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浙江外研版初中英语九年级上册Module 9 Unit 3 ...

更新时间:2020-09-10 浏览次数:57 类型:同步测试
  • 5. 语法填空

        The first telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.made communication easier.the telephones were only fixed in post offices at that time. People had to go there to make calls.(late), a cellphone was developed in 1973 in America. It was one of the most(use) inventions. People can use cellphones to communicate with others mucheasily. They can take them anywhere to make private calls, even vision calls. Cellphones have many other functions, such as(send) messages, taking photos and reading online.

        The first TV set was invented by an English(science), John Logie Baird, in 1925. The invention helped people watch films at home insteadgoing to the cinema as before. At first, TV sets broadcast black white pictures and they were heavy and thick. Then, digital TV sets came into being. They're light and thin. Many TV programmes are availableany time, People can use the IPTV (record) and replay programmes now.

  • 6. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空

    print   thousand   spread   develop   repair

    1. (1) — The flood took away of lives.

      — I'm sorry to hear that.

    2. (2) The doctor followed the of the child closely.
    3. (3) is one of the four greatest inventions in ancient China.
    4. (4) The factory has 5 times bigger than before.
    5. (5) — My computer doesn't work. When it ?

      — Tomorrow morning.

  • 7. 我们身边有许多发明创造,你是怎样看待它们的?请写— 篇英语短文向大家介绍自己的观点。



