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更新时间:2022-06-27 浏览次数:65 类型:期末考试
一、听力。根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(7. 5分)
二、对话问答。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(7. 5分)
三、图片理解。看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(7. 5分)
四、短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列各句正误。(7. 5分)
  • 12. 根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列各句正误。
    1. (1) One day Liu Mei wants to, go to the post office.
    2. (2) The old woman wants to see her daughter.
    3. (3) The hospital is behind the bank.
    4. (4) A policeman tells them the way to the hospital.
    5. (5) They need to take a No. 27 bus to the hospital.
  • 28. 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母写在对话下面的横线上。(有一项是多余的)

    A. What size would you like?

    B. How far is it?

    C. How long does it take to get there?

    D. What would you like?

    E. What kind of noodles would you like?

    F. How do we get there?

    A: Tony, I am hungry(我) now. Do you have any food?

    B: No, I don't. It's time for lunch.

    A: I would like noodles.

    B: There is a restaurant near here. The noodles are delicious.

    A: I would like some beef noodles.


    A: I would like a large bowl.

    B: OK. Let's go there now.


    B: We can go there on foot. It's not far.


    B: About twenty minutes.

    A: Great! Let's go.

  • 29. 根据对话内容,在横线处填入适当的话语,使对话内容完整,语法正确。

    A: Hi, Grace! doing?

    B: Hi, Jim! I am writing an e-mail to my good friend.

    A: Your good friend? What does she .

    B: She's tall and has curly hair.


    B: She is from the UK.

    A: What do you want to tell her in your e-mail?

    B: About my summer vacation.

    A: did you go on vacation?

    B: I went to Yunnan.

    A: Did your parents go there with you?

    B: My parents were at home. I went there with my cousins.

九、 短文填空。从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并将其字母序号写在后面的空格内。 (方框中有两项是多余的)(10分)
  • 30. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并将其字母序号写在后面的空格内。

    A. but         B. talk          C. help       D. working     E. had     F. other

    G. found      H. looked       I. wasn't       J. asked       K. said     L. at

    Tom did not like doing his homework, because he liked to do some things after school. And his teacher always a lot of mistakes (错误) in his homework.

    Then one day, his math teacher at Tom's homework and saw that his answers were right. He was surprised(惊奇). The next morning before class, he Tom to come to his office and to him, "All your answers are right this time. Did your father you?" Tori's father often helped him with his hone work, this time he didn't help Tom because he at home. So Tom answered, "No, Sir. He was busy last night, so I to do it myself. "

  • 31. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案

    MENU(Garden Restaurant)Main course (主菜)

    Chicken hamburger ..........................$2.59       Vegetable hamburger ….$2.29

    Rice with tomatoes and eggs ........$2.99    Rice with chicken ……………..$3.29

    Vegetable salad ................................$2.09            Fruit salad ...................$1.99

    Bread .................................................$0.59

    Opening hours (营业时间)From 10:00 am to 2:30 pm.: From 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm

    Milk ............................$0.69               Orange juice ..............$0.99

    Apple juice ................$0.99               Tea ................................$0.59

    Ice-cream ..................$1.99                Chocolate cake .........$2.39

    Fruit cake .................$2.29

    1. (1) There is/are _________________ kind(s)(种) of drink at Garden Restaurant.
      A . one B . two C . three D . four
    2. (2) You can't find _________________ at Garden Restaurant.
      A . fruit salad B . bread C . ice-cream D . rice with beef
    3. (3) When can you eat at Garden Restaurant?
      A . At 9:30 am. B . At 1:30 pm. C . At 5:30 pm. D . At 10:00 pm.
    4. (4) If(如果) you have a chicken hamburger, a glass of orange juice and two fruit cakes, you should pay (支付) _________________.
      A . 5. 96 dollars B . 7. 88 dollars C . 8. 16. dollars D . 10. 09 dollars .
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The price of fruit salad is. 1.99 yuan. B . You can cat rice with fish at Garden Restaurant. C . Milk is the cheapest(最便宜的) drink at Garden Restaurant. D . You can't find noodles at Garden Restaurant.
  • 32. 根据上面内容,从下面方框中选出与其匹配的信息。

    Welcome to Ann 's. birthday.

    Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm, Saturday ,January 17th      Place: Ann's home

    Welcome and have a good time!

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    An exciting movie for kids!

    Time: 8:00pm-9:30pm, 14th-18th January     Ticket price: ¥20

    Place: Wanda Cinema

    On Sale!

    Welcome to Jim's Clothes Store! We have T-shirts in all colors for 30 yuan each. Do you like skirts? They are only 45 yuan. Come and see for yourself.


    Is this your model car? It's orange. It is a Toyota GT86, It's about 10 cm long. Call me at 654-8554.


    I'm Lucy, I can't find my dog. It's black and white. It's lost in Renmin Park. If you found it, please call 655-8877.

    A. The dog    B. The car    C. The store    D. The movie    E. The party

  • 33. 根据材料内容,将方框中A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、通顺。

    Rules tell people what they should and shouldn't do. All good people follow rules. We start learning rules at home. Parents want us to be safe(安全的). They want us to go home early after school. They can make family rules. The family rules help us know how to act safely.

    It's important to let all people in the family write the rules.

    The rules should be simple(简单的) , so we can remember them easily. There shouldn't be too many rules. We can easily remember 6 to 8 rules. "Do" rules: "Do" rules are good. Here are some examples(例子):

    Be helpful.

    Do your homework before dinner.

    "Don't" rules: It's best to have more "do" than "don't" rules-use "don't rules when it's difficult to say what to do. Here are some examples:

    Don't go out at night.

    A. How can parents keep us safe?                B. Here are two kinds of rules

    C. Clean your room every day.                    D. Don't watch TV too much.

    E. Writing the family rules helps us to remember and follow them

  • 34. 根据上面借书卡的内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

    Library Card

    No. 1 Middle School(No. 2018990001)

    Name: Wang Ling

    Class: Class 4,Grade 7

    Home address: 16 Dongfeng Road, Dongfeng Town, Jilin

    Telephone Number(Home): 0437-6229801

    The Library Rules:

    ⒈ Only the owner of the card can use it to borrow(借) books from the library.

    ⒉ The library opens from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. except(除了) Sunday.

    ⒊ Each reader can borrow at most(最多)3 books at a time.

    ⒋ Don't draw anything on the books

    ⒌ Give back the books on time.

    ⒍ Keep quiet in the library.

    1. (1) Wang Ling is a student from No. 1 Middle School.
    2. (2) We can know the owner's age from this card.
    3. (3) Wang Ling can borrow books from Monday to Sunday.
    4. (4) Anyone can borrow 3 books at a time with this library card.
    5. (5) We can know six rules about the library from this card.
  • 35. 根据短文内容,完成下面的表格,每空一词

    Do you have a test? How do you get ready for it? No idea? Here are some tips. I hope they can help you.

    1. Make a study plan(计划)two weeks before the test. Ask your teacher for help about subjects you are not good at.

    2. Look at your old exercises and notes(笔记). And then you won't make the same mistakes(错误)again.

    3. Go to bed early. On the night before the test, you need to sleep well. Before going to bed, you need to have a look at your schoolbag. Do you have pencils, a pen, an eraser and other school things?

    4. Have a good breakfast. It helps you do well in the test. You can have some bread, milk, and some fruit. But don't eat too much.


    How to get ready for a test?


    Make a study plan weeks before the test. lf you are not good at some , please ask your teacher for-help.


    old exercises and notes can help you stop making the mistakes.


    Have a good on the night before the test.

    Check your schoolbag before going to bed


    A good helps you do well in the test.

  • 36. 根据短文,回答下列问题。

    I love eating out with friends on weekends, My favorite restaurant is Pizza-Lover. I love Pizza very much. I usually have a piece of pizza and a glass of banana yogurt(酸奶). There is a TV in the restaurant. And I enjoy watching football games there.

    —— Mary, America

    My favorite restaurant is McDonald's. I love hamburgers, chicken and hot chocolate. They are very delicious. There is one McDonald's near my house. I often go there with my parents. I usually eat some food and play with other kids.

    —— Grace, England

    I am a vegetarian(素食者) so I often go to a restaurant called Vegetarian World. This restaurant has many kinds of vegetables. I order a special every time, and then I have a fruit salad. A young man always plays the piano at the restaurant. It is wonderful!

    —— James, Canada

    1. (1) When does Mary love eating out?
    2. (2) Can Mary watch ball games at Pizza Lover?
    3. (3) What does Grace usually do at McDonald's?
    4. (4) Why does James often go to Vegetarian-World?
    5. (5) What does James usually order at Vegetarian World?
  • 37. 下面是为“东方饺子店”设计的一份广告,请根据内容补充完整,每空一词。

    We have all of delicious dumplings at Dongfang Dumpling House. Here, the dumplings big and nice. Now we have two great . Special 1 has only vegetables and is just 5 RMB for 20. Special 2 has some beef and vegetables and is just 8 RMB for 20. to our dumpling house. Our address is 356 Chongyang Avenue. Our telephone number is 0434-1113. Thank you for .

  • 38. 假如你是李华,上周六你参加了你们学校组织的一次郊游。请根据下面表格中的信息,以“My School Trip”为题目,写一篇英语短文,介绍你们学校之旅的相关情况。(10分)


    you and your classmates


    on school bus


    Yellow Mountain


    go climbing, play games, sing, dance, take photos


    7:30 last Saturday


    happy, excited, tired.



    My school trip

