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更新时间:2022-08-16 浏览次数:45 类型:开学考试
  • 11. 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。

    A group of boys got together around a tree. "What a tall tree!" they said to each other. "It would be 1 to climb to the top!"

    The boys then decided to play a game to see who could climb to the top of the tree first. Their 2 were sitting not far away, looking at their children as they played.

    One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was the shortest child in the group. 3 thought he would win the game.

    Then the game 4. All of the boys tried their best to climb as high as they could.  Although they all made it halfway up the tree before David did, David reached the top of the tree fastest in the end.

    His mother was 5 to see this. She asked him, "David, how did you reach the top of the tree so 6?" "It was easy," David said. "The other children kept 7 as they climbed. When they realized how high they were, they got 8 and were afraid of falling off. I, 9, looked up only. When I saw how close I was, I kept going higher and higher until I reached the top." It is true in life that if we just keep going forward(向前) without looking back, we are more likely to(可能的) 10 .

    A . easy B . boring C . exciting
    A . friends B . mothers C . teachers
    A . Nobody B . Everybody C . Somebody
    A . started B . stopped C . finished
    A . angry B . surprised C . sad
    A . slowly B . quickly C . difficultly
    A . looking up B . looking around C . looking down
    A . excited B . bored C . scared
    A . but B . so C . however
    A . lose our way B . reach our goals (目标) C . enjoy our life
  • 12. 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。

    Cook Wanted

    Cook for Changsha Restaurant, some evening and weekend work.

    All meals are free.

    Call 2380800

    House for sale

    ¥240,000,built in 2010

    The house with 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen. It's on the south side of the city.

    Call 2765893

    John's Special Concert

    Time: 3:00 pm, July 3,2019

    Place: People's Hall

    Ticket Price: ¥80 for adults ¥40 for students

    1. (1) If you want to be a cook, you may call________.
      A . 2380800 B . 2765893 C . 2388800
    2. (2) If you buy the house, you ________.
      A . will pay220, 000 yuan for it  B . will have two bathrooms  C . may live on the south side of the city  
    3. (3) Tim and Bill are middle school students, how much will they pay when they go to the concert?
      A . ¥40 B . ¥60 C . ¥80
  • 13. 阅读理解


    Name: Ronda Rousey

    Country: America

    Looks: Big bright eyes, long curly hair, of medium height

    Job: Sportswoman

    Name: Oprah Winfrey

    Country: America

    Looks: Big eyes, long curly hair, tall and a little fat

    Job: Actress

    Name: Marissa Mayer

    Country: America

    Looks: Big eyes, long straight hair, tall and thin

    Job: CEO

    1. (1) Both Ronda Rousey and Oprah Winfrey have _______.
      A . bright eyes B . curly hair C . straight hair
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Ronda Rousey likes working as an actress. B . The three people come from different countries. C . Oprah Winfrey and Marissa Mayer are tall.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    There are many rules for me at home.

    ●At 6:30 a.m., my mom says, "Get up now and read English aloud (大声地)!" Later, my dad shouts, "Don't walk around when you brush your teeth! It's bad for your teeth."

    ●At lunch. Dad: "Don't watch TV when you have lunch! It's bad for your eyes!" Mum: "Go to bed and take a nap (打个盹儿)! It's good for your study."

    ●After school. Mom: "Wash your hands before dinner." Dad: "Don't listen to music when you do homework. It's difficult for you to focus on your study."

    I feel lucky to have these rules because I know my parents care about (关心) me. And I can follow the rules most of the time.

    But I can't follow them all the time. For example, I like listening to music. I can't listen to it in class, so why can't I enjoy it at home?

    1. (1) What's dad's rule in the morning?
      A . Get up now and read English aloud. B . Don't listen to music when I do homework. C . Don't walk around when I brush my teeth.
    2. (2) Why does mom want me to take a nap after lunch?
      A . Because it's good for my eyes. B . Because it's good for my study. C . Because it's not difficult.
    3. (3) The underlined word "focus on" in this passage means "__________" in Chinese.
      A . 专注 B . 依赖 C . 放弃
    4. (4) Why are there so many rules for me at home?
      A . Because my parents are very strict. B . Because my parents care about me. C . Because I don't follow the rules.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The writer feels unlucky to follow the rules. B . The writer doesn't always follow the rules. C . The writer doesn't want to enjoy music in class or at home.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. In the morning, the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later, black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day.

    In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they may take warm clothes with them.

    When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella with them on a sunny morning, but don't laugh at(嘲笑) them. If you don't take it with you, you may regret (后悔) later in the day.

    1. (1) Why do people in England often talk about the weather?
      A . Because the weather in England changes a lot. B . Because they have nothing else to talk about. C . Because the weather is warm just like in spring.
    2. (2) From the passage, we can know that ______ in England.
      A . it often rains. B . it often snows. C . there is often a strong wind.
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" refers to(指的是) ____ .
      A . a bag B . an umbrella C . a hat
    4. (4) Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text? 
      A . Sometimes the weather is hot in winter in England just like in summer. B . There are four seasons in a month in England. C . English people seldom (很少) take some warm clothes when they go out.
    5. (5) The best title (标题)for this passage is ________.
      A . Strange English People B . Summer or Winter C . The Weather in England
  • 16. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    Because of the novel corona-virus outbreak (新型冠状病毒的爆发), you may have to stay at home to protect yourself from being infected (感染). Here are a few ideas that can bring a little fun back into our life.

    One important thing is to keep in touch with other family members and your friends over the telephone or WeChat. Tell them how much you care about them and share some good things with them. Try to keep active. It's not good to sit down all day. Stretching (拉伸), sit-ups and push-ups (俯卧撑) are all easy exercises to do at home.

    You can try your hand at making noodles, preparing meat and vegetables for homemade hot pot, or baking a piece of pizza or some cookies. Believe me, you may surprise yourself.

    Use the time to learn a new skill or develop your hobby. There are many online apps that can help you learn something you like. So take some time for yourself and learn something new.

    Of course, there are many other things we can do to make our life interesting, aren't there?

    A. Prepare (准备) meals for your parents.

    B. You can try some indoor exercises.

    C. You can enjoy music and exercise at the same time.

    D. Just staying at home can be boring and is not good for our health.

    E. But remember that you shouldn't spend too much time on the Internet.

  • 17. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

    Today, plastic garbage (塑料垃圾) is a big problem around the world. Every year, people make about 300,000,000 tons garbage. And the number is getting bigger these years. To save our earth (地球), many countries start to do something useful.

    In Ambikapur, a city in India, there is a special restaurant. It's a "garbage cafe". People don't need to pay money for their food, but they need to take some plastic garbage there. If you have one kilogram of plastic garbage, you can have a great dinner or lunch there. The breakfast is cheaper — you can have it for a half of that number. This way can not only make people like to collect the garbage in their daily life, but also make the people with no homes have a warm place to eat healthy food.

    Where does the plastic garbage go in the end? Don't worry. The city will get the plastic garbage together, and use it to build (修建) roads. The roads with plastic are strong and people can use them for a long time. Now, there are some roads made from the plastic garbage in Ambikapur. And with the help of the new ideas, the city will build more such roads.

    Now some other countries also like the "garbage cafe". They think it can keep the city clean and also make people healthy.

    1. (1) Is the number of the plastic garbage growing these years?
    2. (2) Why is the restaurant special?
    3. (3) How much plastic garbage do you need to take for a breakfast?
    4. (4) What do people use the garbage to do in the end?
    5. (5) What do other countries think of the "garbage cafe"?
  • 18. 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。

    Dear Jane,

    How's it going? How's the weather in Europe? It's sunny and very hot here. My phone isn't working, . 所以我正在写信给你。

    These days, because of COVID-19, we have to study for six days a week. So we are very tired. But my parents make a lot of study rules for me. At 6:00, I must get up and make my bed. Then I practice running. After that I have a good breakfast. I have to get to school at 7:20. I have lunch at school. In the evening, 我必须准时完成我的家庭作业。Then I have to practice playing volleyball. At 10:00, I should go to bed. Every day I spend much time studying and doing my homework. On Sundays, I have to practice playing the guitar. Rules, rules, rules. It's terrible! But I must follow the rules. What can I do, Jane?


    Li Hua

  • 19. 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。

    A: Tim, you're back! ?

    B: It was so much fun.

    A: I heard you went on a vacation to Thailand. Tell us about Thailand, Tim.

    B: It is a beautiful place! But it's very crowded (拥挤的) at this time of the year.

    A: You're right. August is the tourist season (观光季节)!


    B: I visited the Phuket Island and did snorkeling(浮潜) there.

    A: Wonderful! ?

    B: It was sunny there.

    A: Sounds great! ?

    B: Sure. I bought some lovely gifts and this postcard is for you.

    A: Really? It's very nice of you. I love this postcard. Thanks a lot.

    B: .

  • 20. 假如你是李明,在暑假跟家人一起去了张家界旅游。请根据下列信息,写一则英语作文。














    I went to Zhangjiajie with my family during the summer vacation.

