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更新时间:2022-06-08 浏览次数:105 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 使文章完整、通顺。

    One day, a little boy asked his father, "What does the word 'great' mean?Who are great people and 1do they become great?"

    The father asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them2the house and the other outside the house. The boy did as his father said.

    The father asked his son, "Which one of the two plants do you think will be safer and3?" The boy replied, "The plant inside the house will be safer, 4it will grow bigger, while the plant outside the house is not safe at all. No one will be there to5it. It may be eaten by animals. "

    The father smiled and said, "Let's wait6. We will know the answer. "

    Then the boy7for study and after four years he came back to his house. He said to his father, "Look, 8happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe. "

    When the boy went outside, he was very9to see a big tree. The boy couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't10how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside the house. "The plant outside the house faced every11and many difficulties!" the father12his son why the plant outside was bigger. "The plant inside was safe, it didn't face weather changes, and it didn't get13sunlight, so it didn't become big."

    Here is the14to the question about being great: To become a great person, one must have failed many times, experienced many15and solved those difficulties. Only after that he is able to become great.

    A . how B . what C . when D . where
    A . beside B . opposite C . outside D . inside
    A . prettier B . bigger C . taller D . greener
    A . but B . or C . so D . because
    A . look after B . come across C . take away D . cut down
    A . recently B . suddenly C . quickly D . patiently
    A . waited B . looked C . left D . cared
    A . something B . nothing C . everything D . anything
    A . excited B . interested C . pleased D . surprised
    A . decide B . understand C . remember D . accept
    A . season B . chance C . comer D . choice
    A . asked B . watched C . saw D . told
    A . strange B . active C . enough D . rapid
    A . example B . answer C . meaning D . reason
    A . difficulties B . things C . seasons D . changes
  • 2. 阅读理解

    They teach families how to avoid fire hazards (危害), which are dangerous items or situations. You can help prevent fires by following fire safety rules. You can also stay safe by knowing what to do if a fire starts nearby.

    ●Never play with matches or lighters.

    ●Do not touch lit candles.

    ●Do not cook unless an adult is with you.

    ●Be careful around irons, stoves, fireplaces, and grills.

    ●Never touch electric cords and outlets.

    If your clothes catch fire, do these three things right away.

    Stop! Running and walking can make fire worse.

    Drop! Get down on the ground. Cover your face and eyes.

    Roll! Roll over and over until the flames are out.

    1. (1) According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?          
      A . Prepare three meals on your own. B . Play around irons, stoves and grills. C . Play with matches, lighters or candles. D . Keep clear of electric cords and outlets.
    2. (2) According to the text, we should          first when our clothes catch fire.
      A . stop running and walking B . take off our clothes C . get down on the ground D . roll over and over
    3. (3) The text above is probably from the column of           in a magazine.
      A . Sports B . Safety C . Travel D . Business
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Every year, more than 3, 000 people take part in one of the most difficult races on Earth: the Tough Guy competition in the UK. Participants (参赛者) run, swim and climb across the 15-kilometer course((路线). But this is no normal race. These runners have to finish many difficult tasks. What's more, the competition takes place in January, so temperatures are freezing一sometimes as low as -6℃. People travel from all over the world to take part, with participants from the US, Australia and China.

    The competition is very dangerous and hard:one-third of participants do not finish it. Runners have to be fit and healthy. Most people train all year to prepare for the event. It is also the first race like it in the world. Many people take part in the competition because it is so famous and can challenge their limit (挑战极限). Every year, the organizers change the event and add new things. This means that the competition stays exciting and challenging, so people go back year after year.

    The picture shows an example of the Tough Guy course. First, participants run for 1 kilometre along a muddy road. Next, they crawl under low nets on the ground. After the nets, the runners jump off a high platform into a lake and swim for another 1 kilometre. Then they reach the field of fire. Here the runners run across a field and jump over small bonfires. Next, participants must crawl through a long tunnel. Finally, the runners run 2 kilometers through nettles' before they reach the finish line.

    1. (1) According to Paragraph 1, participants may meet          in the competition.
      A . heavy rain B . high wind C . strong sunlight D . low temperature
    2. (2) People go back to the competition every year, because          .
      A . they feel excited and they can experience new things B . they can enjoy themselves in it and they feel relaxed C . it is challenging and they can be famous in the world D . it is a normal race and they can win a prize every year
    3. (3) Which is the right picture to put in the map of the Tough Guy course?
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) The best title for the passage above might be           .
      A . A Tough Guy B . A Running Course C . A Race to Limit D . A Swimming Game
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Ben Underwood was a normal young boy. He loved playing basketball, riding his bike, listening to music with his friends and playing video games. But in one way, Ben was different from most other boys ﹣ he was blind. However, Ben had a special talent (天赋). He didn't have eyes, but he could still 'see'.

    Ben was born on 26 January 1992. For the first two years of his life, Ben was a happy and healthy baby. He had a normal life, living with his mother and two older brothers in California. However, when Ben was two years old, his life changed. In 1994, he was taken to the hospital because he had problems with his eyes. The doctors looked at his eyes and told his mother the bad news—Ben had cancer. After a few months, he had an operation to remove (去除) the cancer. Luckily, the operation was really successful and Ben was fine.  ▲  .

    After his operation, Ben developed a special ability. When he was three, he leant how to 'see' buildings with his ears. He listened and he could hear noises bounce (反弹( off buildings. The noises told him where the buildings were. Then, when Ben was seven, he learnt to 'click'. He made clicking noises with his mouth and listened for the noises that bounced back from things. In this way, Ben could 'see' where he was and what was around him. This is the same way dolphins see things underwater.

    Scientists and doctors were amazed by Ben's talent. There are only a few blind people in the world who can see like Ben. People respected him because of this. He became famous. He was on TV and he travelled to different countries and talked to people about his life. Sadly, when Ben was 16, his cancer came back. He died soon after. However, during Ben's life, he taught people that anything is possible. Many people admired (钦佩) him because he encouraged them and helped them feel strong too. When he died in 2009, over 2, 000 people went to his funeral.

    1. (1) What's the correct order (顺序) of Ben's life?

      a. Ben learnt how to 'see' and 'click'.

      b. Ben became very famous.

      c. Ben's cancer came back and died.

      d. Ben had a problem with his eyes.

      A . a﹣d﹣b﹣c B . a﹣d﹣c﹣b C . d﹣a﹣b﹣c D . d﹣a﹣C﹣b
    2. (2) What does "this" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
      A . Ben's eyes B . Ben's talent C . blind people D . the operation
    3. (3) Which sentence can be put in the   ▲ ?
      A . He felt better than before, and he can see the world clearly. B . From then on, he tried to do more exercise to stay healthy. C . His mother was so thankful that her son can walk without any help. D . However, the doctors had to remove his eyes and Ben became blind.
    4. (4) Which word can best describe Ben?
      A . Friendly. B . Humorous. C . Nervous. D . Strong.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    ①We know people can be nice, but what about animals?Scientists say that some animals are able to be nice. Animals that live in groups-like foxes, chimpanzees(黑猩猩), and elephants-follow rules.

    They have to follow rules to get along and to survive. However, animals can act nicely, even when they don't have to. Here are some surprising stories about animal behavior(行为).

    ②Most people usually walk away when someone is unkind to them. Marc Bekoff, a researcher at the University of Colorado, saw a female red fox do just that. The female fox was unhappy because a male fox played roughly with her. When she walked away, the male fox showed her that he wanted to play nicely. He lowered his head and rolled on his back. The female fox gave him another chance, and this time, he played much nicer.

    ③Geza Teleki is a scientist who studies chimpanzees in Tanzania. One day, Teleki hiked far away from his camp. He didn't have any food. Teleki wanted some fruit from a tree, but the tree was too tall.

    A young chimpanzee watched him as he tried to get something to eat. The chimpanzee climbed the tree, picked the fruit, and gave it to him!

    ④An elephant in Kenya hurt his trunk(象鼻). He needed help because he couldn't put food into his mouth. Researcher Kayhan Ostovar watched silently. He saw the hurt elephant show the wound of his trunk to a healthy elephant. The healthy elephant didn't need any more information. He took food and put it carefully into his new friends mouth.

    ⑤Hippos(河马) and crocodiles(鳄鱼) are usually good friends. They hang out together in rivers. But Karen Paolillo saw something surprising. One day, a crocodile tried to eat a monkey that was next to a river. A hippo ran quickly to the crocodile and helped the monkey escape from it. Why did the hippo do that?Palillo says hippos sometimes protect other animals from crocodiles.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "roughly" probably mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . rude and careless B . showing kindness C . doing things bravely D . in a polite manner
    2. (2) What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
      A . The female fox walked away at last. B . The elephant hurt his friend's trunk. C . The Chimpanzee gave a tree to Teleki. D . The crocodile failed to eat the monkey.
    3. (3) What's the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) What's the main idea of the passage?
      A . Animals that live in groups follow rules. B . Some animals can be nice to other animals. C . Most animals are gentle to human beings. D . People should live with all the animals.
三、任务型阅读。(本题有5小题, 每小题10分:共计10分)
  • 6. 阅读下面材料, 根据文中信息完成以下任务。任务A:根据表格信息, 补全后面的信息, 每空限填一词。任务B:根据表格信息, 完成问题, 不超过10个词。

    Bing Dwen Dwen, designed by Cao Xue, is a baby panda. It wears a full﹣body "shell" made of ice. It looks like an astronaut in a space suit, showing winter sports and modern technology. Bing Dwen Dwen also wears a sports helmet that helps look more athletic. On each hand, there is a red heart, showing kindness and love. And Bing Dwen Dwen waves its left hand to say hello. Around its head, a series of colorful lines look like the tracks on an ice rink. They refer to Beijing's National Speed Skating Oval, known as the "Ice Ribbon". The colorful lines also refer to fast 5 G signals.

    At first, the traditional Chinese snack, bingtanghulu, was chosen as the mascot. However, a simple snack cannot stand for a country by itself. Cao's team then tried many plants and animals, finally going with a panda. But they faced a problem:there were already too many cartoon pandas. They wanted to make sure their panda was different. For this reason, Cao decided it should be a baby panda. This is how they got Bing Dwen Dwen's body shape. Its body is as long as its head.


    Name:Bing Dwen Dwen



    It wears a sports helmet which  helps look more athletic


    There is a red on each hand, showing kindness and love.


    It wears a full﹣body shelf made of, which I looks like an astronaut.


    I Colorful lines look like the tracks and they also refer to fast signals.


    ●Bingtanghulu was the first choice, then plants and animals

    ●Finally, the panda was chosen to stand for China.

    ●In order to be different from other panda cartoon, they chose a baby panda, whose body is as as its head.

    What do you think of Bing Dwen Dwen?

  • 7. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。

    I was a lazy boy, but once there was an embarrassing (尴尬) thing changed me and gave me the (勇气) to face my troubles.

    Last summer (假期), I went to visit the Yellow Crane Tower (黄鹤楼) in my hometown of Wuhan. Although I have lived here all my life, I had never been to the tower before. Lost in the beautiful views, I suddenly heard a voice in fluent (流利的) Chinese, "Excuse me?" I turned around and saw a foreigner. He  (继续) in Chinese, saying, "Are you a local person?Can you show me around? I'm a (陌生人)here. "

    I didn't know what to say. If I said yes, I knew little about the tower. If I said no, it was also a lie. My face turned red.

    "Well, as far as I know, the Yellow Crane Tower is an (古老的) building. "That's all I knew and my voice was so low that I couldn't even hear (我自己). Just at this time, a man's voice (打破) the silence, "Pardon me, but I can show you around. " Then the gray﹣haired old man began to explain the history and customs of Wuhan and the history of the Yellow Crane Tower in fluent English, and I listened (认真). My embarrassment was gone, but the admiration (敬仰) for the old man still (停留).

    The embarrassment at that moment has become a motivation (动力) for my study and (进步), which helps me understand that there is no end to learning.

  • 8. 阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不超过两词)。

    During the Jin Dynasty (265- 420), there was a child named Che Yin. He was smart and loved to read. He grew up in a poor family and couldn't afford lamp(灯)oil  (study) at night.

    One night he saw fireflies(萤火虫) outside his house and came up with idea. He caught some fireflies in a cloth bag and hung it up as a lamp. It was said that he spent all of his summer nights reading like this.

    Another child named Sun Kang who lived during the same period also loved reading. One night during winter, Sun used up all of his lamp oil and couldn't study at night. When he (wake) up at midnight, he saw the snow reflecting (反射) the moonlight outside his house.  (sudden), he thought that he could use the reflected light to read! He was freezing cold, he still took out his books and read.

    In the past, people had a much(hard) time studying than we do now. Paper and writing brushes were so expensivemany families couldn't afford them. Students even had to travel over(mountain) and rivers in order to find a good teacher. However, these conditions did not stop young mindslearning knowledge.

    This is an old Chinese story-nangyingyingxue(囊萤映雪). People (encourage) by the two boys' hardworking. Today, we have better chances. We students should cherish it and learn from them.

  • 9. 生活中我们可能会收到各种礼物,每种礼物代表不同的意义。它可以是一份精美的礼品, 也可以是一条有意义的建议等。某校英文报社面向全校学生发起以A Special Present为题的征文比赛。你们英语老师要求每个学生参赛,请你写出你心中的a special present.









    A Special Present

