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更新时间:2020-11-24 浏览次数:309 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

        Last year I was given a chance to work in another country--England. At first, I lived a 1 life, but soon I met a new friend Mark and we were really nice.

    Then something 2 happened. Mark suffered from kidney stones (肾结石), which had to 3 as soon as possible. But it was not as simple as that! Mark could not 4 the operation (手术). I didn't know how to help him because I didn't have any money, either. 5, I didn't lose hope. Instead, I tried to think of other 6 and told him not to worry.

        Before leaving the hospital, I asked the doctor to do the operation and promised to 7 the cost the next day. Well, the doctor must have believed in8I said because he agreed to do it! But how was I going to get the money?

    Although it could be 9, I decided to do something. I tried to borrow money but failed. I tried 10 my things but no one wanted them. Then I had the idea of talking to my 11. I asked him if I could have my next two months' salary (工资) in advance— without even thinking on how I would live for two months with no money. He was surprised at first, but after having been told the reason he 12 agreed!

        Upon getting the money, I ran to the hospital and paid all the bills. Mark, with tears in his eyes, didn't know how to thank me. We realized the true meaning of 13.

        Friendship may not only be found at the happy moment but sometimes in the 14 time of your life! I've done a good thing15 being a supportive friend and I think it is well worth the effort.

    A . modern B . lonely C . colorful D . great
    A . strange B . wrong C . unexpected D . unclear
    A . be cut off B . be kept off C . be put away D . be thrown away
    A . stand B . consider C . perform D . afford
    A . Besides B . So C . However D . Also
    A . reasons B . methods C . excuses D . treatments
    A . avoid B . pay C . cut D . take
    A . when B . why C . what D . how
    A . challenging B . dangerous C . serious D . silly
    A . saving B . collecting C . raising D . selling
    A . friend B . relative C . boss D . doctor
    A . willingly B . politely C . secretly D . suddenly
    A . money B . time C . hardship D . friendship
    A . best B . shortest C . busiest D . hardest
    A . with B . by C . as D . at
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Harvard Student Organization Center at Hills (SOCH)

    Digital Media Academy (DMA) summer camps are great chances for students aged 6 to 17 to spend time at the Harvard University. Kids and teens can learn to build an app, program a robot, or explore (探索) the world of music production. Especially, we pay great attention to STEM courses that will also help students learn teamwork, create and solve problems.

    No matter what the program is, students will learn from our highly respected DMA instructors (讲师) who have been employed for both their teaching experience and rich knowledge in their field. Besides making new friends, they will leave with an amazing final project and lasting memories.

    Daily Schedule:

    8:00 am ~ 9:30 am           Hands-on STEM Instruction

    10:00 am ~ 11:30 am         Continued Instruction + Creation

    12:00 pm                   Lunch Break

    1:30 pm ~ 3:00 pm           Robots Programming

    3:30 am ~ 4:30 am           Music Appreciation


    Get lunch at the university so you don't have to pack your own.

    Friday Open House:

    Every Friday at 3:30 pm, parents are invited to our Open House. Students can show the projects they have been working on. Their parents can meet their children's instructor and explore more chances for them to continue learning and creating.

    1. (1) DMA summer camps are good for students' __________.
      A . health in body and mind B . STEM knowledge development C . exploration of Harvard's history D . university life experiences
    2. (2) Which word can best describe DMA instructors?
      A . Humorous. B . Warm-hearted. C . Experienced. D . Hard-working.
    3. (3) The passage above might be from the __________ column (栏目) in a magazine.
      A . Poem Corner B . Story Garden C . Language World D . Technology Square
  • 3. 阅读理解

        I was eleven years old, standing outside when I watched the house that I grew up in burn to the ground. A few minutes earlier, I was asleep in my nice, warm bed.

    My grandmother's bedroom was just next to mine and my brother's. A fire had broken out there and awakened her first. While I stumbled (蹒跚) around in the smoke and darkness, my brother ran from room to room quickly, waking everyone in the house. The house, however, was over 50 years old and made of wood. Before we could do anything, the fire burned it out. Luckily, we all ran outside before the fire took hold of every room.

        I stood there, shivering while the fire burned my books, clothes, and toys. I watched helplessly while my mom cried. I wondered what was going to happen to us now that we had lost all of our things.

        As I looked around, though, I realized something for the first time: The things that matter aren't things. I saw my elder brother running to get help. I saw my grandmother and dad hugging together. I realized at that moment that we were all alive. Everything that was important survived (生存) the fire. Our lives would continue. We would survive without the things that were burning. We would all be around to love each other for many years to come. And that was all that mattered.

        I still think of that fire in the night that helped me to become who I am today. It helped me to learn that the love we share is far more important than the things we have. Love others. Help everyone. Let the fire inside of you make this world a warmer place.

    1. (1) Who found the fire at first?
      A . The writer himself. B . The writer's grandmother.  C . The writer's mother. D . The writer's elder brother.
    2. (2) From paragraph 3 we can see the writer was __________ when he ran outside.
      A . scared B . surprised C . angry D . embarrassed
    3. (3) According to paragraph 4, we can infer that __________.
      A . lost things can't come back any more B . getting others' help is really necessary C . lives must continue even if we lose love D . material wealth isn't the most important
    4. (4) After the fire, the writer will probably __________.
      A . build a new house by himself B . become braver to face problems C . share his love and help others more D . learn how to survive the fire
  • 4. 阅读理解

    On Thursday, scientists in Indonesia announced the discovery of a special frog (青蛙) that has no lungs (肺) and takes breath through its skin. Researchers believe that the little animal could provide some information about how environment can cause some animals to change so greatly over time.

    The frog was found by a scientific research team in a faraway part of Indonesia last summer. And the team was led by David Bickford, a biologist at the National University of Singapore. The special animal is the world's first known lungless frog species (物种). Only a few amphibians have been found lungless. "These are about the most ancient and bizarre frog you can get on the earth." Bickford says.

    Frogs' living environment has been polluted by chemicals from farming. And the team believes it's possible that the frog may have changed in order to move fast, and stay alive in the cold and oxygen-poor rivers in which it lives. The team adds that this "extreme change" was probably necessary to make the frog lose the ability to float (漂浮). That way, it could avoid being swept down the mountain rivers.

    Scientists say that the new discovery has made it more important to protect the frog's river living environment. In the last few years, illegal (非法的) tree cutting and gold mining have caused the once-clean waters to turn brown with pollution.

    "The gold mining is completely illegal and small size," Bickford says. "But when there are thousands of them on the river, it really has a great influence. Very soon the frog will be out of the river."

    1. (1) The frog is special because __________.
      A . it's lungless and takes breath with its skin B . it doesn't need to take breath with its skin C . it's the first lungless species in the world D . it can take breath with its lungs or its skin
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "bizarre" probably mean in Paragraph 3?
      A . Perfect. B . Expensive. C . Unusual. D . Modern.
    3. (3) The research team led by David Bickford shows that __________.
      A . The special animal is the first known frog species in the world            B . The frog may have changed partly because of chemicals from farming C . The change of the frog makes it possible to stay alive out of the river               D . The frog's ability to float probably helps it avoid being swept down
    4. (4) What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
      A . The frog will have to live on land in the near future. B . The importance of frogs should be known by the public. C . Industrial waste is the main cause of water pollution. D . It's high time to protect the frog's living environment.
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Eating out is such a pleasure ― the food, the wine, the joy of having it all brought to you by someone else ― that it's a pity to ruin (毁掉) the experience by sharing it with other people.

        ‚Well, I do like visiting restaurants with friends. But dining out alone has its own very special advantages. For a start you can give all your attention to the food. There's nothing worse than having to show your own opinion on school league tables or Sanchez's move to Manchester United, and listen to everyone else's opinions, when all you really want is to enjoy the dinner.

        ƒA second great thing about eating out alone is the chance to connect food with one of life's other true pleasures: reading. You have to plan this carefully: Indian or Chinese restaurants are the best ― you need food you can eat with just one hand, leaving the other free to hold your reading material.

        „But perhaps the biggest advantage of a table for one is the chance it gives to people ― watching. Restaurants and the different reasons for visiting them ― first date, business meeting, night out with friends ― produce surprising and different human behavior. Will the man selling his business idea get any joy out of his possible investor (投资者)? Will the married couple think of anything to say to each other before their main courses arrive?

        …This "human zoo" part of eating out alone is one of the reasons I hate to be famous: everyone would be watching you, so you wouldn't be able to watch them. The snooker player Steve Davis says this was one of the strangest consequences (后果) of becoming well-known: he got very worried about his eating in public, almost to the level of doubting whether he was "doing it right."

        †So next time you're considering your eating out choices, remember the advice of the businessman Nubar Gulbenkian: "The best number for a dinner party is two ― myself and a super head waiter."

    1. (1) What does the text mainly talk about?
      A . The suggestions about dining out. B . The reasons for eating out alone. C . The trouble with eating in public. D . The fear of making dining choices.
    2. (2) What is the best part of dining out alone?
      A . One can just stare at the food. B . One can enjoy reading while eating. C . One is likely to come across famous people. D . One is given the chance to watch other diners.
    3. (3) In paragraph 5, the writer mostly wants to tell the readers that __________.
      A . Steve Davis cared too much about table manners B . famous people are always the center of attention C . being famous may ruin the joy of eating out alone D . being watched seems better than watching others
    4. (4) Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
  • 6. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

    twelve  cancel  until  warm  medicine

    1. (1) It's good manner to treat others with kindness and .
    2. (2) December, the month of a year, is my favorite month.
    3. (3) I didn't realize the importance of teamwork I made the soccer team.
    4. (4) It's sad that we have to the sports meeting because of COVID-19 (新型冠状病毒).
    5. (5) To save people's lives, the doctors are risking their lives to do research.
  • 7. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式 (每空一词)

    "Have you ever seen the scene of Los Angeles at 4:00 a.m.? I see often, because I have been starting training at that time." The words said by Kobe Bryant, one of the most famous basketball players in the world, have inspired plenty of people around the world. However, on (一月) 26, Kobe Bryant, the 41-year-old famous NBA player, died in a terrible accident. The news of his death is especially shocking and (广泛地) reported. Following his death, people from all works of life show their love and (表达) their pity to the late basketball superstar--not just for his (成功) on the court, but also his inspiration he has given to us.

    In the basketball world, Kobe Bryant is among the top players of all time. He (加入) the NBA directly from high school. He played his whole 20-year career with the Los Angeles and helped the team (赢得) five NBA championships. He was fast with great (力量), which earned him the nickname Black Mamba, one of the most deadly (蛇) in the world. That's why his competitive philosophy (哲学) is known as the "Mamba Mentality".

        Off the court, Kobe Bryant was known as an excellent businessman and a  (骄傲的) father of four daughters.

        The fact that Kobe Bryant is no longer with us is sad. We'll  (绝不) see him play in another game. But the work he has done will keep inspiring us years after his death.

四、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分, 共计10分)
  • 8. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is a love story, a sad and beautiful one. If it didn't exist (存在), we would  (easy) imagine that the story of its building was simply a fairy tale. Three hundred years ago, there lived  Indian emperor called Shah Jahan. His wife was a beautiful and bright woman  he loved greatly. Her title was Mumtazl Mahal: its shortened form Taj Mahal, means "pride of the palace". In the year 1630 this beloved wife of the emperor died. He was so brokenhearted  he even didn't want to be the emperor any more. To remember his wife, he decided to build  (great) tomb (坟墓) that had ever been seen for her.

        He called up the best artists and workers  India, Turkey, Persia and Arabia and finally, the design was complete. It took more than 18 years  (build) the Taj Mahan. The building stands on a marble platform 29 meters square and 6-7 meters high.  (tower) rise from each of the four corners. The Mahal  (it) rises another 61 meters into the air. It is an eight-sided building made of white marble. Since the Taj Mahal was built, it  (become) one of the most popular places in the world. Every year, it interests thousands of tourists to visit it.

  • 9. 下面文章中有五处需要添加适当的句子。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    A Beautiful Moment

        When I was in high school, I worked part-time helping Dad sell fruits and vegetables at a market.  He was about eight years old, and the girl, five or six. They were looking at the fruits in front of me. I heard the kids say to their mom (in French), "They're good!" I knew it was French. Because I can speak and understand it.

         At first, I thought she was really looking at the fruits because she was facing them. But then I noticed how much she had to feel and smell each one as she picked them out. And often asked her son if it looked okay, but looked way above where his face was. Putting what I saw together, I was sure she was blind.

         The son made sure the fruits were not obviously bad, and the daughter handed them to her mom. The woman then felt each one and smiled, and the daughter would put them into their basket. The kids were smiling while helping their mom pick the fruits out.

         It was so beautiful to see such young kids so gladly help. Most kids that age would be picking out candies or toys in a store for themselves, instead of helping their mom pick out fruits as the two kids did.

        It was great to witness (见证) the moment, but not so great because I didn't tell the mom how beautiful her children were in their language.

    A. Then I noticed how mom was picking the fruits.

    B. This is what I regret to this day.

    C. Their smile and gentle manner moved me in a way that didn't happen before.

    D. Then I realized the mother wasn't willing to pick out things.

    E. One day, as I was preparing the fruits, a little boy came by with his mom and sister.

    F. Both of the kids continued to help their mom pick out the fruits

六、书面表达 (本题有1小题,共计20分)
  • 10. 假如你是Liu Yu, 以下是你的美国笔友Jack给你写的一封信。请根据信的实际内容,给Jack回一封信。

    Dear Liu Yu,

        How time flies! You are going to graduate soon. Congratulations! In the past three years, I believe your wonderful school life has left you a lot of special memories. You must have grown up a lot and be able to manage your own life. Can you tell me the great progress you've made? What are you going to do to improve yourself this summer? Hope you can share your experience and plans with me.

        Wish you all the best.





    3)词数: 80~100。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Jack,

        Thanks for your letter.


    Liu Yu

