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更新时间:2022-06-08 浏览次数:49 类型:中考模拟
  • 16. 完形填空

    The dead mother lay cold, leaving her daughter Maggie behind. Two years before, a fall from a window had injured Maggie, and she had been unable to leave her bed since.

    Joe Thompson, a 1 shoe maker, happened to pass by.

    "O, sir!" Maggie cried out, "Don't leave me here 2!"

    Though Joe looked rough (粗野的), he was 3. Lifting the motherless girl in his arms, he went home.

    "What do you bring the sick girl here for?" shouted Mrs. Thompson.

    Usually he got out of his cold wife's way, kept silent when she 4. "Be gentle, Jane!" cried the shoe maker, "It's a small thing for us to keep this poor little one for a single night, to make her life comfortable for a single night!"

    His voice 5 and he turned his head away, so that his wet eyes couldn't be seen. Mrs. Thompson was shocked, without answering, 6 a soft feeling came to her heart.

    Mrs. Thompson prepared some bread and softened it 7 milk for Maggie. The hungry child ate with great pleasure and gave the old woman a look of 8 that awoke her feelings which had been slumbering (沉睡) in her heart for years. Joe saw 9 of his wife's usual coldness, or rudeness.

    "I don't mind keeping her a day or longer; she is so weak." Mrs. Thompson said. She left all 10 of sending Maggie back. She carried Maggie in her arms as well as in her heart. An angel had come into their house, disguised as a sick, helpless child, and filled the cold hopeless house with the sunshine of love.

    A . fearless B . childless C . homeless
    A . alone B . off C . out
    A . kind-hearted B . open-minded C . strong-willed
    A . cheered up B . fired up C . got up
    A . dropped B . rose C . shook
    A . and B . but C . so
    A . with B . into C . from
    A . coldness B . shyness C . thankfulness
    A . something B . nothing C . anything
    A . advice B . fear C . thought
  • 17. 阅读单选

        Sean Kachmarski knew he would come in last place even before he started the Edmonton Marathon (马拉松). He had only tried one full marathon before, and he had to stop before the end because he ran too slowly. With his family's support, he decided to try one more time. He started his run at 5: 55 a.m; friends and family came out to cheer him on from a safe distance throughout the morning.

    But running is a battle against Sean's body and mind. By mile 10, he was out of breath and already very tired. Rene Wache was volunteering at a water stand when he noticed Sean struggling. Thinking the runner just needed some motivation (动力) to get moving again, Rene began to run slowly with him."You can do this, Sean!" he said, "Someone is so proud of you! You've got this."

    The volunteer never planned to run all the way to the finish line with Sean, but that's exacly what he did. For the next 4 miles, Rene encouraged him to keep going. By the end of the marathon, even the race announcers (播音员) and the local police had joined in to keep Sean moving forward!

    When Sean crossed the finish line with a time of 7: 07: 23, the first thing that he did was to give his personal cheerleader a huge hug! Sometimes we all need a litle encouragement to help us on our way!

    1. (1) It was ________ time for Sean to join in the full marathon.
      A . the first B . the second C . the third D . the last
    2. (2) Which picture shows Rene's work in the text?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What did Rene do to help Sean on the way?
      A . He ran with Sean. B . He gave Sean a hug. C . He asked others to help Sean. D . He provided Sean with more water.
    4. (4) It took Sean about ________ to finish the full Marathon.
      A . 4 hours. B . 6 hours C . 7 hours D . 10 hours
    5. (5) What's the main idea of the text?
      A . Marathon is a challenge. B . Never give up on the way. C . Encouragement is important. D . Always work together in sports.
  • 18. 阅读单选

    How to make mashed potatoes (土豆泥)


    ●900g potatoes

    ●50g butter

    ●50ml hot milk

    ●Salt and black pepper (胡椒粉)


    ●Cut the peeled (削皮的) potatoes into quarters.

    ●Steam potatoes for 15-20 minutes.

    ●Mash until smooth, adding a little hot milk for a softer mash.

    ●Mix up the potatoes with butter and hot milk.

    ●Season (调味) to taste with salt and black pepper.

    Top tips:

    ●No sprouted (发芽的) potatoes.

    ●Never steam the potatoes too long.

    ●Taste the potatoes and add more salt, pepper or butter, as you like.

    ●For a better taste, serve while they're still warm.

    For more information, visit www.gokitchen.com.

    1. (1) How many ingredients are mentioned in the text?
      A . 4 B . 5 C . 6 D . 7
    2. (2) We can add ________ to make the mashed potatoes softer.
      A . salt B . butter C . pepper D . hot milk
    3. (3) Which is the right order to make the mashed potatoes?

      ①season to taste ②cut the potatoes ③mash the potatoes

      ④steam the potatoes ⑤mix with butter and milk

      A . ②④①③⑤ B . ②④③⑤① C . ③①②④⑤ D . ③①④⑤②
    4. (4) What can we leam from the text?
      A . Any kind of potatoes is OK. B . The more seasoning, the better taste. C . The warm mashed potatoes taste better. D . We can buy the mashed potatoes from www.gokitchen.com.
    5. (5) In which section of a magazine can we read the text?
      A . History and Culture. B . Health and Life. C . Science and Technology. D . Nature and Animal.
  • 19. 阅读单选

    The post-1990s generation is often described as self-centered and always asking for help. However, research results have painted a rather different picture: The post-1990s generation is independent, strong- minded and hard-working, according to a Peking University report.

    When it comes to learning and working, over 60 percent think their own interests are more important than others' opinions. Most of them see successful businessmen as their idols (偶像). But it's not because they are rich. "Their strong belief in themselves and never-give-up spirit have won the hearts of the generation." said the report.

    In addition, the post-1990s generation has a strong sense of social responsibility. Many of them have taken part in volunteer work. They also try to be responsible by studying hard and behaving well.

    In the UK, many of the post-1990s generation have given up the drinking habits that the past generations had, The Telegraph noted. Most of them now have healthier hobbies, such as gardening and cooking.

    It's hard to find time for a hobby if you are going out drinking, Kate Payne, author of The Hip Girl's Guide to Homemaking, told The Telegraph.

    Changes in their hobbies have also helped them learn good manners. The Youth Justice Statistics report in the UK showed that young people are less rude and noisy in public.

    However, a generation's trails (轨迹) don't belong to every single person in it. "It's what you do that can make you the kind of person you want to be." said Cheng Dongfeng, director of West Anhui University.

    1. (1) People thought the post-1990s generation was ________ according to Paragraph 1.
      A . self-centered and dependent B . independent and strong minded C . strong-minded and hard-working D . responsible and hard-working
    2. (2) The post-1990s generation admires successful businessmen for their ________.
      A . experience B . devotion C . wealth D . will
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes young people in the UK?
      A . They are sociable. B . They are hard-drinking. C . They have healthier hobbies. D . They behave more impolitely.
    4. (4) What can we infer (推断) according to the text?
      A . The post-1990s generations behaved gently in public. B . Each post-1990s generation gets good education. C . The post-1990s generation is successful in business. D . Be yourself, and everyone can make a difference.
    5. (5) What's the text mainly about?
      A . What the post-1990s generation is really like. B . How the post-1990s generation learns good manners. C . Why the post-1990s generation likes successful businessmen. D . When the post-1990s generation has a strong sense of social responsibility.
  • 20. 阅读单选

    A new taxi-hailing (打车) app on smart phones started to be in use in Shanghai in October, 2020, allowing users to hail a taxi with only one press, as it requires no input of destination information. This app called "Shen Cheng Chu Xing" is more user-friendly. The setting is developed to offer more convenience (方便) to the elderly. They have been struggling to keep up with the new technology in daily life.

    Users can hail a taxi by simply pressing the "hail" button (按键) and standing right where they are for the arrival of a nearby taxi that picks up the order. The app is also set in the city's more than 200 taxi waiting stops, where those without a smart phone can hail a taxi.

    "Fnally, I could manage to hail a taxi without my daughter's help. It's so amazing!" Wang Junxia, a 68-year-old lady said.

    Supervised (监管) by the city government and SAIC Motor (上汽集团), the app will provide users with over 20,000 taxis by 100 taxi companies in the city.

    The app can automatically (自动地) catch the real-time position of passengers and this will help drivers reach a pick-up position more efficiently and reduce the time of taxis hanging around the city without passengers, according to Yuan Dongliang, general manager of the app.

    To ensure the safety of customers, all the taxi drivers must pass health and background checks before they can receive orders from the app.

    The local government said the app will also be updated in the near future to include more functions, such as helping drivers find nearby restrooms and dining places.

    1. (1) The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.
      A . people of advanced age B . drivers with good background C . passengers with good health D . managers in large companies
    2. (2) What did Wang Junxia think of the new taxi-hailing app?
      A . Dangerous. B . Difficult. C . Strange. D . Useful.
    3. (3) What does the phrase "hanging around" probably mean in Chinese in the text?
      A . 参观 B . 抛锚 C . 闲逛 D . 悬挂
    4. (4) Why is the app set in over 200 taxi waiting stops in the city?
      A . To ensure the safety of drivers. B . To make drivers increase their orders. C . To provide customers with instructions. D . To help customers without smart phones.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the text?
      A . A New Style of City Life B . Better Services of Taxi C . A More User-friendly App D . More Functions of a New App
  • 21. 补全短文5选5

    When talking about the symbols of Chinese culture, lanterns must be one of them.

    Hanging Lanterns

    The most common type of lanterns is hanging lanterns.  In cities and the countryside, you can see hanging lanterns decorating street lights, public buildings and shops. Many homes will also hang a few decorative lanterns outside their windows, especially during festival seasons. It's said that lanterns hung during the Chinese New Year can drive away the Nian monster (怪兽) and bring good luck.

    Flying Lanterns

    On special festivals, such as the Mid-autumn Festival, you can see flying lanterns.  They are beautiful to watch and are often set free in large groups for a more eye-catching effect.  For example, they may cause fires.

    Floating (漂浮) Lanterns

    When people hold some celebrations near rivers or lakes, we can see floating lanterns easily. For example, we often see floating lanterns during the Dragon Boat Festival. Floating lanterns come in many different shapes.  People light floating lanterns and put them in large groups in order to create a beautiful view on the water.

    A. They are set free into the sky all over China.

    B. The most common shape is the lotus (莲花) design.

    C. However, flying lantems may be dangerous sometimes.

    D. There are three kinds of lanterns that are widely used in China.

    E.These decorative lanterns are usually hung at home and in public places.

  • 32. 语法填空

        I have always believed this to be true: people we meet will have a role in our life,  ['weðə] it's big or small. Some will help us grow, some will hurt us, and some will inspire us to do better.

    I come to know the best teachers are  who don't tell you how to get there but show the way. For them there is no better joy than helping you see a bright future, and seeing you go to levels  (high) than you would ever have imagined on your own. But that doesn't mean they'll try to fix you or enable you; instead, they guide you to the source of your own  ['paʊə]. They believe in you and offer you support.

    I also learn the importance of   looking down on someone unless you are helping them up. It's  ['i:zi] to look down on someone who isn't as successful or well educated as you are. But you've no idea how far he has  (go) to be where he is now. Be sure we treat everyone with dignity (尊严), for they're worthy to be treated  way you want to be treated.

    People we meet are  the passengers who get on and off the car of our life journey. As they are there to share a certain part of our life, why not take advantage of the  (chance) and leam from them when dealing with them? That way, life is sure to get better.

  • 33. 假如你叫李华,本学期你校将举行主题为"践行‘三牛精神',做新时代好学生"的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下图示,用英语写一篇演讲稿。词数80词左右。

    提示:The Spirit of the Ox"三牛"精神





    Dear friends,

    It's my honor to share my opinions.

    That's all. Thank you!

