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更新时间:2022-07-04 浏览次数:131 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2022·金华) 阅读理解

    ①Have you ever shown your photos on your favorite social media (媒体)? Or have you expressed your feelings and emotions on your online page? If yes, do you know what you have posted on the social medias can cause problems you could not expect?

    ②Cathy, who is going to be fifteen, posted online an invitation to her birthday party with her address in it. And guess what! 500 people came to the party, and some even broke the windows and plants, making a total mess of the house. The girl's birthday party turned into a nightmare (噩梦).

    ③Many teenagers (青少年)think they know everything about social media, and that such a thing could never happen to them. Studies show that each year more than three million young people in the world get into trouble because of their online activities.

    ④So do remember these if you really want to share something online.

    Share with care! Not everyone will like what you write online. Think before you post anything. You never know who sees your texts, pictures or videos. Before clicking "post", you should ask yourself, "How will I feel if my family or teachers see this?" and "How might this post be bad for me in five or ten years from now?"

    Be polite when you write! Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life. The same is true of online communication. No one likes it when you "shout" in your messages. If you feel angry or frustrated while you're writing a message, wait a bit. Read it again later and then send it.

    Protect and respect! Never share your passwords with anyone. It's not wise to post your home or email address online. Don't say bad things about people. If you get messages like that or see them online, talk to your parents or your teachers.

    ⑧ I'd say none of these things promises 100% online safety, but each will help you to be safer.

    1. (1) The writer starts to introduce the topic by __________.
      A . telling stories B . giving examples C . asking questions D . sharing experiences
    2. (2) The party turned into a nightmare because Cathy _________.
      A . made a total mess of the house B . shared the photos of her house online C . invited hundreds of people to her party D . posted an invitation with her address online
    3. (3) The writer uses the mark "!" in the underlined sentences of Paragraphs 5~7 to ________ .
      A . draw the readers' attention B . give orders that readers should follow C . express the strong feelings of worry D . give the decisions that have been made
    4. (4) What does the writer mean by saying the last sentence?
      A . You should spend much less time online. B . It's necessary to think before you act online. C . You have to make a promise before you go online. D . If you want to be safer online, do as the writer suggests.
  • 2. (2022·丽水) 阅读理解

    When you, as a child, first picked up a crayon, a line might have been the first mark you make. You use lines to write numbers, symbols, and the letters of the alphabet. The lines on a map help you find the best route from one place to another. You use lines to draw pictures.

       ▲   You can see lines in the grain (纹理) of a piece 6f wood or in the cracks on a sidewalk. You can see lines outside a building or in the field. Lines are used to create words, numbers, and symbols. They are also used to create art. In drawing, line is an element (要素) of art that is the path of a moving point through space.

    Artists use lines to lead your eyes through a work of art. They create lines in many ways. A line can be drawn on paper with a pencil or scratched into wet clay with stick. Depending on its direction, a line can express different ideas or feelings. This is why line is an important element in the language of art.

    Lines are used to express different images in Chinese calligraphic drawing. The word calligraphy means beautiful handwriting. In China, calligraphy is used to form characters (汉字) that represent the language. However, characters are more than just a letter of the alphabet. They are like pictures. They can represent an idea, an object, or a verbal sound. Calligraphic lines are usually made with brushstrokes that change from thin to thick in one stroke. To make a very thin line, artists use the tip of the brush. As you press on the brush and more of it touches the paper, the line becomes wider. (See the painting on the right, the long, flowing leaves of the orchid [兰花] plant in the rocks are made with one flowing brushstroke. )

    Now practice making calligraphic lines with ink or watercolor paint. Use brushes, both thin and thick, to draw a leaf or a vegetable with lines.

    1. (1) The passage mainly talks about______.
      A . lines B . calligraphy C . paintings D . brushstrokes
    2. (2) Which of the following can be put in   ▲   in Paragraph 2 as a topic sentence?
      A . Artists love lines. B . Paintings need lines. C . Lines are everywhere. D . Lines can do everything.
    3. (3) Chinese calligraphic drawing is used as a(an) ______in the passage.
      A . reason B . example C . method D . opinion
    4. (4) The passage is most probably taken from a textbook of ______.
      A . history B . math C . art D . science
  • 3. (2022·丽水) 阅读理解

    If you fancy a fun and free activity at the weekend, then a Parkrun event is great for you, your family and friends. More than 2.5 million people in about 750 places around the world have run, jogged, walked or used a wheelchair to complete a Parkrun since it started 18 years ago.

    Some people treat it like. a race. but most enjoy just being outside, getting exercise and having, a nice time with others. Parkruns and Junior Parkruns are set up in safe open places such as beaches, fields, forests and parks.

    Parkruns happen on a Saturday and there are often special Parkruns on Christmas and New Year's Day. A Parkrun covers a distance of 5 km and runners must register (注册) once online before going for a run. Registering gives you a barcode(special printed numbers readable by a computer), which means your time is recorded when you do a Parkrun. Parkrun is fun for all ages, but if you are under 11, you must run with an adult.

    Junior Parkruns happen on Sundays over a distance of 2 km and you need a registration and a barcode for those, too. You must be aged between 4 and 14 and you don't have to run with an adult. Although adults can run and support you, they are asked not to run across the finish line. After completing 11, 21, 50 and then 100 Junior Parkruns, you can get a different coloured wristband to mark your achievement.

    A teen runner Ralph says, "Junior Parkrun at the park in my neighborhood is a weekly highlight. I love all sports, but I find doing Parkrun every week builds up my fitness and energy. Run, jog or walk—Parkrun is a free, fun and friendly activity. It's great meeting up with my friends and running the 2 km every week together."

    With the help of an adult, head to tinyurl.com/TWJ- parkrun for information and to find a Parkrun that takes place near you.

    1. (1) According to the passage, most people take part in Parkruns to______.
      A . win prizes in the B . make friends and help others C . stay with their families D . have fun and take exercise outside
    2. (2) Compared to Parkruns, Junior Parkruns______.
      A . welcome more people of all ages B . cover a much shorter distance C . are held in safer and opener places D . need a registration for more barcodes
    3. (3) In Paragraph 5, Ralph mainly talks about______.
      A . why he likes Parkruns B . where he does Parkruns C . who he runs Parkruns with D . when he taken part in Parkruns
    4. (4) The writer writes the passage to______.
      A . share the long history of Parkruns B . encourage teenagers to do Parkruns C . invite people to compete in Parkruns D . ask adults to become Parkrur volunteers
  • 4. (2022·湖州) 阅读理解

    The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics has already come to an end, and Chinese athletes (运动员) have made great achievements. But how will the stadiums (场馆) be used after the Olympics?

    The designers have already considered that question in their designs (设计). The plan is to let the stadiums serve common people and increase their interest in winter sports. Just as one of the designers of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics said, " The stadiums can not only serve professional athletes in the games, but also serve the public after the games. "

    For example, the professional ice race lanes (车道) for athletes are 121 meters high and are not fit for amateurs. So the National Ski and Sleigh Center has kept a special lane for common sport-lovers. The height of the lane is about 40 meters. This can make sure they will stay safe.

    The National Ski Jumping Center in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province will continue being open to the public for skiing in winter and jogging in summer. In fact, people can make use of the stadiums all year round. On the top of the center, people can walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery. There is also a standard football field that can hold 6, 000 people. Even concerts and cultural fairs can be held there as well.

    Time will tell whether the stadiums can be really made good use of after, the Olympic Games. In China, 300 million people have already taken part in ice and snow sports because of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Hopefully, that number will continue to rise with plans like these. After all, snow and ice sports belong not only to talented professional athletes, but also to everyone interested in them.

    1. (1) The underlined word " amateurs " in Paragraph 3 probably refers to people who ______.
      A . design the stadiums B . compete in the Olympics C . do sports for enjoyment D . work for the Winter Olympics
    2. (2) It can be learned from the passage that ______.
      A . the special ice race lane is 40 meters lower B . the stadiums will be used two seasons a year C . the football field in the center can hold 6, 000 people D . 300 million people watched the Beijing Winter Olympics
    3. (3) The passage mainly tells ______.
      A . why more Olympic stadiums will be built B . how the Olympic stadiums will be made full use of C . what will be done to prepare for the Olympic Games D . how athletes are encouraged to make greater achievements
  • 5. (2022·台州) 阅读理解

    Space tourism(太空旅游业) is no longer a thing of science fiction. There are lots of companies planning to send people into space in the next few years. Space X is one of the most famous companies offering trips to space. So far, it has had over 100 customers. And in April, 2022, it sent 4 people into space. Now, what can space tourists do while in space? Here are some examples:

    See the Earth from Space

    Seeing the Earth from a distance has always been a dream. It gives most people a sense or both achievements and wonder (which is also why people climb the highest mountain and dive the deepest sea on the earth).

    Stay in a Space Hotel

    Hotels are directly connected with tourism, right? So if there's space tourism, there might also be space hotels up soon. Orion Span has been planning to send tourists to stay in their "space hotel", which would hold up to 6 people at a time.

    Eat in Space

    Eating is not easy in space. Even drinking water is difficult. Oh, a quick fact! You aren't allowed to burn(打嗝) in space! Bubbles will come out of your mouth and it might be dangerous to leave them around.

    Visit the Moon and Other Planets

    Space tourism companies are racing to launch(发射) the first tourist flight to the moon. Although there might be a long way to go before common people can step on the moon, we will probably see it in our lifetime. And who knows, maybe we'll even see hotels on the moon.

    With the industry rapidly developing, space tourism is around the corner, and it might come much faster than we think. Who knows what the future might be like? Will you be the next person to travel to space?

    1. (1) How many people did Space X send into space in April, 2022?
      A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Orion Span has built six space hotels. B . Eating in space is as easy as it is on the earth. C . Seeing the earth from space is meaningless for most people. D . It is possible for common people to visit the moon in the future.
    3. (3) The underlined words "around the corner" in the last paragraph probably mean "__________".
      A . very slow B . very near C . very difficult D . very traditional
    4. (4) The text is probably from the column(栏目) of __________ in a magazine.
      A . Travel B . Health C . Sports D . Education
  • 6. (2022·台州) 阅读理解


    Become a waste fighter and help Captain Billy

    re-love, re-use and re-cycle old plastic toys. You could

    get some great books for free too! Cool eh?

    Your old plastic toys were specially chosen and they brought you lots of fun. They can also be used over and over again.

    Finished playing with your toys?

    Why not exchange them with friends? It helps to reuse your toys and pass on the fun.

    Ask your school to join the

    Recycle to Read program. Drop off your broken plastic toys and get free books for your school.

    All plastic toys collected in the Recycle to Read are made into great new products.

    Visit www.wastebusters.club to find out more information.

    1. (1) What could you get if you help Captain Billy collect old plastic toys?
      A . Some money. B . Some new toys. C . Some free books. D . Some reusable bags.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "It" in the poster refer to?
      A . Choosing toys. B . Getting great books. C . Dropping off old toys. D . Exchanging toys with friends.
    3. (3) You can __________ to find out more information about new products.
      A . email Capital Billy B . ask your school C . visit www.wastebusters.club D . call the story house magazine
  • 7. (2022·湖州) 阅读理解

    ①There are lots of things that cause stress (压力) in our lives, such as school problems, arguments with friends and sometimes bad feelings about ourselves. We all experience stress at times, but it's important to manage it properly and reduce (减少) its influence. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with stress.

    ②Sometimes we feel stressed without understanding the reason. So whenever you're stressed, you should stop and think. What is really happening? How can you improve the situation? Try keeping a diary about your problems and the possible causes.

    ③Do you always wait until Sunday evening to do homework? This bad habit can cause " last-minute " stress, as well as poor grades. To avoid that, time management is greatly needed. Plan your studies and other activities with a calendar. You can also divide big projects into smaller tasks. In this way, you'll always know how much time you really have.

    ④Besides, healthy habits are very important for reducing stress. Be sure to eat healthy meals and get at least eight hours of sleep. Avoid checking your mobile phone or using the computer before bedtime. It will keep you awake!

    ⑤When you're feeling stressed, it's helpful to speak to someone who understands your situation, such as your friends and families. Sometimes it's enough to talk about your problems and share your feelings. Other times, however, you might need advice or suggestions. Don't keep your worries to yourself.

    ⑥Finally, relaxation is important, Find some free time for activities that you enjoy, such as sports, hobbies and meeting with friends. For example, seeing a film or hanging out after 5 days' study could be a good choice. If you find some time to relax and enjoy yourself, you'll feel refreshed, have more energy, and reduce your level of stress.

    1. (1) What advice does the writer give to reduce stress in Paragraph 3?
      A . Stop and think. B . Manage your time.    C . Watch your health. D . Reach out for help.
    2. (2) How does the writer develop Paragraph 6?
      A . By telling stories. B . By listing numbers.    C . By asking questions. D . By giving examples.
    3. (3) Which of the following is the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
  • 8. (2022·杭州) 阅读理解

    A blog by Sascha Marr, aged 14

    My hobby is making shoes. I've always liked designing things. I remember drawing clothes and shoes when I was eight, and I made my first skirt aged nine. At eleven, I started making shoes, and I now spend my free time doing that.

    I became interested in making shoes when my cousin told me about an online shoe-making course that he was doing. I immediately wanted to do one too. Mum booked(为……预约) me on a four-day course at the I Can Make Shoes school in London to see if I liked it, and then I did a ten-day course there in the summer holidays.

    I loved the courses. On the longer one, I made four pairs of shoes! I couldn't believe it. The teachers were excellent. That's what was best about the classes. They made us work really hard but they wanted all their students to have fun, too.

    I've made about 15 pairs of shoes now. At the moment I'm making a pair of training shoes using an old pair of jeans, but I've used all kinds of different things before, from old leather (皮革)handbags to old cotton dresses!

    Making shoes has changed my plans for the future. I know now that I want to be a designer, but not a shoe designer. I've decided I'll do home design. I've designed lots of shoes and also some clothes, so I'd like to try something new.

    1. (1) What did Sascha begin to make at the age of 11?
      A . Skirts. B . Shoes. C . Jeans. D . Dresses.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "They" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . The courses. B . The teachers. C . The classes. D . The students.
    3. (3) What does Sascha plan to be in the future?
      A . A shoe designer. B . A handbag designer. C . A dress designer. D . A home designer.
  • 9. (2022·杭州) 阅读理解

    What did people do to communicate in ancient times? Here are some very interesting answers to this question.

    Alphorns (阿尔卑斯长号角)were once used to communicate in the mountains in Switzerland. They are very long and they are very heavy, too. So, alphorns are hard work to blow. Then why use them? Well, they make a loud sound which travels much further than the human voice. Herdsmen (牧民)used them to call cows in the distance for milking. At sunset, alphorns were also used to send a message down to villagers that all was well. These days, they're mostly used as musical instruments.

    The people of La Gomera, an island in Europe, have their own special way of sending messages from mountain to mountain. They use a whistled (口哨的)language called el silbo which comes from their language Spanish. Whistling can be heard within five kilometers, which means it can be used across much greater distances than shouting. El silbo can be used for all kinds of messages, including greetings and announcements. El silbo is used a lot less than it used to be, but primary school students in La Gomera have to learn it.

    Did you know it's also possible to send messages without making a noise? This is called visual communication, and it includes the use of flags and even smoke. Long ago, soldiers along the Great Wall of China used smoke as a warning. If they noticed the enemy from their signal(信号) tower, they lit a smoky fire. When soldiers in other towers saw the smoke signal, they lit fires too. In this way, messages about the enemy's arrival could travel as far as 800 km in just a few hours.

    1. (1) What are alphorns mostly used for today?
      A . Communicating in the mountains. B . Calling cows for milking. C . Sending messages down to villagers. D . Playing a kind of music.
    2. (2) Why do the people of La Gomera use el silbo to communicate?
      A . Because it can send messages to animals. B . Because it is different from their language. C . Because it can be heard at a great distance. D . Because it is a subject for young students.
    3. (3) How did soldiers along the Great Wall get warning messages between towers?
      A . By listening. B . By whistling. C . By shouting. D . By watching.
    4. (4) Which of the following best shows the structure of the text? (P = Paragraph)
      A . B . C . D .  
  • 10. (2022·湖州) 阅读理解

    New books recommended (被推荐的) for both adults and children

    Love China All My Life: Isabel Crook's Stories

    The book is written by Tan Kai. It is about Isabel Crook, a woman who spent many years on China's English language education and the communications between China and Canada.

    Great Wall Underground:

    Karez Irrigation System (坎儿井灌溉系统)

    The book is for children aged 5-10. With beautiful pictures and vivid language, it can let young readers know the history and function of the karez underground irrigation system in Xinjiang.

    A Brief History of the Spreading of Chinese Culture

    Written by Wu Bin, once the director of the Shenyang Palace Museum, the book is about special people and great events in history when Chinese culture went abroad.

    An Appreciation (欣赏) of the Old Summer Palace

    The beauty of the ruined (被毁坏的) Old Summer Palace could only be found in paper. However, Guo Daiheng, a professor of Tsinghua University, and her students give life to 60% of the Palace's look with the modern technology. The book, with hundreds of pictures, is a record of their work.

    1. (1) Eric is interested in ancient palaces. He will most probably choose to read ______.
      A . An Appreciation of the Old Summer Palace B . Love China All My Life: Isabel Crook's Stories C . Great Wall Underground: Karez Irrigation System D . A Brief History of the Spreading of Chinese Culture
    2. (2) From the text, we know that ______ .
      A . Love China All My Life: Isabel Crook's Stories is written by Wu Bin B . Great Wall Underground: Karez Irrigation System is written for kids C . A Brief History of the Spreading of Chinese Culture is about museums D . An Appreciation of the Old Summer Palace is mainly about modern technology
    3. (3) This text is most probably from the part of ______ in a newspaper.
      A . culture B . business C . health D . sports
  • 11. (2022·绍兴) 阅读理解

    During work hours, among the sounds of machines, the kitchen of Bach's Bakery (面包房) is especially tidy and quiet, not because of any rules against talking during work hours, but because all of the workers have a hearing disability. They are hard-working and professional in their work, and use sign language to communicate with each other from time to time.

    Bach's Bakery lies in Changsha City, Hunan Province. It is run by a German couple, Uwe Brutzer and his wife Dorothee Brutzer, who started it up ten years ago with the purpose of creating more jobs for those disabled in the neighborhood. So far, Bach's Bakery has trained around 30 hearing disabled people. While some skilled workers found jobs in other bakeries and hotels and have been able to live on their own, several of them have stayed to work at the bakery after they completed the training.

    The Brutzers' work has won the support of many people in China. With the spread of news about the bakery, many Internet users learned about Bach's Bakery and its inspiring story. As a result, many local people in Changsha as well as visitors from other parts of the country come to buy their products, Uwe said that public attention has encouraged them a lot and helped grow the bakery's business, resulting in workers getting higher pay. However, what he values more is that, through media (媒体) reports, more people have come to understand that disabled people can work as well as other people when they are given chances.

    Now, as they are preparing to return to Germany, they have found a German couple teaching in China as the new managers, and handed over the bakery to a public welfare (福利) organization. Their wish is to continue providing free training for the hearing disabled and that the bakery will never be changed into a shop with moneymaking as its main goal.

    1. (1) The workers in Bach's Bakery use sign language because ________.
      A . their boss doesn't allow them to talk  B . machines make too much noise C . they can't communicate in spoken words  D . heavy work keeps them too busy to speak
    2. (2) It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Bach's Bakery ________.
      A . also offers jobs to people outside Hunan  B . helps its workers live independently C . requires its workers not to leave after training  D . has more than 30 workers now
    3. (3) In Uwe's opinion, the greatest value of public attention is that ________.
      A . disabled workers are paid more  B . his shop becomes more popular C . the disabled are better understood  D . sales of their products get stronger
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . A Silent Bakery B . A Special Wish  C . The Success of the Disabled D . The Rules of Bach's Bakery
  • 12. (2022·绍兴) 阅读理解

    "I wish I had straight hair"; "I'd like to be taller". At times, we all want to look a bit more like someone else. However, the pictures we see on TV and social media can give us improper ideas about how our bodies "should" look. The truth is that everybody is different — and that's a good thing. Accepting and feeling good about our bodies is really important for our self confidence (自信).

    Body confidence is when someone accepts and behaves kindly towards their body. That includes our size and shape, skin color, appearance and any physical disabilities. Jade Parnell from the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR), says that having body confidence is "about being accepting of your body and what it does for you".

    If you feel positively (积极地) about your body, you are more likely to take care of it. Research has even shown that you are more likely to take part in activities and perform well in school. However, feeling agitated about your body could make you step back, do less well at school and even feel down. Parnell says that the cost of trying to achieve the "perfect" appearance is high. She says, "If you're spending a lot of time trying to look a certain way, you will have less time to spend with friends and to make important memories."

    It's important to remember that everybody is different. To develop a positive body image, Parnell says, "Try to talk positively about your own body and other people's bodies. Try not to pay too much attention to appearance. Instead, think about what your body does for you; do your legs make you run really fast?" She also suggests treating your body well by eating different kinds of foods, exercising to feel good and to have fun, and getting plenty of sleep. Remember that you are more than how you look.

    1. (1) The writer thinks that the pictures on TV and social media ________.
      A . are perfect for people to follow B . may spread wrong ideas of looks C . imply everyone is different D . show people how to behave kindly
    2. (2) The underlined word "agitated" probably means "________".
      A . scared B . serious C . careless D . worried
    3. (3) Parnell will agree that you should ________.
      A . accept your body as it is  B . avoid talking about others' bodies C . spend more money on your appearance  D . remember what you used to be like
    4. (4) What is the main purpose of the passage?
      A . To encourage readers to take more exercise.   B . To remind readers not to eat too much food. C . To lead readers to build up body confidence.   D . To advise readers to treat their friends well.
  • 13. (2022·舟山) 阅读理解

    When Leon Martin asked for his parents' advice on how to become a UX designer(设计师), they both went silent. "In fact, I had no idea what he was talking about, "said Anne, his mother, "I didn't know whether he was talking about designing clothes, computer programs or a fancy brand of bike."

    Even when her 18-year-old son explained that it was something about "behind the scenes" online design, his mother was still a bit lost. "I felt like I had totally failed as a parent, "she said. "My job as a parent is to open doors so my children can achieve their potential(潜力), but how can I do that when I don't even understand what their dreams are?"

       ▲   Research has found that more than 2/3 of parents in England are now facing the problem that, when their children express interest in new education and job choices, they may know nothing about them.

    More than 75% of parents felt it is almost impossible to offer their children good advice in such a fast-changing job market.

    "Michele Rea did a survey of over 2,000 parents of secondary school students in England. She found that many parents were afraid their children would just stop talking about their career(职业)plans at home, simply because their mum and dad could hardly follow them. "We all know that parents' opinions and suggestions pay an important role in shaping and influencing their children's career dreams, "she said. "But we usually spend much on our own experiences. And things have changed so much since most of us were at school. "

    Bryony Mathew, writer of the Awesome Career Books, said the world was changing so rapidly that parents should not try to decide on certain careers for their children.

    1. (1) What should a successful parent be able to do according to Anne?
      A . Become a great UX designer. B . Do an excellent job online. C . Develop their children's potential. D . Realize their children's dreams.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 3?
      A . Anne is not alone. B . Anne has bad luck. C . This is very strange. D . This is very interesting.
    3. (3) What did Michelle Rea's survey mainly show?
      A . Most of the parents in England were facing trouble in accepting new jobs. B . Parents feared that their children would refuse to share their career dreams. C . A lot of parents found it difficult to help their children with their education. D . Children's career future depended a lot on their parents' working experiences.
    4. (4) What could be the best title for the passage?
      A . How can children make career choices? B . How can parents become career advisers? C . Should children take their parents' career advice? D . Should parents choose a career for their children?
  • 14. (2022·宁波) 阅读理解

    Victor's project

    As part of my history project on transport, I did some short interviews with people in my neighborhood. My first interview was with my friend Susan's grandmother, Mrs. Sanderson.

    Question 1

    How did you get to school when you were young?

    I walked to school with my friends, except for Fridays when we had to carry all of our things for school sports. Then we caught the bus. I enjoyed walking because we could chat on the way. I didn't like it when it was raining though, but Mum always made sure I wore my raincoat and gumboots. On the other hand, I became a strong walker, and I believe that's why I've been healthy all my life.

    Question 2

    My parents drive me to school. Why didn't you go to school by car?

    You know, we were not rich enough at that time. We could not afford a car until after I had finished school.

    Question 3

    How did you get around when you weren't going to school?

    We often went for a family trip by train. Most weekends we went on picnics and I loved playing with my cousins in the park. The trip took much longer than it would take by car today of course.

    Question 4

    How do you get around now?

    How do you get around now?

    I still love walking, but I need to drive my grandchildren around, so I mainly use my car.

    1. (1) Victor asks Question 4 to get some information about Mrs. Sanderson's ______.
      A . present lifestyle B . family life C . lovely children D . memories of school
    2. (2) In all of her answers, Mrs. Sanderson talks about ______.
      A . her grandchildren B . her favorite activities C . types of transport D . places she has visited
    3. (3) Which of the following is true about Mrs. Sanderson?
      A . She used to drive to school on wet days. B . She couldn't answer all Victor's questions. C . She didn't like walking to school when young. D . She finds it quicker to get to places these days.
    4. (4) The best title of Victor's finished project is probably ______.
      A . The Life of Mrs. Sanderson B . How Travelling Has Changed C . People in My Neighborhood D . The Importance of Being Healthy
  • 15. (2022·温州) 阅读理解

    "Motasharefon bema' refatek!" is often heard in Arabs' daily talks. This greeting in the language Arabic means "Nice to meet you!" You may find Arabic difficult to understand, but the following facts can offer you some basics.

    Arabic is s language of over twenty countries across the Middle East and North Africa, It's also one of the six official languages of the UN. Now about 400 million people worldwide speak Arabic.

    Arabic has different varieties. One of them is Modern Standard Arabic. It is taught at schools in all Arabic-speaking countries and used formally over media. Colloquial Arabic is another variety which people in the Arab world usually use in their everyday life.

    Arabic is written from right to left in a beautiful and flowing script. Written Arabic is formed from eighteen different curves with dots () above or below. The curve () with one dot below is pronounced /b/, two on top is /.t/, and three on top is /th/, while the curve () with two dots below is pronounced /y/.

    A main feature of Arable is the throe letter root system. Almost every Arabic word is based on a root of three letters. If you take a root and add other letters to it, you can create many words related to the meaning of that root. For example, "k-t-b" is a common root in Arabic. Some words from that root are kitaab ("book") and maktaba ("library").

    There are more facts about Arabic for you to explore. You'll find that learning about it helps open up door to a different culture and provides a new way of thinking about the world.

    1. (1) How many varieties of Arabic are mentioned in the passage?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five.
    2. (2) According to the passage, which of the following is pronounced /b/ in Arabic?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What does the underlined root "k-t-b" in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?
      A . Cooking. B . Singing. C . Writing. D . Swimming.
    4. (4) Why does the author write this passage?
      A . To introduce the language Arabic. B . To tell stories from Arab countries. C . To encourage people to visit Arab countries. D . To advise people to protect the language Arabic.

