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更新时间:2021-08-13 浏览次数:274 类型:中考真卷
五、单项选择(每小题1分,共20 分)
  • 37. 阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个最佳的选项填空,使短文完整、通顺。(每小题1分,共10分)

    "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are… " Jimmy was singing happily with his friends. He laughed and then started to tell stories to them.

    1, this would never happen in real life. My eight-year-old brother, Jimmy, is an autistic (自闭症的) child. He doesn't know how to chat with others and can't even 2 by himself. He also has difficulty following his teachers in class. These things make him feel 3 at school.

    Mom took Jimmy to the hospital to get more treatment. But it 4 very well. Jimmy still doesn't know how to behave at school. He can, t listen to the teacher and doesn't understand what to do. He always forgets to bring his things home and even loses his books. My mom is always worried, but when she talks about Jimmy, she still5― it seems that she is still 6 her son.

    7Jimmy's sister, I am also worried about him. I heard that some students encourage him to misbehave and then laugh at him. The boys even stole 8 pencils and hid them in Jimmy's bag. Then they told the teacher that Jimmy stole them.

    Every time I hear about these things, I am very 9, but my mom asks me not to. She says that Jimmy doesn't 10 it at all. He is always smiling, even though life is hard for him. I love him and I hope things will get better soon and he will grow up happily.

    A . Then B . However C . And D . Although
    A . go to school B . stay with others C . do any things D . do many things
    A . lonely B . disappointed C . worried D . happy
    A . hasn't done B . hasn't worked C . got D . did
    A . gets excited B . gets mad C . smiles D . cries
    A . proud of B . thankful to C . hard on D . responsible for
    A . With B . To C . For D . As
    A . Jimmy's B . his C . others' D . their
    A . upset B . puzzled C . strange D . pleasant
    A . have a look at B . care about C . hide D . hate
  • 38. 根据广告信息,选择最佳答案。

    A blockbuster with warmth

    If you're a movie fan, why not come and enjoy the hot movie —Hi, Mom.

    Date: June 25-28

    Time: 9:30, 14:30, 19:30

    Place: Guang Ming Cinema

    Price: Adult: ¥50.Teens with school ID card half price. For more information:

    Tel: 0971-86666

    Viewing the Louvre online

    Visiting Louvre without booking a trip to France can be an amazing experience.

    ●480,000 works of art are available to look trough.

    ●Date: June 26-July 2

    ●Free viewing via computers and smartphones.

    Scan the QR code for logging in.

    Food Festival is on the way

    Come and taste hundreds of nice Qinghai local food for foodies all over the world.

    Date: June 25-July 24

    Time: 12:00~24:00

    Place: Tang Dao 637, Xi'ning

    Cool light show from 9:00 to 10:00 every night.

    Don't miss the chance!

    For more information, visit www.xnfoodfestival.com.

    1. (1) The price of the movie ticket for school teenagers is ____________.
      A . ¥ 50 B . ¥25 C . free of charge D . not mentioned
    2. (2) The purpose of viewing the Louvre online is probably to make people __________.
      A . take a trip to France B . view the art works with surprise C . go to the Louvre D . look through the art works at home
    3. (3) The on line art show will last for _____________.
      A . an hour B . three days C . a week D . a month
    4. (4) You can get more information about food festival by ____________.
      A . visiting the website B . asking the local people C . calling the hotline D . scanning the QR code
    5. (5) If you are available on the morning of June 25, you can ____________.
      A . enjoy the light show B . go to the food festival C . go to the cinema D . view the Louvre
  • 39. 阅读理解

    It's been over a year since COVID-19 first appeared and the virus continues to be a problem in many parts of the world, scientists have realized the development of vaccines (疫苗) is a solution to the pandemic. A global effort to vaccinate as many people as possible would be needed, since vaccines typically take years to develop.

    On Dec 2, 2020, the first COVID vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine, was approved (批准) by UK health department. However, these vaccines must be stored at very low temperatures, which is not possible everywhere. In response, Chinese companies like Sinopharm and Sinovac have developed vaccines that can be kept at normal temperatures.

    Now, vaccines are being rolled out all over the world, with millions of people being vaccinated every day. In China, 285 million vaccine doses (剂量) had been given so far. Meanwhile, the US has given out 247 million doses. The UK now stands at 50 million doses.

    Although there have been rumors about vaccines being unsafe, most of people seem to realize the importance of vaccination for building mass immunity (群体免疫) in order to stop the vims from spreading. The world has come to understand that the vaccines will protect us. Therefore, sharing vaccines has become a key factor of staying safe and healthy worldwide.

    Unfortunately, not everyone can get the vaccine yet. Children below the age of 16 can't be vaccinated because they have not yet been tested on them. Those who have a history of vaccine allergies (过敏) shouldn't get it, either.

    1. (1) The vaccine developed by __________ cannot be stored at normal temperatures.
      A . UK health department B . Sinopharm C . Sinovac D . Pfizer
    2. (2) According to the passage, _________million vaccine doses had been given so far in China.
      A . 50 B . 247 C . 285 D . 582
    3. (3) In paragraph 4, the underlined word "rumors" probably means ___________.
      A . 谎言 B . 谣言 C . 建议 D . 骗局
    4. (4) The purpose for vaccinating as many people as possible is to ______________.
      A . build mass immunity B . share the vaccines C . develop vaccines quickly D . get everyone vaccinated
    5. (5) In paragraph 5, the word "they" in the underlined sentence refers to ____________.
      A . children B . companies C . vaccines D . experts
  • 40. 阅读理解

    Do you still hug your parents? How do you feel when you hug them? When do you need a hug the most?

    It was a cold November morning several years ago. My alarm clock had just gone off, but I was having trouble getting out of bed. My dad had died a few weeks before. I felt weighed down by sadness and depression.

    Tough and strong, my dad had worked so hard all of his life to support us. He would sometimes shout at my brothers and me, but I always knew that he loved me. Still, he had been raised (养育) in a traditional way and raised us that way too. I couldn't remember, for example, ever being hugged by him.

    After my mom and grandma passed away, my dad moved into grandma's home. I was so happy to have him close by. I would often visit him and just talk with him about life. But we still seldom touched and never hugged. Finally his own health began to rapidly fail and within a few months he left us. It was a cold morning when we had his service (追悼会), but I was too cold inside myself to feel it. I couldn't remember when we'd had our last hug.

    I sighed (叹气) and got out of my bed. I turned on the lights and walked into the hallway. I saw my son Jim walking down the hall to meet me. Suddenly, he opened his arms and gave me a heart-felt hug. And just as he did, I heard my dad's voice deep inside of me say, "Joey, this hug is from me!" I cried and smiled at the same time. In that moment, in the place where heart, mind, and spirit all meet, I felt loved. I felt loved by my dad. I felt loved by life.

    1. (1) The writer felt down because  ________________.
      A . he was cold B . his alarm clock didn't go off C . he had trouble getting up D . his dad had died
    2. (2) What did the writer think of his father?
      A . Tough and strong. B . Hard-working. C . Full of love. D . All of the above.
    3. (3) Which of the following is NOT true according to paragraph 4?
      A . He talked about everything with his father. B . He lived near his father. C . His father got serious health problem. D . He felt so sad in the service.
    4. (4) The passage implies (暗示) that _______________.
      A . kids shouldn't be raised in a traditional way B . parents should set good examples for children C . love needs to be expressed D . family members need to understand each other
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . Sad but moved. B . Sometimes people need a hug. C . A father who doesn't know love. D . Missing my father.
  • 41. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(其中两个选项为多余选项)A: Do you know China Brand Day?

    B: What's the Day for?

    A: In the past, "made in China" just made people think of cheap, low-quality products.

    B: I agree. Chinese brands are going global and being widely accepted.

    A: Exactly. 69.

    B: Yes. I often buy some shoes and clothes of these brands, they are at good prices, but really nice and of high quality.

    A: I believe more Chinese will support our own brands like you.

    A. Cool!

    B. For making people know about Chinese brands all over the world.

    C. Because they are affordable.

    D. Some sports brands like Huili and Li-Ning have got global attention.

    E. What? I've never heard of it.

    F. TikTok is another big technology brand.

    G. But it has changed now.

  • 42. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。

    many   one     real       help     hand

    Like many kids, Alan is a fan of science. But this 14-year-old eighth-grader used his science skills others. He created three prosthetic (假体的) using a 3D printer during his after-school program. He designed the hand for practice. The second one was designed for a 6-year-old boy, and the third was made for a disabled teacher at his school. Combining his love of science and his willingness to help others, Alan plans to make one hand before the year ends. He wants to do something good and helps more people.

  • 43. 根据短文内容,用符合语义及语法规则的词填空,每空一词。

    What are some things in your life that give you too much stress? Find out what you can do about it.

    School Work and Grades

    As a student, school work and grades are at the top of your stress list. Even if your school grades are not so bad, you may still fear that you may not do as well as you expect. Heavily learning burden is another cause for worry.

    Why not take it easy by leaving extra time to study and take frequent breaks to avoid being so tired? Manage your time carefully and do not put things off.

    Friendships and Relationships

    Have you ever been concerned with not having enough friends, or not being in the same class as your best friends? These, along with other issues such as peer pressure and interpersonal disagreements and arguments, are other common stress.

    It is important to know how to choose your circle of friends wisely. Do not "hide" in your own "nest". Make friends when you join school activities. Make plans to meet with your friends from other classes during break time. Know that everyone is unique and different—do not compare yourself with others.

    Poor Diet and Lack of Sleep

    Do you know that eating too much fast food and junk food can lead to mood changes, lack of energy and other negative effects? These convenience food which have less nutrition (营养) may cause other health issues. Some students suffer from sleep problems too. When that happens, they behave poorly in class.

    Learn to make wise food choices that you can enjoy. Well plan and arrange your daily routine. Completing all school tasks, going to bed at a set time every night. Avoid playing computer games or smartphone before you sleep. Do see a doctor if your sleeping problems continue.

    1. (1) school work grades are the main stress for students.
    2. (2) In order not to , students can leave extra time to study and take frequent breaks.
    3. (3) Don't compare yourself with others, you are not the any other person in the world.
    4. (4) Less nutritious food and sleep problems can make students at school.
    5. (5) Wise food choices and healthy life style may   your sleeping .
  • 44. 假如你是李磊,你的笔友Anna给你发了电子邮件诉说她的烦恼,请根据邮件内容进行回复。 要求:



    Dear Li Lei,

    My sister practices playing the violin in an after-school class, so my parents asked me to go and learn it too. But I'm just not a music girl. You know, I'm interested in sports and I want to choose what I like. Now, I' m so upset. What should I do?


    Dear Anna,

    I understand your feeling. Here is what I think.


    I hope what I said is helpful to you.

    Li Lei

