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更新时间:2022-03-03 浏览次数:243 类型:月考试卷
  • 12. 短文理解根据你所听到的短文内容,将所给信息进行匹配

    ⑴The place of the trip                     A. 80 years old

    ⑵The person who went to the trip          B. in the USA

    ⑶The old woman's age                    C. in the big cities

    ⑷The woman was happy                  D. to help others

    ⑸The old woman's children                E. Zhang Yuan with his parents

六、单项选择从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10 分)
  • 28. 完成对话从方 框中选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)

    A. Is the cinema far from your home?

    B. Then I went to see a movie.

    C. I like comedies.

    D. Sure. I'd love to.

    E. How often do you take it?

    F. I didn't get enough sleep last night.

    Claire: Hi, Mark! You look tired. What happened?

    Mark:I really want to sleep now.

    Claire: Were you busy with your homework last night?

    Mark: No, I finished my homework early.

    Claire: Did you go to the cinema with anyone?

    Mark: No, just myself. My parents were at work.


    Mark: No, about ten minutes on foot. The movie was great. What did you do last night?

    Claire: You know, just as usual. Homework, dancing class.

    Mark: Dancing class? Why did you have it?

    Claire: I love dancing. And more importantly, my dancing teacher is quite beautiful.

    Mark: Oh, really? You're so lucky.

    Claire: Three times a week. I need someone to practice with. Would you like to come?


  • 29. 补全对话根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。

    A: Hello, Linda. May I ask some questions?


    A: Thank you.

    B: No. I hardly ever watch TV. I like going to the movies.

    A: Really? ?

    B: About twice a week.


    B: I usually go with my parents, but sometimes with my friends.

    A: ?

    B: In my free time, I would like to listen to music or read some books.

    A: Sounds like you have great fun in your free time.

    B: Yeah. I like the way I'm living.

  • 30. 短文填空从方框中选择正确的选项,完成短文,并将其字母序号写在短文后面的横线上。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

    A. hungry  B. But  C. So  D. tried  E took  F. spent  G. stayed  H. different

    I. in J. terrible K. myself L. photos

    Last summer, my family and I went to England and we spent two weeks in Cornwall. Itus five hours to get there by car. Wein a hotel near a lake. We did a lot ofthings there. We went for long walks, played games, went shopping and swamthe lakes.

    I played happily at first, but then somethinghappened( 发生). One morning I went to the forest near the hotel by. I walked and walked. I watched the birds and took someof them. When I got,I wanted to go back to the hotel.I couldn't find the way back. Idifferent ways. However, at last I was still in the same place.

    "Oh, no! What should I do?" I thought. Later it started to rain. I didn't have an umbrella, so I was wet and cold.

    I decided to stay under a tree and waited for my parents. After a few hours they found me. It was dark and I was cold, hungry and scared. I will never go to the forest alone again.

  • 31. 阅读上面的信息,选择正确答案。

    Having an exercise plan is important, but you should always ask your doctor for advice before starting it. Keep in mind that over exercising and exercising in a wrong way can hurt your body. The following suggestions (建议) can help you avoid(避免) this, Warm up before exercise. This helps to prepare your body for activities. It's especially important in the morning.

    Cool down after exercise. Rather than( 而不是) stop immediately, do a few light activities to avoid aches and pains later.

    Exercise with your limits(极限). Build up slowly. Never try to exercise when you feel painful. If you don't listen to your body, you will/hurt yourself.

    Avoid being thirsty. Water is important to keep your normal temperature during exercise and prevent( 预防) tiredness.

    1. (1) The writer gives us         suggestions in the passage.
      A . three B . four C . five D . six
    2. (2) Before you start your exercise plan, you should        
      A . make up these suggestions B . ask your doctor for advice C . find out your health problems D . drink a lot of water
    3. (3)           is especially important before exercise in the morning.
      A . Warming up our body B . Cooling our body down C . Drinking enough water D . Eating enough food
    4. (4) The third suggestion can help us to        
      A . prepare for our activities B . avoid aches or pains later C . avoid hurting ourselves D . lose enough water
    5. (5) This passage mainly tells us       
      A . to warm up before exercise B . how to keep healthy C . how to exercise in a right way D . how to study hard
  • 32. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    In Australia, it's quite usual for people to go camping during the Easter(复活节) Festival. People can have fun on the beach or in the water.

    Last Easter holiday, some friends asked me to go camping with them. I was in such a hurry that I took the air bed my brother bought not very long ago without testing it. The first night at the camping place, I used my friend's pump(气泵) to blow up the air bed. It didn't take me long and the new bed looked excellent. After driving all the way and working hard to put up the tents, we were all very exhausted. As soon as I got my air bed ready, I went back into my tent and went to sleep. A few hours later, I started feeling the hard ground under my body and my bed didn't have any air in it.

    "There must be something wrong," I thought to myself, However, everyone else was now fast asleep and I didn't want to wake anyone up at midnight. Then I took out

    all the clothes and put all of them on the air bed to make it easier for me to fall back to sleep. Luckily. I brought lots of warm clothes and was able to get some sleep for the rest of the night.

    The next day, my friend Peter gave me one spare(备用的) air bed. I had a good sleep the other two nights only some animals came close to my tent and made some noises(噪音).

    1. (1) What did the writer do before he went camping?
      A . He tested the air bed. B . He bought an air bed. C . He fill the air bed with air. D . He got the air bed from his brother.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "exhausted" mean?
      A . Unhappy. B . Tired. C . Sick. D . Bored.
    3. (3) What happened to the writer at midnight?
      A . His friends woke him up. B . He couldn't find a pump. C . Some animals came up to him. D . Something went wrong with his air bed.
    4. (4) How was the writer s sleep the other two nights?
      A . Good. B . Bad. C . Quiet. D . Boring.
    5. (5) What is the best title for the text?
      A . A Broken Air Bed B . A Sleepless Night C . The Easter Festival in Australia D . My Easter Camping
  • 33. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。

    Hello! My name is Luban and I live in the Palace Museum. There are over 200 cats in the museum and I'm just one of them. Thanks to us, there are no rats(老鼠) in the Palace Museum.

    These days, I become popular because of the TV show Upped New ,Old Palace《上新了故宫》! I have lived in the Palace Museum since I was born, so I know lots of secrets(秘密) about it. That's why they ask me to work with them.

    In the TV show, I work with Deng Lun and some other great people. After we visit some interesting places in the Palace Museum, they make things based on(基于) what they see. Follow me and start your wonderful journey in the Palace Museum now!

    1. (1) The TV show is about the cats in the Palace Museum.
    2. (2) The cat gets popular because of the TV show.
    3. (3) Luban is the only cat living in the Palace Museum.
    4. (4) Deng Lun has no time to visit the interesting places because he is busy.
    5. (5) There aren't any rats in the Palace Museum.
  • 34. 根据短文内容.将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺、(每个选项只能用一次)

    David is a college student(大学生). Last year he went on vacation to Yunnan with his cousin, Cindy.David liked the weather there. It was not cold or hot. It was really fine. Cindy liked all kinds of flowers there.

    After two weeks, they went to Dali by train.They also knew a lot about local customs(风俗).

    One week later, David and Cindy took the bus to Lijiang- a beautiful town. They visited Jade Dragon Snow Mountain(玉龙雪山).They also visited the old town of Lijiang. There were many interesting stores and restaurants there.

    And Cindy bought many presents(礼物) for her sister Mary and her brother Bill. David had to come back to the college so they only stayed in Lijiang for one week.

    David likes Lijiang so much.

    A. It was really wonderful.

    B. They visited the famous Dali Old City and some other places of interest there.

    C. They ate much fine food there.

    D. First, they went to Kunming by plane.

    E. He hopes to visit it this summer vacation again.

  • 35. 任务型阅读
    1. (1) 把相关信息匹配。

      Nearly everyone has days when they feel sleepy. The problem of daytime sleepiness usually starts at night. Bad sleep habits often make people feel sleepy in the daytime. So please try these ways to improve your sleep and help you keep away daytime sleepiness.

      Most adults need seven to nine hours a night, and teenagers usually need a full nine hours. You'd better sleep eight or nine hours every night.

      You shouldn't read, watch TV, play video games or use computers in bed. Don't do your bills or have an exciting talk in bed either. They may make you sleepless

      Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Keep doing that for the first few weeks or even months, and then you will improve your sleep.

      Exercise (30 minutes a day) is good for your sleep. Exercise in the sunshine makes it easier to fall asleep and helps you sleep much better. Exercise also gives you more daytime energy and keeps your thinking sharp.

      If you go to bed when you're just tired, you may not fall asleep easily. The feeling of sleepiness and being tired are different. You'd better get into bed when you re sleepy.

      A. Keep distractions(娱乐) out of bed

      B. Set the same wake up time

      C. Don't go to bed until you re sleepy

      D. Exercise

      E. Get enough night- time sleep

    2. (2) 根据短文内容,补全下面语段,每空一词。

      Everyone has days when they feel Bad sleepOften make people feel sleepy in the daytime. So please try these ways to improve your sleep and help you keep away daytime sleepiness. You must keep 8- 9 hours' sleep. You shouldn't do exciting before sleeping. Go to bed and get up at the time every dayis also good for our sleep.

  • 36. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    About 37% of the people choose(选择) fast walking as their favorite exercise. Over 23% choose running and more than 14 % choose riding bikes. Fast walking is the exercise between walking and race walking. A study shows that fast walking has become the most popular exercise in China and many people walk more than 5.000 steps(步) a day. The results of the study are from QQ users.

    Fast walking and running are easy, cost little and work well, so they are popular. And many people would like to do exercise in nature. It's best to walk fast for at least 10 minutes at one time and walk up to 6.000 steps every day.

    The study also shows that people in Guiyang, Guizhou love sports most. On average(平均),everyone there walks 5,941 steps every day." It seems that people in places with better environment and air are more willing to(更愿意) do sports.

    1. (1) What percent of the Chinese people choose running as their favorite exercise?
    2. (2) What is the most popular exercise in China?
    3. (3) Where are the results of the study from?
    4. (4) Do people in Guiyang usually walk over 5.000 steps a day?
    5. (5) How do you like fast walking?
  • 37. 根据上下文补全短文内容,每空不超过三个单词。

    Liu Wei, a 23-year-old man from Beijing. became the winner of China 's Got Talent by the piano with his feet! Liu Wei lost his arms a terrible accident(事故) when he ten. Then he started housework with his feet. At the age of nineteen, he began to teach himself how to play the piano with his feet. He practiced more than seven hours every day. "I like music. I can't live without it. China's Got Talent made my dream come "Liu Wei said.

  • 38. 某英文网站正在对大家的生活方式做调查。假设你是Nick,请根据下面的问题并结合自己的实际情况,写一篇英语短文,介绍一下你的生活方式,发表在该网站上。

    1)How often do you exercise?

    2)What sport do you play?

    3)What do you often eat?

    4)How often do you do the housework?

    5)When do you usually go to bed?


