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更新时间:2022-08-17 浏览次数:45 类型:月考试卷
  • 13. 听独白,回答问题
    1. (1) Mike lost a __________ coat.
      A . black B . white C . red
    2. (2) Mike's telephone number is __________.
      A . 342-7786 B . 324-7786 C . 324-7768
    3. (3) __________ found a pen.
      A . Mike B . Sally C . Grace
    4. (4) Dave found __________.
      A . a school ID card B . a black coat C . a purple watch
    5. (5) __________ lost a purple watch.
      A . Helen B . Mike C . Dave
  • 14. 听独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) Gina is an __________ girl.
      A . English B . American C . Australian
    2. (2) Gina's parents are both __________.
      A . doctors B . teachers C . workers
    3. (3) Tina is __________ years old.
      A . ten B . nine C . eight
    4. (4) The green pencil is __________.
      A . Tina's B . Gina's C . Gina's parents'
    5. (5) Maybe Tina's ruler is in the __________.
      A . lost and found case B . pencil case C . schoolbag
  • 15. 你将听到的是一段有关失物招领的短文。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。





    found a white schoolbag with a

    and a set of keys in it

    lost a nice watch


    in the school


    How to contact(联系)

    call her at

    e-mail him at frankg2@yahoo.com

  • 16. 完形填空

    My name is Sandra. I have 1 friend. He is Peter Smith.2 first name is Peter. His last name is Smith. This 3 his school. His school's phone number is 200­4856. He 4 a good teacher. The teacher has a beautiful name—Lily. She likes 5 sports on the weekend 6 her family. Li Ming is a Chinese boy. He   7 at school on school days. He is Peter's good friend at school. He 8 like doing sports, 9 he likes reading books and playing chess with his classmates. Look! That is a pencil box. Is it Li Ming's? I don't know. Let's 10 him. His number is 495­6811.

    A . an B . a C . the D . /
    A . He's B . Him C . He D . His
    A . are B . is C . be D . am
    A . had B . has C . have D . having
    A . to play B . played C . plays D . play
    A . to B . of C . with D . for
    A . live B . lives C . living D . lived
    A . don't B . doesn't C . isn't D . aren't
    A . or B . because C . so D . but
    A . calling B . calls C . call D . called
  • 17. 完形填空

    Hi, I am Grace.1 the photo of my schoolbag. It's red and black. It's a present (礼物) 2 my parents when I was seven, but I3it in the morning. There are4school things in it. There is an English-Chinese5 ; I can look up(查阅) the new words from it. I have a beautiful cup. It's 6. My mother bought it for me yesterday. And I can 7water with it. There is a black and cool watch in it. It's not8. It's my friend, Jenny's. I have a big pencil case. There is a ruler, three pencils and two pens in it. I can9with my pens and pencils. You can also see a set of keys. I use this set of keys to open my door. If you find my schoolbag, you can call me 10 743-5431. Thank you very much.

    A . Look at B . Read C . Watch D . See
    A . to B . from C . about D . of
    A . put B . take C . lost D . bring
    A . a lot B . a little C . much D . many
    A . book B . exercise C . paper D . dictionary
    A . nice B . pretty C . new D . old
    A . eat B . drink C . use D . take
    A . mine B . me C . my D . I
    A . write B . read C . see D . put
    A . with B . at C . for D . of
  • 18. 阅读理解







    Favourite Fruit (最喜爱的水果)

    Jim Brown






    Kai Green






    1. (1) Where does Kai come from?
      A . The USA B . China. C . Japan. D . The UK.
    2. (2) Jim likes eating        best.
      A . bananas B . apples C . oranges D . pears
    3. (3) You can ask Jim to help you with       .
      A . Chinese B . English C . Japanese D . French
    4. (4) From the passage we can know that       .
      A . Jim and Kai are in the same class B . Jim and Kai are in the same grade C . Jim is the same age as Kai D . Jim and Kai don't speak English
    5. (5) What is Jim's last name?
      A . Jim. B . Green. C . Brown. D . Kai.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    I am Dale Brown. I have a nice schoolbag. There are lots of things in it. Look at these notebooks. One of them is blue, and the other (另外的) five are green. They are important for me because I need to take some notes (做笔记) in them. I like drawing, so I often carry my painting box. There is a white eraser, two blue rulers and a black pen in it. There are also some pencils in different colors. But I lost my painting box last week. I must find it. The cool watch is my 7-year-old birthday gift from my grandparents. I like it very much. The English book isn't mine. It's from my cousin, Jenny, and the Chinese notebook is hers, too. Some CDs are in the schoolbag, too. They belong to my brother, Tom Brown.

    1. (1) There are __________ notebooks in Dale's schoolbag.
      A . 4 B . 5 C . 6 D . 7
    2. (2) __________ isn't (aren't) in Dale's painting box.
      A . A white eraser B . Two blue rulers C . A brown pen D . A black pen
    3. (3) Dale must find __________.
      A . his painting box B . some notebooks C . the pink pen D . the cool watch
    4. (4) The underlined phrase " belong to " means"__________" in Chinese.
      A . 属于 B . 喜欢 C . 拥有 D . 不是
    5. (5) Which (哪个) of the following sentences is TRUE according to(根据)the passage (文章)?
      A . The English book is Tom's. B . The cool watch is Tom's parents' birthday gift. C . Jenny is Dale's friend. D . Jenny's Chinese notebook is in Dale's schoolbag.
  • 20. 配对阅读。左栏是五位同学的情况介绍,右栏是七个艺术文化活动的简介。请为每个人选择合适的一项活动。

    Grace likes sports and movies. Wu Jing and Hu Ge are her favorite actors.

    Barry is from America. He likes Beijing Opera(京剧)very much.

    John loves Chinese history. He has many CDs and movies about Chinese history.

    Tian Tao likes dancing. There are many pictures of great dancers on the wall in his room.

    Peter likes music. He wants to be a musician in the future.

    A. New Beijing Opera is a new style (风格)of Beijing Opera. Chu Lanlan is a famous Chinese actress of it.

    B. Do you like comedies(喜剧)? Don't miss Detective Chinatown 3(《唐人街探案3》). Wang Baoqiang is in the movie. It's funny.

    C. Yang Liping is good at dancing. She's famous for peacock dance(孔雀舞).

    D. New School Year Concert(音乐会)will be on this Sunday at the school music hall. You can come if you like music.

    E. The Climbers(《攀登者》)is a new hot movie. Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi and Hu Ge are in the movie.

    F. Do you like The Romance of Three Kingdoms(《三国演义》)? It's an exciting movie about Chinese three countries in history.

    G. Most cartoons are about animals. Boonie Bears(《熊出没》)is very popular in China now.

  • 21. 短文填空

    This is Jim Green. He has happy family. father is Mr. Green. He looks after(照顾)Jim very well. Tina is Jim's little sister. Jim often helpswith the homework. Tina and Jim always their mother Mrs. Green to do housework. Jim's live with them. They're 70 years  . They like working  the garden every day. On Sunday,Jim's aunt often takes her  to Jim's home. She is Jim's cousin. Her name is Mary. Jim,Tina and Maryprimary school students. They study and get good grades. Look! They're playing in the garden with Jim's little dog Wangwang.

  • 22. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答问题。

        Jim Green is a British boy. He is 13 years old. He just has his 13th birthday. We all say "Happy birthday" to him. He has a big family. He has a brother. His brother is a high school student. Jim has two sisters. His parents love them very much. There is another (另一个) family member in Jim's family. It's a cat. Its name is Mimi. Jim studies in London Middle School. His favorite subjects are science and English. He likes playing football and computer games. But he can't play computer games for too long. It's not good for his eyes.

    1. (1) How old is Jim Green?
    2. (2) What's the name of Jim's cat?
    3. (3) Where does Jim study?
    4. (4) What's Jim's favorite subjects(最爱科目)?
    5. (5) How many people are there in Jim's family?
  • 23. 假设你是陈洁,你希望与上文中的Jim 交朋友,于是写了一封信给他,告诉他你的基本信息和你的家庭情况。






    Dear Jim,



    Chen Jie

