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更新时间:2022-05-17 浏览次数:30 类型:开学考试
  • 1. 完形填空

    It was a cold snowy morning after the winter vacation. And it was my first day at my new school. I was walking alone slowly and 1about lots of things. It was early and there weren't many people on the road. Suddenly a girl who was riding her bike on ice fell down. She was trying hard to get up but fell again. 2thinking, I went over and helped her. She said "thank you" with a smile and then rode away. Her words 3me a lot.

    Finally, I got to school. The teacher led me to the classroom and introduced me to the class. Then he asked me to sit down beside a girl. I felt so 4that I didn't dare to look at her. Soon the first class, English, started. Their textbook was different from those in my old school. As I was 5what to do, an English book appeared in front of me." Let's share," the girl beside me said "Hi, I'm Carrie." I looked up. It was the girl I helped that morning. Later on, we became good friends. From that I learned: to help others is actually to help ourselves.

    A . laughing B . worrying C . talking D . thinking
    A . After B . Before C . Without D . When
    A . warmed B . cooled C . hurt D . surprised
    A . happy B . satisfied C . nervous D . excited
    A . managing B . planning C . looking D . wondering
  • 2. 完形填空

    A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery (紧急手术). He changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery room. He found the boy's 1in the hall. On seeing him, the dad yelled, " 2did you come so late?Don't you know that my son's life is in 3?" The doctor smiled and said, "I am sorry. I wasn't in the hospital. I came as 4 as I could after receiving the call…And now, I wish you'd 5 so that I can do my work. " "Calm down?What if 6son is in this room right now?Will you calm down?" The doctor 7again and replied, "I will do my best to save your son. " The surgery 8some hours. The doctor went out happily. "Thank goodness! Your son is saved!" And 9waiting for the father's reply, he carried on his way running. "If you have any questions, ask the nurse!" "Why is he in such a hurry?" asked the father when he saw the nurse. The nurse answered, tears coming down her face, "His son died yesterday in a road accident. He was at the burial when he got the 10.And he is running to finish his son's burial. "

    A . mother B . sister C . father D . brother
    A . When B . How C . Why D . Where
    A . time B . danger C . surprise D . help
    A . fast B . slowly C . early D . late
    A . turn down B . calm down C . put down D . sit down
    A . my B . his C . your D . her
    A . smiled B . cried C . shouted D . refused
    A . spent B . cost C . paid D . took
    A . with B . except C . besides D . without
    A . gift B . note C . call D . job
  • 3. 完形填空

    We are now in the 22nd century. With the development of science and technology, people can change their bodies in the way they want.

    As years went by, Mr. Smith1his look. Several months ago, Mr. Smith went to a body engineering shop and 2 a small nose. Small noses were very3 these years. After the operation, he looked at himself in the mirror (镜子) and found that his4hair no longer fit his new look. Then he wanted a change to long hair. When he was leaving, the shop keeper5told him that the shop had a special offer on ears. At last, Mr. Smith went out of the shop with a small nose, long hair and two new ears.

    In the next few weeks, Mr. Smith's interest in his6kept growing. He bought new eyes, new hands and new feet. After that, he looked very young for his age, and7different. He felt satisfied with himself. However, the 8 in the face and fingerprints brought him much trouble. He was 9 to enter places like railway stations and airports. In the end, he decided to have his old body back! To his surprise, Mrs. Smith was unhappy with his10because she could not bear (忍受) the bad smell of his old feet.

    A . was bored of B . was relaxed about C . was excited about D . was pleased with
    A . cared for B . waited for C . asked for D . sent for
    A . popular B . similar C . strange D . useful
    A . long B . short C . thick D . thin
    A . silently B . foolishly C . carelessly D . suddenly
    A . shape B . age C . life D . look
    A . probably B . hardly C . nearly D . completely
    A . smile B . change C . color D . kiss
    A . guided B . refused C . forced D . allowed
    A . interest B . condition C . decision D . situation
二、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40. 0分)
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Henry was going through a very hard time His wife passed away one moth ago. He thought his life became pointless (无意义的). Henry sat sadly in his house and did nothing.

    One day, Henry neighbor, saw him from her yard. She hadn't seen him outside for several days! She wanted to help Henry. Then she had an idea.

    Lisa said to Henry. Hello, Henry! Just look at this fence (篱笆) between our hoses. It is falling apart. You are a strong man. Can you help me fix this fence?"

    After hearing Lisa's words, Henry was a little angry. He didn't want to help her. He thought he was the one who needed help. He thought Lisa was kind of rude. However, be agreed to help Lisa because Lisa was too old to fix the fence herself.

    Henry spent a few days fixing the fence. When he finished, Lisa thanked him, Henry gave her a smile. It was his first time to smile after his wife passed away.

    "What a wonderful job! Could you please paint it for me?" Lisa said to him.

    Henry thought for a while and agreed. Then be began to paint the fence in the hot sun. As their neighbors passed by and saw Henry, they all praised Henry for what he did. Henry felt happy and proud. He felt like his life was not pointless any more.

    Henry finally understood Lisa's purpose. She wanted Henry to know that staying busy could help him forget his sorrow (悲伤) . Henry thanked Lisa a lot.

    1. (1) When asked to fix the fence by Lisa, Henry ______ .
      A . felt a bit angry B . refused her request C . agreed to do it happily D . said nothing and went away
    2. (2) How did Lisa help Henry to forget his sadness?
      A . She encouraged him to make friends with other neighbors. B . She forced him to get to know more neighbors. C . She advised him to find a part-time job in his free time. D . She asked him to do some things to make him busy.
    3. (3) Which of the following shows how Henry's feelings changed over time?
      A . happy →upset →thankful →wonderful B . sad →angry →happy →thankful C . sad →wonderful →thankful →proud D . happy →thankful →bored →sad
    4. (4) What can we learn from the story?
      A . Asking others for help isn't rude. B . We should help others at any time. C . Staying busy can help us forget our sadness. D . It is hard to make friends with neighbors.
    5. (5) Which of the following can best describe Lisa according to the passage?
      A . Clever and helpful. B . Silly and lazy. C . Patient and hard-working. D . Rude and lazy.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    Birth order-does it matter? Are you different because you are the first, second, or third child in your family or maybe the last of nine?

    A study found that first-borns have an average IQ that is three points higher than people who fall into a different place in the birth order, perhaps because first-borns often help younger brothers and sisters, which improves their own skills. In 2007,an international organization of CEOs found that 43% of CEOs are first-borns, 33% are middle children, and 23% are last-borns. First-borns are more likely to be doctors and astronauts and get higher pay.

    If first-borns are more successful, last-borns are generally more agreeable. They are also more likely to be funny, possibly to get attention from all the bigger people at the dinner table. Mark Twain and Stephen Colbert were both the youngest in large families, and Jim Carrey was the youngest of four. According to a 2007 Time magazine article, "The power of Birth Order." last-borns are more likely to be artists and successful businessmen.

    Then there are the middle children:we have not ignored (忽视) them! Many middle children are short of one-on-one time with their parents. They often feel short-changed:the oldest gets more rights, and the youngest is spoiled (宠坏的). Though they may be ignored, middle children are more likely to grow into easy-going adults.

    Many factors make us who we are, but if the research is correct, birth order may be one of the most important factors.

    1. (1) Who is most likely to be a CEO?
      A . A first-born. B . A second-born. C . A third-born. D . A last-born.
    2. (2) What can we learn about Jim Carrey?
      A . He is a middle child. B . He is likely to be serious. C . He is a successful businessman. D . He is likely to be agreeable.
    3. (3) What does the underlined sentence mean?
      A . They are usually controlled. B . They are always spoiled. C . They are often popular at home. D . They are often treated unfairly.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the 4th paragraph?
      A . Middle children often get more attention from parents. B . Middle children usually communicate with others well. C . Middle children are more likely to get on well with others. D . Middle children are usually famous artists and businessmen.
    5. (5) What would be the best title for the text?
      A . What makes you powerful B . How you can be a CEO C . What influence birth order has on you D . How you can grow up
  • 6. 阅读理解

    Once Louis the Twelfth, the King of France, happened to walk into the kitchen of his palace. There he found a small boy busy at work and singing happily.

    The boy had bright eyes, and a happy, sunny face, and his looks and manners pleased the king. With a smile Louis asked him his name. He replied that his name was Simon. In answer to further questions, the king learnt that the boy was an orphan: both his father and mother were dead.

    "Are you content to do this kind of work?" the king asked, pointing at the bowls which the boy was washing. "Are you willing to spend your time in the kitchen when so many of the others work upstairs?"

    "Why not?" answered the boy, with a twinkle in his eye. "I am doing as well as the best of them. The king himself can do no better. "

    "Indeed!" said the king, no little surprised at the boy's words. "How do you know that?" "Well, sir, the king lives, and so do I. I am content with my life. Can the king say that he is content with his life?"

    Louis walked away, his mind full of strange, sad thoughts. No one knew better than he did that kings seldom feel content.

    The next day, much to Simon's surprise, he was called before the king. He was still more surprised when he found that his visitor of the day before was Louis himself. The king talked with him about many things, and found him to be a very quick and clever boy.

    After that Simon was made to serve the king directly. Step by step, he rose from one important task to another, until he became one of the best soldiers of that time. He is known in history as General La Roche, and considered as one of the greatest men of France.

    If Simon had not, early in life, learnt to be content with his life, he might never have been given those chances. The king did not want people who were always unhappy because they did not have as good a place as some others. You cannot too soon learn that only those who are content are happy.

    1. (1) What did Simon do before he met the king?
      A . He sang in the king 's palace. B . He served in the king's army. C . He worked in the king's kitchen. D . He guarded the king's palace.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "content" mean here in Chinese?
      A . 满足的 B . 幸运的 C . 欠缺的 D . 无聊的
    3. (3) Simon was made to serve the king directly because he ______ .
      A . knew what the king thought B . was content with his life C . did as well as the best of others D . had bright eyes, and a happy, sunny face
    4. (4) Which of the following is the correct order about Simon?

      ①He served the king directly.

      ②He found the visitor was the king.

      ③He became one of the best soldiers.

      ④He had a chat with a visitor in the kitchen.

      ⑤He is a well-known man in French history.

      A . ①②⑤③④ B . ④②⑤①③ C . ③④②①⑤ D . ④②①③⑤
    5. (5) What can we learn from the story?
      A . Being content makes us happy. B . Working hard can lead to success. C . it's important to be kind to others. D . Children are always more honest.
  • 7. 阅读理解

    NOTICE 1

    June 11, 2021

    CALL FOR CREATIVE WRITINGS! This is to inform all the students that our school is going to publish its yearly magazine next month. All those who wish to have a go can mail their articles to xysmagazine @ gmail. com. Students' works will be accepted latest by June 30,2021 till 11:59 pm. You can take any topic of your choice. For more information, get in touch with your own class teachers.


    Head Girl/Head Boy

    NOTICE 2

    June 11, 2021


    Our school is going to hold an Inter-school Singing Competition on June 29,2021,Tuesday at 2 pm in the school hall. More than 20 schools from all over the city will take part in it. Interested students may call us at 66882021 latest by June 18, 2021.


    Head Girl/Head Boy

    NOTICE 3

    June 11, 2021


    This is to inform all the students that a backpack has been found in the school playground. There are a few textbooks and some money in it. The backpack is medium-sized and red in colour. It was found on June 9, at around 6 pm in a corner near the main gate. The owner of the bag shall see me in the School Office with your ID card. Thank you.


    Head Girl/Head Boy

    1. (1) What does NOTICE 1 tell its readers?
      A . The magazine will come out at the end of June. B . The school is going to publish its first magazine. C . The teachers choose what to be put in the magazine. D . The students have a chance to become published writers.
    2. (2) Who should you turn to if you want to take part in the singing competition?
      A . Asma. B . Amrita. C . Albert. D . Amar
    3. (3) Why does NOTICE 3 describe the backpack?
      A . To show its difference. B . To tell the value of it. C . To interest the students. D . To help find the owner.
    4. (4) How can you get back the backpack?
      A . To call 66882021. B . To go to the School Office. C . To visit xysmagazine@ gmail. com. D . To search the school playground.
    5. (5) Where do you most probably see these notices?
      A . On a classroom noticeboard. B . On a school noticeboard. C . On the wall of a bus station. D . On the wall of a shopping mall.
三、任务型阅读<b >-</b>简答(本大题共1小题,共10. 0分)
  • 8. 任务型阅读-简答

    Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air like an airplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can fly fast. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to the flowers!

    Bees can have three colors. They can be yellow, red and orange. All bees are black in some places.

    Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six legs. They use their legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen.

    Bees live in many places. They live in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I understand why they don't live in Antarctica. It's too cold!

    Most of the time, bees are nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have fun watching the bees this summer!

    Bee -Special features, Insects .

    Bee -All bees are black in some places, yellow, red and orange .

    Bee -A stinger, a body, a head .

    Bee -In Africa, Australia, Asia and so on .

    Bee -The exception .

四、阅读填空(本大题共1小题,共10. 0分)
  • 9. 阅读填空

    How many backpacks have you owned since you went to school? Backpacks (become) common and popular among students in the past 30 years. If your backpacks become old, will you just treat them as rubbish and throw them away? Five years ago, a research (show) that 85% of the old backpacks ended up in rubbish. But as we know, most backpacks are produced from different (material). If we throw them away, they will be harmful our environment.

    Although some of the old backpacks are no longer of their right color or size, there are still many things you can do with them. Here are some (use) ways for you. For example, do you feel it difficult to find (you) tools in the house? You can solve this problem by (make) use of your old backpacks to store all kinds of tools. Also, it is wonderful idea that you can put your old backpacks online for sale. Besides, offering your backpacks to other poor kids is another good choice, as those old backpacks may make their life (convenient) than before.

    All in all, old backpacks are still of great value as long as we put them into use (wise). Remember: rubbish can be turned into treasures!

五、 书面表达(本大题共1小题,共15. 0分)
  • 10. 假如你是Zheng Yun, 你收到笔友Carmen的邮件,请根据邮件内容给她回复一封。(100词左右)

    To: Zheng Yun

    From: Carmen

    Hi, Zheng Yun. Last night one of my Chinese friends took me to a concert of Chinese folk music. The piece named Erquan Yingyue which was played on the erhu, especially moved me. It was one of the most moving pieces of music that I've ever heard. It sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it as I listened. Do you like music?What kind of music do you like?Why do you like it?Please share the music or the song you like.

    Carmen To:Carmen

    From: Zheng Yun

    Hi, Carmen,


    Zheng Yun

