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更新时间:2022-07-25 浏览次数:192 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 完形填空

    Lixia, or Start of Summer, one of the 24 solar terms that often 1 on May 5.

    Chinese eat seasonally. A more interesting food custom2 Lixia is the way children eat and play with eggs. Parents put boiled eggs into small mesh bags, and hang them on their children's chests. Egg fighting starts when a child goes to meet their friends, each 3 one egg, and colliding until one side breaks the shell. The one whose egg is not broken 4.

    Xia Yanming, 43, who now lives in Beijing, comes from Taizhou, Zhejiang. "I was told by my parents that duck eggs could 5 the fire in our body, and enhance our bones and muscles. On Lixia, 6 duck eggs were cooked, and I was asked to eat at least three. And my mother always 7 the most turquoise (青色的) ones from a big basket for me. It is said the turquoise ones have the 8 nutrition (营养)," Xia says.

    "I remember that I didn't like to cat egg yolks. However, my parents said that if I didn't eat the yolk, the 9 of my feet would be weak, and I wouldn't be able to walk quickly. Luckily, I listened, or I might have lost the 10 to jog, a routine that I love."

    A . comes B . goes C . falls D . begins
    A . in B . on C . at D . by
    A . holding B . eating C . giving D . playing
    A . wins B . fails C . won D . failed
    A . hot B . warm C . cool D . cold
    A . fat B . fresh C . cheap D . expensive
    A . pick up B . pick down C . pick out D . pick in
    A . most B . worst C . biggest D . smallest
    A . fat B . back C . shape D . bones
    A . change B . chance C . money D . ability
  • 17. 阅读理解

    1. (1) In which notice can you get help with the new software on your computer?
      A . Notice A B . Notice B C . Notice C D . Notice D
    2. (2) If you have free time on weekday evenings and you want to find a part-time job, which number can you phone?
      A . 09651325693 B . 09651324472 C . 719872355 D . 719873466
    3. (3) Which of the following statements is NOT true?
      A . Teenage boys may make the missing grey cat feel frightened. B . You can phone "the Computer Doctor" to solve your computer problems. C . Taking care of the 2-year-old twins can help you to earn up to 27 pounds a day. D . If you are interested in playing drums, you can join the band without any experience.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Tiangong Class

    How do astronauts live and work on a space station? You can get the answer from the Tiangong Class, a series of lectures from China's space station. In the Tiangong Class, Chinese astronauts will become the "teachers in space". Months ago, three Shenzhou-13 astronauts, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu and Zhai Zhigang, gave their first class. Thousands of young students took the class.

    Wang Yaping and the other two astronauts first gave the students a tour around. They showed students how to live and work on the space station. After the tour, the astronauts did some interesting experiments. In one experiment, Wang made a small water film and put a pink folded paper flower on it. Soon the flower blossomed. "I made the flower with my daughter while on the earth and I always think of her when I see the flower," said Wang. "Students, all of you are flowers of the motherland. I hope your dreams can blossom like flowers."

    During the class, the students learned how different space is from the earth. Many students showed great interest in space and science. Wang Yihan, a fifth-grade student, said, "It was an eye-opening experience. The experiments really surprised me. They were wonderful! I want to be an astronaut too!"

    1. (1) From the Tiangong Class, we can learn __________.
      A . how to grow flowers in space B . how the Earth revolves around the Sun C . how to make our space dreams come true D . how astronauts work and live on a space station
    2. (2) Which statement is NOT true according to Paragraph 2?
      A . The astronauts gave the students a tour around at first. B . Wang Yaping did the experiment together with her daughter. C . The experiment with the flower shows Wang Yaping's love for her daughter. D . Wang Yaping gave the students her best wishes at the end of the experiment.
    3. (3) What did Wang Yihan think of the Tiangong Class?
      A . Boring. B . Difficult. C . Amazing. D . Simple.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    The Metaverse Is Having a Moment

    Last October, CEO Mark Zuckerberg changed his company's name from Facebook to Meta. He said the metaverse was not only the future of his company, but also the future of the Internet. His words sent lots of people running to look up the word "metaverse" in their dictionaries.

    The thing is, the word isn't new. It comes from Snow Crash, a 1992 science-fiction book by American writer Neal Stephenson. In the book, humans live through their avatars in a virtual world called the metaverse. Today the metaverse is still being created and understood and not everyone agrees on how it should come about. However, we are starting to get some idea as tech companies have begun to build it. The metaverse is believed to be a shared 3-D virtual world and now we can do real-life things like meeting friends, exercising or taking classes in it. Zuckerberg believes almost anything people can do in real life can be done in the metaverse in the close future.

    Picture this. Zhang Yixing is putting on a big concert in Beijing and you are too busy to go to the city for it. When the concert begins, instead of watching it online, you put on a VR headset and come to the virtual concert. You sit, listen and shout with other fans. You even shake hands and talk with your idol. How exciting!

    The recent growing interest in the metaverse can be seen as a result of COVD-19. As more people have started working from home, there has been an increasing need for ways to make online interaction (互动) more lifelike.

    Zuckerberg said it might take around ten years for the metaverse to arrive. Are you looking forward to it?

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "science-fiction" mean?
      A . 纪实 B . 科幻 C . 技术 D . 社交
    2. (2) At present, we can do all the following things in metaverse EXCEPT ________.
      A . meeting friends B . taking exercise C . taking lessons D . enjoying nice food
    3. (3) What is the purpose (目的) of Paragraph 3?
      A . To help us understand how to use a VR headset. B . To give an example of how the Metaverse works. C . To teach us how to get a ticket for Zhang Yixing's concert. D . To show the difference between a real concert and a virtual one.
    4. (4) Why is there a growing interest in metaverse recently?
      A . Because virtual concerts are more convenient and interesting. B . Because more people are working at home and need to interact online. C . Because VR headsets can help to make many of the activities more exciting. D . Because Mark Zuckerberg hopes to finish building the whole metaverse in ten years.
  • 20. 阅读理解

    As people in China are paying more and more attention to children's health, the government is carrying out new programs to improve the health level of students. Last December, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission made great changes to physical education in this city.

    The commission now has more progress assessments for P. E. classes in the hope that children will start physical exercise at an earlier age and do it more often. Students also have more choices for their final P. E. exams. They can choose four sports from a list of 22, including running, table tennis, badminton, and swimming. 14 sports newly joined in the list. The commission also provides middle school students with online classes after school.

    Many people welcome the changes with open arms. Zhang Fan, a father of a school-age child said, "Many children in our country have overweight and obesity (肥胖) problems, and one of the main reasons is that they spend very little time on physical activities. I hope my son will have more time for physical activities at school. "

    According to a report, the overweight and obesity rate of Chinese primary and middle school students increased (增加) by 8. 7 percent from 2010 to 2019. In 2019, the overweight and obesity rate of primary school students was 26. 2 percent, while it was 23.1 percent for middle school students and 2l percent for high school students. Since the government is taking action to improve children's health levels, the situation will take a turn for the better. Let's look forward to a healthier future for all Chinese students.

    1. (1) When did the Beijing Municipal Education Commission make great changes to physical education?
      A . Last spring. B . Last summer. C . Last autumn. D . Last winter.
    2. (2) We can know the following things from the second paragraph EXCEPT ________.
      A . Students are now able to take both online classes and online exams at school. B . 14 sports newly joined the list, so students have more choices for their final P. E. exams. C . Students can choose running, table tennis, badminton, swimming and other 18 sports for their final P. E. exams. D . Beijing Municipal Education Commission hopes to encourage children to start physical exercise at an earlier age and exercise more often.
    3. (3) Why does Zhang Fan welcome the changes in P. E. classes and exams?
      A . Because his son loves to do physical activities. B . Because he likes to take exercise very much himself. C . Because he wants his son to spend less time on physical activities. D . Because he hopes that his son can spend more time exercising and won't get fat.
    4. (4) After making the changes in Physical Education, we can infer (推断) that ________.
      A . more and more children will get fat B . all Chinese students are sure to have a healthier future C . the overweight and obesity rate may not increase as fast as before D . the overweight and obesity rate will keep increasing so fast in the future
    5. (5) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . P. E. Classes in China B . More Choices, More Classes C . Changes in China's Physical Education D . The Problems of Overweight and Obesity
  • 36. 阅读填表

    How to Bond with Your Pets?

    Having a pet is a great thing for many people. However, some new pet owners may find it difficult to build a strong relationship with their pets. It is important that you and your furry friends have a healthy and loving relationship with each other. Nicole Ellis, a famous dog trainer, can share with you certain ways to help you bond with your pets.

    First, spending more time with your pets can help you a lot in building a relationship. Cats, dogs, and other animals love to be included in the activities of their humans. Whether you are doing some work or just staying at home watching a movie, make sure your furry friends are with you and having fun too.

    Second, playtime between owners and their pets is the best way to share a wonderful time together. Cats love playing with small balls and fishing toys. Dogs, on the other hand, are more active and social, so it's a good idea for you to play the Frisbee with them in parks. It is of great importance for you to know what kind of things your pets enjoy. Not only will these activities keep them in good health, but they will go a long way in making you and your pets closer.

    Third, training and teaching your pets tricks is a great idea. Whether you're teaching them a simple command like "sit" or teaching them a more difficult dance, your pets will surely enjoy it and love you more.

    Lastly, your pets have their own favorite foods. Knowing their eating habits and treating them to something they enjoy will be a wonderful way to bond with your pets.

    All in all, just be patient! Keep your pets fit, healthy, and trained. With the help of these useful ways, you can build a strong relationship with your pets in time!

    How to Bond With Your Pets?

    Having a pet is great, but some new pet owners have building a strong relationship with their pets.

    Spending more time with your pets is greatly

    ●You'd better try to your pets in your activities.

    ●Let your furry friends stay with you and enjoy when you are doing some work or relaxing at home.

    with your pets is the best way to share a great time together.

    ● It is very for you to know what activities your pets enjoy.

    ● Cats love playing with small balls and fishing toys.

    ● It's a good idea for you to play the Frisbee with your dogs in parks dogs are more active and social.

    ● These activities not only keep your pets , but also help to make you and your pets closer.

    Training and teaching your pets tricks is a great idea.

    ● You can teach your pets a simple command or a difficult dance, and your pets will be to enjoy it and love you more.

    Treating your pets to the food they like.

    ● You need to know their eating habits well and try to bond with them by treating them to the food they like.

    Please be patient! Keep your pets fit, healthy, and trained, and soon you will be to bond with your pets.

  • 37. 短文首字母填空

    Tradition Sets Sail

    Let's say a group of students are given a craft-making (工艺制作)task, what do you think they will be able to do? In terms of (谈到) this question, some students have given a satisfactory (令人满意的) a. They built a wooden Chinese sailing ship.

    The students come from the No. 8 High School in Fuzhou, Fujian. In a practical class offered by the school, about 30 students d to build a sailing ship. Their idea came from a typical Fujian-style trading ship used during the Ming and Qing d. With the h of their teacher and two experienced craftsmen, they started their work in March, 2021.

    However, b a sailing ship was far more difficult than they had thought. A group of the students s time drawing sketches, bringing wood to make the hull, and raising the sails. When they f the ship, another group started to paint the ship. Liu Xinyi, a student who learns traditional Chinese painting, worked with her partner. One of their p is a bird with big wings. "My idea is from a traditional Chinese s about the bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea with stones," said Liu.

    Now, the w Chinese sailing ship stands still among teaching buildings. Teachers use the ship as a teaching tool. "It's so great to encourage creativity in students, improve their hands-on skills and inherit the spirit of craftsmanship (工匠精神)," said one of the student group's teachers.

  • 38. 书信作文

    Volunteers Wanted Do you love animals and know them well? Do you want to help pets or their owners when they need help? If you are kind and helpful enough to give a hand, why don't you join us and become a volunteer in our Pet Club? Write the following letter to let us know more about you!

    阳光社区的 Pct Club 正在招募志愿者。假如你是 Millie,你想要自荐成为一名志愿者,请根据以下要点写一封自荐信:

    1)Being kind and helpful;

    2)Loving animals and knowing them well;


    Give supporting details or examples in your letter to show your abilities and qualities.





    4)词数 80左右。短文的开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I want to join the Pct Club and become a volunteer to help other people and their pets.


    Yours faithfully,


