding a pearl in a shell are more than one in a million. Compared with shells, 15isn't so hard. The shells with pearls are valued by people and so is the person who gets to the top. So try to be a pearl on the beach!

    A . patiently B . nervously C . seriously D . happily
    A . trained B . improved C . believed D . enjoyed
    A . collecting B . touching C . watching D . painting
    A . connect B . buy C . mix D . make
    A . relaxation B . business C . vacation D . relation
    A . seen B . described C . lost D . imagined
    A . bored B . upset C . strange D . surprised
    A . copies B . shapes C . sizes D . names
    A . seats B . stones C . sands D . shells
    A . how often B . how far C . how many D . how long
    A . instead B . perhaps C . still D . sometimes
    A . According to B . As for C . Because of D . Such as
    A . means B . suggests C . wonders D . explains
    A . normal B . common C . perfect D . similar
    A . changing B . succeeding C . growing D . falling
五、阅读理解 (本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
  • 10. 阅读理解

    When winter comes, it seems that everyone looks forward to seeing snow. How much do you know about snow? Let's learn some fun facts about it!

    What is the  ▲  of a snowflake? 

    A diameter of a snowflake is≥2mm.

    One cubic meter of snow includes 6 to 8 billion snowflakes.

    As for the snow in the northern and southern part of China, which is heavier?

    The same amount of snowfall may cover an area differently in northern and southern China because the snow in the northern part of China is loose while the snow in the southern part is tight.

    Is snow always white? Snow is not actually white but clear. It looks white because of the way the light reflects off of the ice crystals. However, it is made of water. Large amounts of frozen water really are pale blue, so a lot of snow, will show this blue color. But white and blue are not the only colors of snow or ice. Algae can grow on snow, making it appear more red.

    1. (1) Which word can be put in    ▲    in the passage?
      A . size B . taste C . color D . shape
    2. (2) According to the passage, the snow _________.
      A . will show white color in dark places B . sometimes looks red with algae on it C . is heavier in the north than in the south D . it is looser in the south than in the north
    3. (3) We may find this passage in the__________part of a magazine.  
      A . art B . health C . culture D . science
  • 11. 阅读理解

    When I was little, I was really little. But my dream was big. I dreamed of being a basketball player. I tried out for the teams at school, but I was never given a chance.

    As I got older, I did grow a little bigger, but not a lot bigger. On my 12th birthday, I decided to try a new sport: running. I told Grandpa. "I'm going to be an athlete."

    "Dave." Grandpa began gently, "if you can't be big, you can do something big."

    I ran 12 miles on my 12th birthday. On my 13th birthday, I did it again, but I added an extra mile. On my 14th birthday, I ran 14 miles. 15 on my 15th, 16 on my 16th, and you guessed it—17 miles on my 17th birthday.

    All this running inspired (激发) another big dream. Someday, I'd run the Boston Marathon (波士顿马拉松赛). I told Grandpa about my decision.

    "But, Dave, you haven't trained for the marathon. Are you sure you're ready?" Grandpa asked. But he still promised to walk over and cheer me on.

    I ran fast that day. But I fell at Mile 18 and was driven to the hospital. Later that night, I called Grandpa and told him I failed.

    "No," he said calmly, "you didn't fail. You discovered something. "

    "I did?" I asked.

    "Yes, you discovered that big dreams don't just come true. They take work. If you train and work hard, I promise to wait for you next year and cheer you on. "

    I trained every day, running miles and miles. Sadly, just two months into my training, Grandpa died. He wouldn't be waiting for my second Boston Marathon. I decided I'd run for him.

    That day, I ran fast. "Keep going! You can do it!" His words filled my head as I forced my legs to make each painful step. As I crossed the finish line, I threw my arms in the air and cried, "Grandpa, we did it!"

    1. (1) Why did Dave fail to join the school basketball team?
      A . He didn't train well. B . He was too young. C . He was not tall enough. D . He wasn't a quick learner.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph A refer to?
      A . Adding one more mile. B . Running on his birthday. C . Training for the marathon. D . Trying out for the basketball team.
    3. (3) Which of the following words best describes Grandpa?
      A . Creative. B . Modest. C . Generous. D . Encouraging.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Dream Big B . The Boston Marathon C . Think Twice D . The Story of Grandpa
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Did you know that vocabulary (词汇) is more important than grammar? If you have good vocabulary, you can communicate successfully, even if the grammar is not completely perfect.

    However, one common problem is learning new words and then forgetting them. So when you want to use a new word in a conversation, you can't remember it at that moment. Does this often happen to you? The reason for this difficulty is that most students try to learn vocabulary by studying lists and dictionaries and remembering the words. But it may not work if you don't have a very good memory.

    The best way to learn vocabulary and remember the words successfully, is to learn new words and use them at once. You can do this with a very simple exercise. Every time you learn a new word, for example, from an English lesson or an article, write it down in your vocabulary notebook. Writing is more active than just reading a definition (释义). You should write the word, the definition in English or translation, one example sentence from the article or dictionary and one example sentence that you create.

    Imagine you just learn the word "generous", write in your vocabulary notebook: generous (adjective), definition—giving or willing to give freely. Example one, from the article: Thanks for paying for my dinner, you're very generous. Example two, my example: My brother is generous because he volunteers at the animal shelter on weekends. It's best if your example sentences are true to your life, because this creates a personal connection with the new word. The next day, read your vocabulary notebook again and try to add one more example sentence using the new word. It's helpful for you to remember it. These two simple steps—writing the word and using it at once—help you remember and use new words.

    Do you have a vocabulary notebook? If not, start now.

    1. (1) What is the common problem while learning vocabulary?
      A . We can't pronounce them. B . We don't know how to use them. C . It's easy to forget them. D . We don't have a good memory.
    2. (2) What's the correct order of the following steps of taking vocabulary notes?

      ①Make your own example sentence

      ②Write the word, its English definition or translation.

      ③Copy an example sentence from the article or dictionary.

      ④Read your notebook again and add one more example sentence.

      A . ②③①④ B . ②③④① C . ③④②① D . ③②①④
    3. (3) How can we make the best example sentences according to the writer?
      A . By asking for help from friends. B . By explaining words' definitions. C . By connecting them with our life. D . By adding words from the article.
    4. (4) The purpose of the passage is to      ▲     .
      A . give tips for translating words B . share advise on using grammar C . improve abilities of creating examples D . introduce ways of learning new words
  • 13. 阅读理解

    You might have seen beautiful rainbows in the sky before. They form when sunlight falls on water drops in the air. But in fact, moonlight can also create rainbows in the same way. They are called "moonbows". They are similar to rainbows, but they are created by moonlight instead of direct sunlight.

    Moonbows are less common than rainbows. Different weather and astronomical (天文学的) conditions have to be just right for moonbows to be created.

    The moon has to be very low in the sky-only 42 degrees from the horizon (地平线). The moon period has to be a full moon or nearly full. The sky must be very dark for a moonbow to be watched clearly-any bright light can obscure it. Water drops must appear in the air in the opposite direction of the moon.

    Moonbows appear on the opposite side of the moon and usually look white to the human eye. This is because their colors are not bright enough to be noticed by the human eye. It is possible, however, to view the colors in a moonbow using long exposure (长时间曝光) photography.

    Moonbows more often appear in some locations around the world. Most of these locations usually have waterfalls, which create thin fog in the air. Some of these locations are the Yosemite National Park in California and Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in Kentucky, US; Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe; and Waimea in Hawaii, US.

    Moonbows do really happen. So at a certain time and a certain place, when a moonbow happens to appear, you can't miss it if you're right there.

    1. (1) According to the first two paragraphs, moonbows are   ▲    .
      A . created by sunlight B . much easier to find C . seen during the day D . more difficult to form
    2. (2) Which of the following can be the conditions for a moonbow to form?
      A . A half moon hangs high in the bright sky.     B . A full moon is 50 degrees from the horizon. C . A nearly full moon hangs low in the dark sky. D . Water drops are in the opposite direction of the sun.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "obscure" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . cover B . drop C . connect D . produce
    4. (4) What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
      A . Conditions of moonbows. B . Background of moonbows. C . Locations of moonbows. D . Development of moonbows.
六、词汇运用 (本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分)
  • 14. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    instead of  invent   dig   silent   you

    1. (1) Please help to the chocolate, children.
    2. (2) There were four famous in ancient China.
    3. (3) The little cat walked to catch the smart mouse.
    4. (4) Little John a hole in the garden while his mother was washing clothes.
    5. (5) We can get up and move every twenty minutes sitting to keep healthy.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词

    Last week my brother and I took a trip to visit friends and go skiing. During my time as a (士兵), I had flown over these huge mountains many times. However, I never visited them at ground level until last week.

    The first day we went skiing, we drove into the mountains and soon followed the (小溪)along the sides of mountains to the ski places. There we (停放) our car. I put on my skis and went ahead to the lift.

    As I rode the lift even high up the mountain, I watched the people (在下面) move along the snow. At the top of the lift everything was so (惊人的). I (逗留)on the mountain top for half an hour, which was circled by more snow-covered mountains-it seemed that I had moved into a postcard. I took a moment to reflect on the (大自然的) beauty around me. It was (实在, 的确) valuable, not strong, and easily broken!

    Now, I'm back home thinking about the things which I experienced in person on that mountain top. I (意识到) how important the environment protecting is! If not, the same beauty will probably be (消失的) some day. So it's necessary to take steps together to make our future much better.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Dolphins(海豚) are not fish. They are mammals(哺乳动物). They live in groups and speak to each other in their own language. But they aren't the same as almost all land animals. Their brains are as big as men's and they live a long life at (little) 20 or 30 years.

    Like some animals, dolphins use some sounds to help them find their ways around. They also use sounds to talk to each other and to help them find food. They don't use their ears to receive sounds, use the laws(下颚).

    is strange that dolphins are friendly to men. For (thousand) of years, there are many stories about dolphins and men. In the (nineteen) century, in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand, there was a dolphin. The seamen liked him so much that they gave him a very good name, Jack. 1871 to 1903, Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way. In 1903, a passenger on boat with the name of "The Penguin" shot and hurt Jack. (luck), the dolphin didn't die, and after a long time he was well again. He guided the ships through the area for nine more years, but to people's surprise, he refused (help) the boat "The Penguin".

    Today, although dolphins (kill) by some people, more people in the world protect them from killing.

  • 17. 阅读下面短文,根据所给信息,完成组织结构图。每空不得超过三个词

    Have you ever compared your handwriting with your friends' to see how different it is? Like fingerprints, no two people share the same handwriting. Your handwriting can actually say a lot about what kind of person you are. Try writing out a sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Then see what your handwriting says about you.

    Size of your handwriting

    Did you know that the size of your handwriting can represent the level of your self-respect and self-awareness(自我意识)? Large handwriting may show that you're easy to get along with and you want to be noticed by others. On the other hand, small handwriting may mean that you're shy and careful, and always pay attention to details. Medium-sized handwriting shows that you can get used to a new environment easily.

    Spacing between words

    Do you leave a large space between your words when you write? According to a study, the distance between two words can show how close or how far you feel towards others. If you write with wide spacing between your words, it may mean that you enjoy your freedom. On the other hand, people leaving narrow spacing between words may like staying with others.

    Slant(倾斜) of the words

    Did you know that the slant in your handwriting can tell how you treat people and things around you? Slanting to the right means you welcome or accept new ideas easily. And you consider your friends and family are more important than anything else. While slanting to the left may show that you think deeply about your own thoughts, feelings or behaviors. And you like to work behind the scenes better. If you write without slanting at all, you may be practical.

    Although the handwriting analyses(分析) are not always true, we can read them for fun. What matters most is you should write carefully.


    Different people have different handwriting. Your handwriting can actually say a lot about your personal qualities.



    The size of handwriting can stand for the level of self-respect and self-awareness you have.

    Large: You are easygoing.

    You want to make other people notice you.

    Small: You are shy and do things carefully.

    You always pay attention to details.

    Medium-sized: It is for you to get used to new environment.


    The distance between two words can show how you feel towards .

    Wide:  with wide spacing means you enjoy being free.

    Narrow: You dislike being alone.


    The slant of the words can show how you treat what's around you.

    Right: You are open to new ideas.

    You think your friends and family are the important in your heart.

    Left: You think twice before doing anything.

    You like to work behind the scenes.

    Straight: You may be practical.


    You can know the relationship between your handwriting and personality. Though it is not always true, just write carefully.

  • 18. 当前,随着网络的发展,许多学生沉溺于智能手机(smart phones)。针对这一现象,学校将组织开展一次"拒绝手机诱惑,健康学习生活"的演讲活动。请你根据下面的提示用英语写一篇演讲稿参加学校的"英语活动周"活动。



    spend much time playing games, feel sleepy in class


    be bad for eyes, be harmful to study


    keep away from smart phones, communicate with families more……





    Girls and boys,

    With the development of the Internet, plenty of students have smart phones.


    That's all. Thank you!

