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更新时间:2021-02-27 浏览次数:106 类型:单元试卷
  • 17. 完形填空

        Have you heard of Earth Hour? It's a campaign that encourages people around the world to switch off1at the same time for one hour. Earth Hour started In2in 2007 when over 2. 2 million families and companies in the city of Sydney3all unimportant lights for an hour. Since then it has developed into a big global event. In 2013, millions of people in 7,000 cities and towns around the world switched off their lights for4minutes at the end of March. Every year landmarks and well 一 known5around the world such as the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, the UK Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the Empire State Building6and "go dark" for Earth Hour. The campaign even went into space when7reduced power on the International Space Station in 2011.

        Earth Houris8by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). It was started by Andy Ridley, originally from Britain, who is executive director of Earth Hour Global, WWF. He9the idea of Earth Hour because he wanted to raise awareness of environmental issues10asking people to do something positive to help the planet. Switching off the lights for an hour can make a small11to the amount of energy we use but Earth Hour is also a symbolic event to12people think about the problems of climate change.

    A . water B . radio C . electricity D . TV
    A . America B . China C . England D . Australia
    A . turned on B . turned off C . turned down D . turned up
    A . thirty B . forty C . fifty D . sixty
    A . buildings B . people C . names D . theatres
    A . take up B . call up C . clean up D . take part
    A . astronauts B . players C . nurses D . drivers
    A . lent B . introduced C . wasted D . organized
    A . got on with B . came up with C . bad to do with D . agreed with
    A . from B . with C . by D . as
    A . deal B . difference C . stress D . feel
    A . ask B . tell C . allow D . make
  • 18. 阅读理解

        This is a story from a meeting held by some people and two things in nature. We call it the Four 一 Sided Talk, Let's "listen to" everyone carefully and find out what they think.

        People: We have lived on the earth since ancient times. The earth is our home. Now we regret what we have done to our home! The earth belongs to all of us. From now on, we should not only make full use of the resources on the earth, but also beautify and protect the earth. Let's try our best!

        The United Nations: We only know a little bit about the environmental problems. Hearing what all of you said, we have made up our minds to protect the earth and love the earth. We have also made June 5th World Environment Day.

        An old tree: I am thousands of years old, but I have fewer and fewer friends. I'm afraid that soon I will be cut, People cut down many trees to make paper and chopsticks. They destroy the forests and the natural environment. Now there are no trees to make air and to protect people from floods. Mother nature is making many disasters to teach people a lesson.

        The river: What the old tree said is right. I not only make the earth more beautiful, but also provide the clean water for people and animals to drink. Now I'm sad because people put waste and garbage into us, which kills many animals and plants that drink our water. People drink this kind of water and get sick too.

    1. (1) What's the United Nations' decision in the Four Sided Talk?
      A . Set an Earth Day. B . Find out what is making the pollution. C . Hold an international meeting. D . Protect and love the earth,
    2. (2) What doesn't the old tree tell us?
      A . He's afraid to be cut down some day. B . The trees have the longest lives in the world. C . Over-cutting teaches people a lesson. D . People are destroying the natural environment.
    3. (3) What's the meaning of the underlined word"disasters"?
      A . 灾难 B . 奇迹 C . 财富 D . 神话
    4. (4) What will people do according to the passage?

      ① Overuse the resources.    ② Beautify the earth.

      ③ Start a global group.    ④ Protect the earth,

      A . ①④ B . ②③ C . ①③ D . ②④
  • 19. 阅读理解

        How green are you? Do you know how to be green?

        We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it is harmful to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. Here are some ideas for you.


        "Reduce" means "use less". Don't waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary 一 or maybe the old one is still useful.


        "Reuse" means "use again". When we buy things, make sure that they can last a long time. When something is broken, we should repair it instead of throwing it away and buying a new one. Don't use a paper cup or a paper bag. It's better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.


        "Recycle" means "change things into something else". Though it takes energy to change something into something else, it's better than throwing things away or burning them.

        So please remember these words: reduce, reuse and recycle.

    1. (1) What is the passage about?
      A . How to produce things. B . How to burn things. C . How to be green. D . How to help others.
    2. (2) Which of the following is RIGHT?
      A . Always throw away old things. B . Don't waste things. C . Always buy new things. D . Never buy new things.
    3. (3) The underlined word "last" means "________________" in Chinese.
      A . 中断 B . 持续 C . 终止 D . 结束
    4. (4) It's better to use a china cup and a lunch box because we can ________ them.
      A . reuse B . reduce C . repair D . recycle
    5. (5) The passage may come from a ______________.
      A . Menu B . dictionary C . storybook D . magazine
  • 20. 阅读理解

        We all waste food, you and me, every day, millions of tons of it. In China, enough food is wasted in restaurants every year to feed 200 million people. And the amount of food wasted by Chinese consumers is increasing fast. So our nation is being encouraged to stop wasting food.

        So what should Chinese consumers do to prevent food waste?

        ◆Keep a kitchen diary

        All of us should keep a kitchen diary, and we can know how much food we waste at home. The first thing for us to do is stop throwing away food that we can. still eat. We should eat everything we buy and if we cannot, we should buy less.

        ◆Buy only what we need

        We should ask for smaller portions in stores. We should also check how much food we have before buying more. We shouldn't bring much food we don't need home even if large posters ask us to do so.

        ◆Develop the habit of packing food

        Chinese consumers are generous and friendly. In restaurants, often too much food is ordered and served. So when ordering out, we are supposed to exclude the food in the order if we don't plan to eat it. And order smaller servings in restaurants and take home what we cannot finish.

        Don't put it off! Let's stop food waste today!

    1. (1) Why is our nation being encouraged to stop wasting food?
      A . Because there is enough food for Chinese people. B . Because Chinese consumers like to try delicious food. C . Because the amount of food wasted by us is growing fast. D . Because it's traditional to invite friends to dinner in China. .
    2. (2) Miss Li is a housewife, she'd better __________________ at home.
      A . keep a kitchen diary B . buy things as many as possible C . cook too much food for her family D . keep the food as long as possible
    3. (3) In order to urge more and more people to prevent food waste, we design a poster with the words "_______________".
      A . Enjoy the food! B . Keep healthy! C . Share the dish! D . Waste not, want not!
    4. (4) Your friend invites you to dinner, which of the following is NOT right?
      A . He asks for the right portions. B . You leave a lot of food on the table. C . You ask your friend to order less food. D . He takes away the food that you can still eat.
    5. (5) As teenagers, what should we do to stop food waste?
      A . Have a balanced diet. B . Eat less food to keep fit. C . Keep the balance of nature. D . Have a good habit of clearing the plate.
  • 21. 阅读理解

        Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didn't have modern machines. There were no modern machines either.

        One of the biggest ones is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and affects our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and louder. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution.

    Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the pollution is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog.

        Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away;

    they mustn't blow dirty smoke into the air.

        We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin (垃圾箱) but can't throw them on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. Laws are not enough. Every person must help to fight against pollution.

    A. These days air pollution is more serious.

    B. Many countries are making new laws to fight against pollution.

    C. There is pollution around the world.

    D. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.

    E It affects every living thing in the world.

    F. Life today has brought about new problems.

  • 22. 情境交际, 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的句子补全对话

    A: Would you like to help protect the environment?

    B: Certainly. What can I do?

    A: Well.

    B: Yes. I'll remember that. What's next?

    A: Second, you can ride a bike.

    B: That will save money too. What else?


    B: Mmm, newspapers, magazines, books ... We have got a lot of paper at home.

    A: That's right.

    B: OK. My parents do most of the shopping. I'll tell them.

    A: Let me see. Oh, you can take short showers.

    A. Don't take a car or a taxi if you don't have to,

    B. And take a bag when you go shopping.

    C. Can 1 take short showers?

    D. Try to recycle paper.

    E. First, you can start by turning off the lights.

    F. What else can I do?

    G. There are too many cars.

  • 28. 用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式完成短文

    blow    be    go    make    copy    worry about

        Today the forests in the US almost . A lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand. China doesn't want the US's example. We are planting more and more trees. We've built the Great Green Wall of trees across the northern part of our country. The Great Green Wall about 7,000 kilometres long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide. It will stop the wind from the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. More Great Green Walls are needed. Trees must be grown all over the world. And I think if we do like this, the Great Green Walls of trees the world better.

  • 29. 根据上下文提示完成短文

        How do your parents get to work? Do they ? If they do, you might try to get them to walk to work for a day.

        The "World Car Free Day (世界无车日)" was first by over 30 cities in France on September 22,1998. It was set up to protect the environment. So far, more than 1,000 cities in the world have had a "World Car Free Day".

        The first "World Car Free Day" in China was in Chengdu in 2001. Other cities, Taipei, Shanghai and Wuhan also support the day.

        The "World Car Free Day" campaign asks drivers to leave their at home one day each month and walk to work. It also calls on people not to use cars on June 5, which is World Environment Day. The slogan for the day is, "If we don't drive for one day, we can have one more day of skies."

  • 30. 任务型阅读

        "When it comes to the earth, there is no time to waste," says the Earth Day Network. And that is right. Protecting our environment is very important, and World Earth Day was created in 1970 to ask more people to protect our environment. On April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day.

    Every year there's a special topic, and in 2016 it is "Trees for the Earth", so Earth Day that year was all about planting trees. They planned to plant 7. 8 billion trees.

        That's a big goal, and you might wonder why trees are so important. Because they can take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and improve the air quality. CO2 is a chemical in our atmosphere, but humans make too much of it, which is bad for the environment.

        Well guess what! Planting new trees is important because people cut down a huge number of trees. Once there were about 3 tillion trees in the world, about 139 billion in China. But according to China Daily, the world's total number has been almost cut in half since human civilization (文明) began. That's because 15 billion trees are cut down every year.

        So we need to plant more to make up for (弥补) the ones we lost. One tree can take in 18. 3 kilograms of CO2 per year. And it's still one of the cheapest and best ways to get rid of CO2.

        But don't forget that we can also help the environment by cutting down on how much energy (能源) or water we use every day. Every little thing helps.

    1. (1) When do people around the world celebrate World Earth Day?
    2. (2) What was the topic of Earth Day in 2016?
    3. (3) Why are trees so important to the earth?
    4. (4) How much CO2 can two trees take in each year?
    5. (5) What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined part?
  • 36. 为配合我市举行的“6.5世界环境日”万人骑自行车城区环游活动,请你写一篇以 "Low carbon, happy life" 为题目的英语短文。








    参考词汇:节能灯energy- saving lamp;用过的used;下届the lower grade

    Low carbon, happy life

        It's our duty to save the environment.

        Low carbon, happy life. Let's take action!

