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更新时间:2022-04-14 浏览次数:81 类型:期末考试
  • 17. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。
    1. (1) How old is Katherine?
      A . 3 years old. B . 12 years old. C . 18 years old.
    2. (2) Why did the sisters found the organization Paper for Water?
      A . To make money. B . To teach people to fold paper. C . To raise money.
    3. (3) Why can't some children in poor areas go to school?
      A . To collect clean water. B . To learn to fold paper. C . They are too poor.
    4. (4) How do the sisters prepare enough works?
      A . By buying more paper. B . By writing emails online. C . By organizing some activities.
    5. (5) What do the sisters think of raising money for clean water activities?
      A . Difficult. B . Meaningful. C . Enjoyable.
  • 18. 短文理解,根据其内容完成表格中所缺信息

    Online hospitals


    People can talk with doctors through videos, photos and .


    •Only the people whose illnesses are not serious can get help.

    •Online doctors can't give medical services to people with serious illnesses because it's not always .


    •Many people would like to ask doctors for help online.

    •There are more than 50 Internet hospitals in China.


    Wuzhen Internet Hospital:

    No other hospital serves  it.

    Advantages (优点)

    • Better medical care is available to more poor people.

    • People can save much time and money.

    • People can get medical care .

七、补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)
  • 29. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话

    A. What did you do there?

    B. Then when shall we start?

    C. I have never been there before.

    D. How shall we go there tomorrow?

    E. It's said that it looks like a big egg.

    A: I'm going to Hong Kong Space Museum tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?

    B: Yes, I'd love to.

    A: Do you know why the museum is famous?

    B: Yes.  Is that right?

    A: That's true. It's one of the most popular buildings of Hong Kong.


    A: We can go there by bus. It's a little far from here.

    B: OK.

    A: Tomorrow is Wednesday. The museum opens at 1:00 p.m., so we can go there after lunch. I have been there several times. I can be your guide.

    B: Great!  

    A: I watched some space shows and listened to some lectures (讲座).

    B: Sounds interesting. I can't wait to visit it

  • 30. 完形填空

        Bethany Hernandez is 24 years old. 1 she is young, she has become a good helicopter (直升机) pilot.

        Bethany once posted a (n) 2 on the Internet. In it, she is smiling in a toy helicopter. "Give me a couple of years to make my dreams come true," she wrote the words online. Finally she succeeded.

        What a (n) 3 story! But as we all know, it is not easy to achieve dreams. What she did was hard work. When she was in the face of difficulties, she showed that she was better than anyone. Bethany once heard lots of bad words. Instead of making her upset, those words 4 her to be better.

        So far, Bethany has got a bit of respect (尊重). Now the best thing for her is 5 the results of her hard work from up in the sky.

    A . Although B . Since C . If
    A . dream B . photo C . article
    A . amazing B . true C . interesting
    A . expected B . advised C . encouraged
    A . imagining B . seeing C . understanding
  • 31. 完形填空

        Shreyaa Venkat is 17 years old, but she has done more to help the homeless than many adults who are three or four times her age.

        NEST4US, the organization Venkat set up, has helped thousands of homeless people by 1 food and other necessary things. Her passion (热情) for helping others started 2 she could walk as her parents are both volunteers. During her primary years, Venkat 3 such a great love for volunteering that she started organizing her own service projects (项目). "I like doing good things because it brings me so much happiness and 4," she says.

        NEST4US was born when Venkat realized how many 5 people there were and how much food waste there was. She once gave her lunch to a homeless man and he was very happy. "It was so 6. It only took me 30 seconds, and it really helped him," she says.

        This small 7 helped Venkat find a way to help the homeless. Since then, serving others has become a way of life for her. She even celebrated her 13th birthday at a homeless shelter — a tradition she has continued ever since. 8 expecting gifts for herself, Venkat brings the party to the homeless.

        As much as she has helped others, they've 9 her, too. Not only does she get a lot of joy and personal satisfaction from her volunteer work but running NEST4US has taught her important 10 like time management (管理) and leadership (领导能力).

    A . providing B . searching C . checking
    A . as long as B . as soon as C . as far as
    A . continued B . recorded C . developed
    A . pressure B . joy C . money
    A . hungry B . old C . sick
    A . sweet B . brave C . easy
    A . act B . competition C . change
    A . As for B . Instead of C . Thanks to
    A . believed B . helped C . thanked
    A . opinions B . relations C . skills
  • 32. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误

    Dear Mike,

        Recently, I feel very upset. I don't know how to get along with my parents. As I grow up, I find I have less time to communicate with my parents. We always play with our own smart phones at home and the only time we get together and talk with each other is at mealtimes. Do your family always play with smart phones at home?

    Li Hua

    Dear Li Hua,

        I know how you feel. Many people have the same problem in my country the UK. More and more people play with their smart phones at home and hardly talk to their family members.

        According to a survey, nearly 20% of the people in my country even spend the family mealtime checking their smart phones. And to researchers' surprise, more than a quarter of the young people also use smart phones to communicate with their family members while they're in the same house.

        Smart phones have made our life easy and colorful, but we shouldn't depend too much on them. In my opinion, you should spend more time with your parents. You can share your school life with your parents, and you can also ask them for advice when you're in trouble. These ways are helpful, and they have improved my relation with my parents. My parents spend more time talking with me instead of playing with their smart phones now.


    1. (1) Li Hua wrote to Mike because he had trouble getting on with his parents.
    2. (2) Li Hua's parents are so busy with their work that they have little time to talk with Li Hua.
    3. (3) It's common for people in the UK to play with smart phones at home.
    4. (4) Mike's parents used to spend much time talking with Mike at home.
    5. (5) The relationship between Lihua and his family will be better with Mike's help.
  • 33. 根据短文内容选择正确答案

        Linda wrote reviews (书评) of four children's books and shared them online.

    Crenshaw, Katherine Applegate, the US

        Jackson doesn't have enough money to meet his family's needs. A large cat named Crenshaw tries to help Jackson solve this problem. This book is about the importance of family and friends.

    A Tale of Highly Unusual Magic, Lisa Papademetriou, the US

        Kai and Leila both find copies of a book. The book is blank (空白的), but when they write in it, it starts to write a story on its own. This is a great book

    and you should be prepared for plot twists (曲折的情节).

    This Side of Wild, Gary Paulsen, the US

        It tells the true stories of animals the writer loved and how the animals changed his life for the better. You'll be surprised to find out that one animal even saved his life.

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School, Jeff Kinney, the US

    Greg, a middle school student, is facing new problems. This book shows while there're always difficulties in life, we can still laugh about them.

    1. (1) Whose family is poor?
      A . Applegate's. B . Jackson's. C . Crenshaw's.
    2. (2) This Side of Wild is about        .
      A . how to keep pets B . how to change life for the better C . the writer's experiences with animals
    3. (3) Which book can cheer the readers up?
      A . Crenshaw. B . A Tale of Highly Unusual Magic. C . Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School.
    4. (4) What do we know about the four books from the passage?
      A . They are for readers of all ages. B . Their writers are from the same country. C . They are the most popular in America.
    5. (5) What is the purpose (目的) of the passage?
      A . To introduce some books to children. B . To encourage people to read books. C . To tell people about Linda's favorite books.
  • 34. 阅读理解


        Every year, over 8 million tons of plastic (塑料) end up in the world's oceans. The plastic will not go away by itself but instead slowly break down into small pieces. Fish can easily get hurt by plastic bags and can even die if they eat them. A study shows there will be more plastic than fish in the world's oceans by 2050 unless people take action.


        Koalas live in eastern Australia. The animal is a little "lazy", and it sleeps for about 18 hours a day. When it doesn't sleep, it spends most of its time eating eucalyptus (桉树) leaves. Everyone knows about the big fire in Australia (started in September 2019), because many koalas died in it. Now the fire has been put out, but the animals still need our help. We hope that more people can protect them.


        The Chinese paddlefish (白鲟) is known as the "king of freshwater fish in China" and it lived in the Yangtze River. Sadly, it no longer lives in the world.

        The Chinese paddlefish lived on the earth for 150 million years. The last time people saw a Chinese paddlefish was in 2003. Scientists helped it return to the river. But they didn't follow it successfully because of a boat accident. To protect endangered animals, China has begun a 10-year fishing ban (禁令) in key areas of the Yangtze River since January 1, 2020.


        The Sahara is a dry world with less than 100 mm of rainfall every year. In fact, it was wetter in the past. Someone found fossils (化石) between 10,200 and 8,000 years old, around 90% were fish bones (鱼刺). It showed the rock was close to a large lake.

        The environment at that time was good for humans. However, the climate (气候) kept changing, and the desert areas in the Sahara slowly became larger. The environment we live in are not always in its place. To fit us for the changing environment, we'd better take lessons from it.

    1. (1) Passage (A) mainly explains        .
      A . what people can do to protect oceans B . how plastic breaks down in oceans C . how serious ocean pollution is
    2. (2) What's the best title for all the four passages?
      A . Surprising World B . Terrible Facts C . Unbelievable Information
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Koalas spend most of their time eating food. B . China has begun a fishing ban to protect the Yangtze River. C . It was wet in the Sahara 8,000 years ago.
    4. (4) Which of the following questions is answered in the passages?
      A . Where does the plastic in oceans come from? B . When did people last see a Chinese paddlefish? C . When was the big fire in Australia put out?
    5. (5) Where may we see the passages?
      A . In a newspaper. B . In a diary. C . In a notice.
  • 40. 完成对话,在空格中填上适当的单词

    A: Hi, Steven! Long time no see. How was your vacation?

    B: It was so boring. I couldn't wait to return to school.

    A: If my  is good, you used to say you were tired of the school life.

    B: Yes. I used to expect to take classes online at home. However, when it was , I found I missed my teachers and classmates. How about you?

    A: I really enjoyed my vacation. I liked taking classes online. It  me much time and trouble. I live far from school. I have to  to school every morning unless I get up very early. I hope online classes can take the place of traditional classes one day.

    B: I don't hope so.  with studying online at home, studying in the classroom is more interesting. I like having face-to-face communication with my teachers now.

    A: But I think online classes are more helpful. We can watch the class videos again and again. I have learnt a lot by this way.

    B: I'm the . Because I can see the videos again, I didn't listen carefully. What's worse, taking online classes is bad for our eyes. Do you find any  in my look?

    A: Oh! You wear a pair of glasses. I didn't  them until you said it. Does your eyesight (视力) become poor?

    B: Yes. When I took classes online, I had eight lessons each day. That  at least six hours' screen time. After a day's study, my eyes always .

    A: That sounds terrible. You should rest your eyes after each class. Having good eyesight is of great importance. Doing some eye exercises helps.

    B: You said it. I have to care more about my eyesight.

十二、短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
  • 41. 从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺。(每词限用一次)

    develop    different    important    include    independent    Japan

    late    most       pollute      protect    technology     three

        Have you heard of the city of the future Woven City? Recently, Toyota, a automaker (汽车制造商), has come up with a plan to create a city of the future the new technology.

        The city will be built on the land at the foot of Japan's Mount Fuji and the work will begin in 2021. It'll cover about 700,000 square meters and hold around 2,000 people, the workers in Toyota and visiting researchers.

        Akio Toyoda, the president of Toyota Motor Corporation, said, the streets of the city will be made up of three parts. One part will be for walking, one part will be for riding bicycles and the part will be for faster traffic.

        To make Woven City fully sustainable (可持续的), the buildings will be made of wood. Experts say the smart city can greatly cut human-caused , help solve traffic problems and create new uses for Internet technology. It will make a to people's everyday lives. Woven City will be a "living laboratory (研究室)" for some new like self-driving systems (系统), robotics, smart homes and AI. The city will also enjoy because it has its own police officers, fire stations, schools and hospitals.

        Toyota says homes will be built with the  technologies, too. There will be robots and systems to help improve people's health.

  • 42. 补全短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。

        There are many different kinds of museums around the world. Do you love visiting museums?  They want to encourage their visitors to take their time and enjoy art more deeply.

    There are millions of websites (网站) for people to choose from. A research has shown that a person usually spends 15 seconds on a website before moving on to other things. You might expect people to slow down when they're in museums full of great art. Several studies have shown that the most common amount (量) of time for people to spend on a piece of art is simply ten seconds. And in that short time, the visitors are doing something else — taking photos of themselves.

         Over 170 museums around the world are celebrating "Slow Art Day". They are asking their visitors to spend at least 5-10 minutes on each piece of art. They believe that people will enjoy art more if they take more time to study it.  Studying a piece of art for more time can also let people understand what the artist went through to create the work.

        Besides (除了) offering art to visitors, some museums also offer chances (机会) to people to share their opinions and talk about the art afterward.

    A. But you are wrong completely.

    B. Many people visit museums just for fun.

    C. Today, many museums are holding "Slow Art Day".

    D. In this way, people are able to notice more details (细节).

    E. In recent years, museums have been working to change that.

    F. This is a fast world and the Internet is a huge and busy place.

  • 43. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成图标中所缺的信息。

        An eight-hour event called One World: Together At Home made a hit online on April 18, 2020. The concert was organized by World Health Organization (WHO), Global Citizen and Lady Gaga.

        What made this concert successful wasn't just its famous stars, but also its purposes (目的): to show great love for the front-line doctors and nurses and to encourage people to give away their money to WHO during the COVID-19 outbreak.

        Usually, musicians give shows in a concert hall and there is the typical concert technology and camera work. However, this time, in order to protect the health of people, these musicians performed at their own homes.

        "Let's remind ourselves here in these difficult times there is still so much kindness, hope and joy in the world," said actor Matthew McConaughey, who went to the show. Besides the performances, there were scenes from the front lines and thoughts from the front-line doctors and nurses. In a video, Aisha al Muntheri, a hospital worker from Paris, said, "I was happy to serve on the front line. It's part of my value (价值) in medicine to serve people."

        The event also encouraged people to stay at home, like the name "Together At Home". It may be hard to stay at home for long, but doing so can help keep COVID-19 under control. This, in turn, can keep the already tired doctors and nurses from being overworked.

        The event has united (团结) people against a common challenge, when doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers around the world are taking risks to care for COVID-19 patients (病人). People won't feel lonely and afraid anymore.

  • 44. 《父与子》是一本非常有趣的连环漫画,下面的几幅图是《父与子》中的部分节选。请你仔细观察图中的内容,写一篇英语短文,并谈谈这个故事给你带来的启示。





    参考词汇:滑倒 slip (过去式slipped);乱丢垃圾 litter

