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更新时间:2020-08-06 浏览次数:335 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Science Week is coming!

    From June I to June 5

        We are all excited about the coming Science Week. We will have the chance to take part in activities and competitions every school day. Lectures (讲座) of different topics will also be given by different speakers.

    How much do you know about COND19? (2019冠状病毒病)? How dangerous is it? What should we do to protect ourselves?

    Speake: Dr. Li

    Time: 9: 00 a. m--11: 00 a.m.

    Day: Tuesday

    Place: Lecture Room One

    5G is changing everything! Come and experience what it is like! Will you buy a 5G phone in 2020? How will 5G Technology change your life?

    Speake: Dr. Zhu

    Time: 2: 30 p.m-4: 30 p.m.

    Day: Tuesday

    Place: Science Center

    Have you heard about 3D printing technology? How does it work? Do you want to use it to make your own toy? 3D printing must bring you different feelings!

    Teacher: Mr. Wang

    Time: 8:20 a. m—10:20 a. m

    Day: Thursday

    Place: Computer Room Four

    On May M, 2020, a Chinese team reached the top of Qomolangma to measure its height again. What do you know about the world's highest mountain? Come and enjoy a film about it!

    Teacher: Ms. Li

    Time: 3:00 p. m—4:00 p. m

    Day: Friday

    Place: School Hall

    1. (1) You can watch a film about Qomolangma in              
      A . School Hall B . Science Center C . Lecture Room One D . Computer Room Four
    2. (2) If you are free on Tuesday morning, you can           
      A . experience 5G technology B . make a toy by 3D printing C . know more about Qomolangma D . learn something about COVID-19
    3. (3) The text above is written to          
      A . teachers B . parents C . students D . speakers
  • 2. 阅读理解

        One January morning, the captain got up early and walked down to the beach. It was a cold winter's day with the sun still low in the sky. My mother was upstairs with my father, who was now very ill. That year the winter was long and hard, and we knew my father would not see another spring.

        I was getting the table ready for the captain's breakfast. Suddenly, the door of the inn (客栈) opened and a man stepped inside. I had never seen him before. He wore a short sword (剑) by his side and I found he had only three fingers on his left hand.

        I asked him what he wanted and he said: “I'll take a glass of rum (朗姆酒)”But before I could get it, he told me to come near him. "Is this table for my old friend Bill? " the stranger asked, with a terrible smile.

        I told him I did not know his friend Bill and the break fast was for a man who was staying at the inn. "We call him the captain."

         “Does he have a sword cut on his face.”

        "Yes" I said

         “That's Bill,” said the stranger. “Is he here?”

        I told him the captain was out walking, and the man waited, like a cat waiting for a mouse. I did not like the look on his face and was sure the captain would not be pleased to see him.

        When the captain came back, the man pulled me behind the door. The captain opened the door and walked across the room.

         “Bill” said the stranger.

        The captain turned quickly and saw us. The color went from his face and he looked old and sick. "Black Dog! " he said. He looked at the stranger. “And what do you want?”

        "I'll have a glass of rum, "said Black Dog, "then you and I'll sit and talk like old friends.”

        I got the rum and they told me to go away. I went out of the room, but the voices became louder.

    1. (1) The underlined sentence in Paragraph I mean              
      A . the next spring would never come B . my father only had a short time to live C . my father didn't want to see spring anymore D . there was something wrong with my father's eyes
    2. (2) What was "I" doing when the stranger came?
      A . I was walking down to the beach B . I was setting the table for the captain C . I was looking after my father upstairs D . I was making breakfast for my family
    3. (3) What do you know about the captain according to the story?
      A . He had a sword cut on his face B . His another name was "Black Dog" C . He was very pleased to see the stranger D . He had only three fingers on his left hand
    4. (4) It can be inferred (推断) from the passage that           
      A . the stranger wanted to live in the inn with the captain B . the captain and the stranger didn't know each other before C . the captain and the stranger were both "my" father's good friends D . something unhappy once happened between the captain and the stranger
  • 3. 阅读理解

        When Hanley Fort was six, she saw a person who was homeless standing on

    The street in her town. She wanted to help him, so she and her mom gave the man a sandwich and a bottle of water.

        Hailey kept thinking about the man and what it was like to be hungry. She knew that fresh fruits and vegetables often aren't available (可获得的) at food banks, where homeless people may get canned or boxed food. Hailey had an idea. "There was a garden in our backyard, and we weren't using it, "she said. “I asked my mom if I could use that garden to grow food for the homeless.”

        Now, several years later, Hailey's garden has provided many people with strawberries, blueberries, peas, tomatoes, and other fresh food. When food is ready to harvest (收获), Hailey picks, washes, and bags it. Then she and her mom give the bags to people on the street or to a local food bank. Hailey has given away more than 550 pounds of fruits and vegetables so far!

        While handing out food, Hailey and her mom often see people more than once. They lean their names and talk with people about what it's like to be homeless. Last week, when Hailey found out that people without homes didn't always have safe or comfortable places to sleep, she thought of a new project-building a shelter.

        With the help of her mom, Hailey built a shelter big enough for a person to sleep in. It has walls, windows, a roof, a locking door, a solar light, and curtains made by her sister, Josie. Hailey's family is now working with local groups to find a good place to park the shelter for someone in need.

        Hailey has learned a lot since she gave away her first sandwich. She has also leaned to see people who are homeless as individuals (个体). To help others, she says, "Start small. You can always grow over the years.

    1. (1) Hailey grows food in the garden to         
      A . make full use of her time B . provide food for her family C . help her mom with gardening D . give away food to the homeless
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The food that Hailey has given away is over 550 kilograms B . The homeless can always find safe and comfortable places to live in C . Hailey's family and local groups work together to help the homeless D . The homeless can often get fresh fruits and vegetables from food banks
    3. (3) The underlined word “shelter” in Paragraph 5 means          
      A . something to eat B . somewhere to stay C . something to wear D . somewhere to study
    4. (4) The purpose (目的) of this passage is to         
      A . invite people to work at food banks B . encourage people to grow vegetables C . introduce how Hailey help the homeless D . ask people to raise money for the homeless
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Nature is all around us. It is the sky, the ground, the forest, the mountains, and the deserts. It is lakes, rivers, seas, plants, and animals. Usually, we say nature is anything that is natural, that is, anything not made by people. Even though it is easier to find nature away from cities, it is possible to find natural places in cities. These natural places have important benefits (好处) for people living in the city.

    Nature away from cities or in cities is Important for a number of reasons. Plants clean the air and help take people's minds off busy city life. Along with all of these good things, scientists have found other benefits of nature. They have found that nature helps children feel better and study better in school.

    One study involving (涉及) children in the United States has found that children who have many trees and plants near their houses feel happier than those who do not. Another study has found that children who often see and touch nature do better on tests in school. Other studies have shown that children who play in nature are more kind than other students and are not sick as much.

                     Maybe part of them comes from meeting other children. When a home has a lot of natural places around it (like yards or parks), children go to such places to play. While playing, they meet other children and often become friends. This might explain why children who live near nature are happier and tore kind Scientists have also found that children who have the chance to play and relax are able to study better. This would explain how nature helps children do better on tests in school.

    1. (1) In which part of a magazine might this passage come from?
      A . Culture B . Sports C . Science D . History
    2. (2) The writer shows that nature is good for children in Paragraph 3 by                    .
      A . using clear numbers B . listing study results C . giving different opinions D . telling interesting stories
    3. (3) Which of the following is the best for           in Paragraph 4?
      A . What are the benefits that nature brings to children? B . What kind of children can feel better and study better? C . How did scientists find the benefits of nature for children? D . How can science explain the benefits of nature for children?
    4. (4) In the writer's opinion,            .
      A . It is important to find natural place in cities B . it is important for people to get close to nature C . children who live near nature are much cleverer D . the knowledge of nature helps kids do better on tests
  • 5. 下面文章中有五处需要添加采访问题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段回答的问题。选项中有一个是多余选项。

        Artist for the Animals

        Twelve-year-old Bria Neff loves art and animals. So she puts the two together by painting pictures of animals that are endangered. With her mom's help, she sells the paintings to raise money for groups that protect animals and their living places. We asked Bria about her work.


        When I was eight, I joined in an art competition run by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. I found out that there are thousands of endangered animals, and I wanted to help. Since I love to draw, I thought I could use my talents to introduce endangered animals.


        I paint animals that really touch me. I research them and read about them and study their living habits. Sometimes, after researching them, I put their names into a box and just pick one to paint.


        I complete a painting in one to two weeks. I start by looking up lots of pictures of the animal in its living places. That gives me great ideas.


        Knowing that I'm making a difference for animals and their living places and that I have encouraged others to do the same.


        I want to tell them that it doesn't matter how old you are. Do something you love, and you can make a difference. We just need to work together and believe we can do great things.

    A. How did you get started?

    B. How long does a painting take?

    C. What will you say to other kids?

    D. When will your book come out?

    E. How do you decide what to paint?

    F. What's the most meaningful about what you do?

  • 6. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选一个最佳选项。

        An old man lived alone in a village and was in poor health. He was one of the 1people in the world. The whole village was tired of him because he was always unhappy. When people tried to 2 the old man, he would rudely turn them away.

        The longer he lived, the more bad-tempered he became. The way he 3always made others feel uncomfortable. It was unusual and impolite to feel 4around him. By behaving like this, he made the rest of the village feel unhappy as well.

        But one day-the 5he turned 80 years old, in fact-an unbelievable thing happened. The man's mood (情绪) suddenly changed. He was no longer rude or angry. 6 he seemed calm and kind. The villagers said among 7, “The old man is happy today. He hasn't 8about anything, he is smiling, and his face looks 9.”

        The whole village went to see the old man. They couldn't believe that his 10could change so suddenly. One of the villagers asked the old man, “What happened to you?”

        “Nothing 11has happened, in fact.” the man said. “For 80 years I've been looking for happiness, but it was no use. 12 then I decided to live without happiness and 13enjoy life. That's why I'm happy now.”

        It is important to 14 that your feelings can change the feelings of those around you. Everyone has bad days15. If someone tries to cheer you up, don't be rude to them. Just try to accept their help.

    A . happiest B . kindest C . strongest D . rudest
    A . cheer up B . give up C . dress up D . wake up
    A . took B . acted C . became D . liked
    A . surprised B . sick C . happy D . nervous
    A . moment B . day C . month D . year
    A . Actually B . Besides C . Luckily D . Instead
    A . himself B . herself C . themselves D . ourselves
    A . complained B . talked C . lied D . explained
    A . tired B . old C . kind D . perfect
    A . ideas B . feelings C . face D . condition
    A . crazy B . similar C . interesting D . special
    A . But B . And C . Because D . Or
    A . ever B . still C . even D . just
    A . imagine B . realize C . report D . remind
    A . sometimes B . recently C . then D . forever
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。

        Once upon a time, there lived a wise man. Everyone respected him. His son, however, was very lazy and did nothing all -day. The wise man was (worry) about his son's future.

        One day, he said to his son, want you to go and find some treasure. I have drawnmap to guide you" Then he handed his son a bag. Inside the bag (be) clothes, some food, a little money and the map.

        The son set out on his long journey the next day, along the way, he met a lot of people. Some gave him something  (eat) when he was hungry.

        Finally, he reached the treasure place. He spent two days looking for the treasure,

        found nothing. Disappointed, he headed back home. On(he) way back, he learned to hunt and make (meal). He was now able to tell time by the place of the sun and protect himself wild animals. He met the same people who helped him (early). This time, he helped them in return.

        When he reached home, he said sorry to his father for not finding the treasure. There wasn't any treasure in the very first place, my son," the father answered with a smile. "But I think you (find) the true treasure of your life already."

  • 17. 假设你是李明,你的美国笔友Julia给你发来电子邮件,诉说她遇到的问题并向你求助,请阅读她的邮件,然后给她回一封电子邮件,词数80左右。文中不得出现真实校名和姓名。

    Dear Li Ming,

    How's everything going with you? I have a problem that troubles me recently. I got into a fight with my best friend Cindy and we haven't talked to each other for almost a week. I feel really terrible but I don't know what to do. Also, I feel it is easy for me to get angry. What will you do to control your anger and stop fighting? Could you please give me some advice?



    Dear Julia,







    Li Ming

