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外研版初中英语八年级上册 Module 3 Unit 3 随...

更新时间:2021-07-21 浏览次数:104 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空限填一词。

        Paul loved baseball more than (排球)or basketball. His favourite baseball team was Yankees. Every day he (练习)playing baseball a lot. At night, he even put the baseball gloves under his pillow and (睡觉)with them. He always dreamed about playing baseball for the Yankees.

        Paul was in the school baseball team and his (教练)loved him a lot. He(相信)Paul would be a baseball player. But one day when he rode to school as (通常的), he had a bad accident(事故). He was too (粗心的)to notice a running car. Paul was hurt (严重地)and couldn't walk. His doctor said he would not have a (机会)of walking again. This made Paul cry (大声地).But after that, he said to his parents, "I will walk again. I will run again. I will play baseball for the Yankees."

  • 14. 用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子(有一项多余)

    see    swim    good    enjoy    practise    you

    1. (1) We all think Peter is easy to get on with.
    2. (2) Be careful with that knife, or you'll cut .
    3. (3) Is this trip than that one?
    4. (4) I often see her playing tennis with her sister.
    5. (5) I hope you and your family soon.
  • 15. 完形填空。

        Today is Saturday. We are having a(n)1 on the playground now. Look! There is a basketball match between Class One and Class Four. They are playing 2. Last year, Class One was careless 3 they lost to Class Four. Look! There is a high jump over there. Li Gang from Class Two41.20 metres, but Zhao Kai from Class One jumps 0.05 metres5than him. On the corner of the playground, you can 6 some students. They are 7the 100-metre race. Who is the girl8 red? She is Wang Mei. She is from Class Three. She is good at9. She runs 4,000 metres every morning on the school playground. This time she hopes to be the10in the race. We all love sports. We know sports are good for us.

    A . party B . art festival C . sports meeting
    A . exactly B . well C . slowly
    A . and B . but C . or
    A . runs B . climbs C . jumps
    A . tall B . taller C . higher
    A . visit B . hear C . see
    A . pointing at B . getting ready for C . looking forward to
    A . to B . at C . in
    A . running B . playing tennis C . swimming
    A . first B . second C . third

