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更新时间:2020-10-12 浏览次数:217 类型:中考模拟
  • 11. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.

        Wuhan is the capital city of Hubei. It is a beautiful, large and very important city in China. During this Spring Festival, the city 1 tons of attention because a novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) appeared there and spread around the country.

        Several days before the Spring Festival, Wuhan 2 and the city became quiet and still.  However, a big fight was going on there. It was the fight 3 the novel coronavirus. The doctors and nurses there became brave warriors (勇士) in masks, glasses and protective suits. They were racing against the clock. Lots of 4 had to work over ten hours every day, drinking little or no water. They risked their health and even 5 to treat the patients. In such cases, almost no one stepped back or 6 up. Thousands of doctors and nurses from other cities and provinces in China went to Wuhan 7 them. There is no doubt that they were all heroes in the fight.

        8 doctors and nurses, everyone in our country was doing their own part in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

        This Spring Festival was not as 9 as it usually is. It even brought us to tears many times.  10, we will never forget those difficult days, not only for the awful virus, but also for the efforts we made together and the lessons we learned.

    A . had B . moved C . received D . returned
    A . locks B . locking C . locked D . was locked
    A . against B . in C . for D . with
    A . they B . them C . their D . themselves
    A . lives B . stories C . friends D . drinks
    A . got B . looked C . gave D . picked
    A . support B . to support C . supporting D . supported
    A . Besides B . Beside C . Except D . Except for
    A . late B . new C . fun D . early
    A . But B . Although C . So D . However
三、 阅读理解
  • 12. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误.

        Harry and Peter lived in the same village. They were both hard—working and had a happy life with other villagers.

        But that year, a serious drought (旱灾) happened in their village. Their fields were all dry and their crops were dying. They couldn't get enough water for their crops until a visitor from a village nearby came. The visitor told them that there was a spring on the mountain near their village and it had a large amount of water to water their fields. So Harry went to find it with two big buckets (桶) at once and later he began to carry water for his field every morning. He earned water from morning to night, but that wasn't enough for his field. Peter also went to find the spring with Harry, but he didn't carry water the next day. He also left the village in the early morning and then came back at night. Three days had passed, many villagers didn't see Peter in the daytime. They began to ask him where he went. Peter smiled and just told them to wait for his good news. Then the next day, at noon, Peter and a line of pieces of bamboo appeared in front of his field. When he joined the last piece of bamboo from the mountain with another one's end, water ran along them into his field. With Peter's help, all the other villagers' fields got water by joining pieces of bamboo with his and were saved. And Harry needn't carry water with two heavy buckets, either.

        There's no doubt that being hard—working is a good quality. But hard work with good ideas is much better.

    1. (1) There was a serious drought in the village where Harry and Peter lived.
    2. (2) Only the crops in Harry's fields were facing the danger of death.
    3. (3) A visitor told the villagers that there was a spring with a large amount of water on the mountain nearby.
    4. (4) Peter earned water for his field with two big buckets from morning to night.
    5. (5) The writer tries to tell us hat we should not only work hard but also use our wisdom.
  • 13. 根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。

    Home > China Guide > Yantai > Yantai Attractions

        Kunyu Mountain is famous for its natural beauty: its high mountains, its ancient trees and its clear waterfalls.

        How to Get There?

        The tour bus to Kunyu Mountain departs (出发) from Yantai twice daily, at 9:15 a.m. and again at 3:15 p.m.

    Opening Hours:

        From 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., daily.


        A special sightseeing festival is held in Kunyu Mountain every year, from the middle to the end of April. Visitors can enjoy beautiful flowers and fruit trees. Don't miss it if you plan to visit the mountain during this period.

        April to October is the best time to visit Kunyu Mountain. Visitors are advised to wear warm clothes because of its changeable weather. It is also necessary to bring an umbrella or a rain jacket in summer. for more information

    1. (1) Kunyu Mountain is in        .
      A . Yan'an B . Yantai C . Yinchuan D . Yingkou
    2. (2) The second bus to Kunyu Mountain departs at        every day.
      A . 8:00 a.m. B . 9:15 a.m. C . 3:15 p.m. D . 6:30 p.m.
    3. (3) To take part in the festival, visitors should go to Kunyu Mountain in        .
      A . April B . June C . August D . October
    4. (4) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Kunyu Mountain is famous for its modern beauty. B . Visitors can enjoy flowers and fruit trees at the festival. C . Kunyu Mountain is open to visitors for 24 hours a day. D . The weather in summer is hot and dry on Kunyu Mountain.
    5. (5) We can most probably find this passage       .
      A . on TV B . in a diary C . in a magazine D . on the Internet
  • 14. 阅读理解

        These days, short videos have gotten millions of views (关注) online. Many people create and share short videos on popular video apps like Douyin and Kuaishou. You can even add music and special effects (特效) to your videos. The videos are 15 seconds to a few minutes long. They show people doing activities like cooking, exercising and singing.

        Teenagers especially enjoy these videos. More than 50 percent of students in Grade 7 and Grade 8 said they enjoyed watching these short videos. About 47 percent have posted their own videos, according to a recent report.

        The videos let teenagers see funny and exciting things they wouldn't usually see. Many teens like to share the fun things they do with others as well. For example, a 12 year—old user named Xiao Qianyu has posted videos showing her learning jazz dance. This has won her many fans.

        However, the videos can also cause trouble. Some students spend too much time watching them and not enough time studying. Some videos have vulgar content that is not good for teenagers.

        To deal with this problem, Douyin added a new function (功能) in April, 2018. It locks the app if someone uses the app for over two hours a day. In the same month, the government asked companies to control these apps and get rid of bad videos.

    1. (1) What can kids add to their short videos with these apps?
      A . Music and special effects. B . Douyin and Kuaishou. C . Jazz dance. D . Locking the app.
    2. (2) How many junior students posted their own videos?
      A . 50% B . 15% C . 47% D . 12%
    3. (3) We can learn that the video made by Xiao Qianyu is        .
      A . Expensive B . successful C . boring D . dangerous
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "vulgar" mean in Chinese?
      A . 高尚的 B . 滑稽的 C . 优雅的 D . 低俗的
    5. (5) It can be inferred (推断) from the last paragraph that        .
      A . the apps have been monitored (监管) much more strictly B . teenagers will not be allowed to use the apps C . teenagers can't add any special effects to their videos D . the short videos must be shorter than before
  • 15. 阅读理解

        Many people believe that you lose the ability to learn new languages as you get older. Language experts, however, will tell you that you're never too old to learn a new language. As you get older, it can be more difficult to learn a new language, though.

        Children and adults learn new languages in different ways. For children, language is their life. they study for thousands of hours every year, because they need to learn languages to become part of their communities. Adults, on the other hand, are already part of a language community. Learning a new language means becoming part of another language community, and adults rarely get the chance to practice as much as young children do.

        Moreover, children learning a new language are expected to make mistakes. This gives them freedom when learning to be daring and confident. Adults, however, often feel stressed to be perfect when learning a new language. This can discourage many people and make it even harder to learn a new language.

        When young children learn a new language, they come to see various (各种) languages as a "normal" part of society. This mindset (思维模式) helps them to learn a new language without feeling like they're doing something unusual or "too hard".

        So if you want to learn a new language, go for it! It's never too late to learn a new language. If you're older, it may take more work, but it can be done. If you're a young child, though, now is the time to step out and learn a new language!

    1. (1) By saying "language is their life", the writer means that children        
      A . practice a new language a lot B . lead a happy life every day C . are taken good care of adults D . can't live without language
    2. (2) Which of the following shows the difference between children and adults in learning a new language?
      A . The behaviors they have. B . The learning attitudes (态度). C . The future plans they have made. D . The materials they are using.
    3. (3) What may make it hard for old people to learn a new language?
      A . They are afraid of being laughed at. B . They usually have too many interests. C . They think making mistakes is natural. D . They always make all kinds of mistakes.
    4. (4) According to the writer,        .
      A . learning a new language is easier for adults than children B . adults can't learn a new language well C . childhood may be the best time to learn a new language D . a new language can be understood only by old people
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . How to learn a new language. B . Various languages. C . Practice makes perfect. D . Never too old to learn a new language.
  • 16. 情景交际根据对话内容,从下面选项中选出恰当的句子补全对话.

    A: Hello, this is Green Shop.  

    B: Hello! This is Mr. Clark. I'm calling to complain!


    B: I ordered a washing machine from your shop last month.

    A: Can you tell me more details (细节)?

    B: Sure. At first, everything went well. But yesterday, it made loud noises while working.

    A: Please take it to our shop.

    B: I don't want to have it repaired. I would like to get my money back.

    A: OK. 

    B: Thank you.

    A. But it has gone wrong.

    B. Our engineers will help with the problem.

    C. Can I help you?

    D. What's the matter?

    E. We will discuss it and try to satisfy your need.

  • 27. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词填空,使短文意思完整. 每个单词限用一次,每空一词.


        Being polite is an important social skill. It can help you show respect, make friends and achieve success. It's  hard to be polite. Here are some ways.

        Greet people politely. You can be polite by offering a proper greeting. When first meeting or greeting someone, give him a warm  It shows that you are in good spirits and are happy to see him. Also,  hands to show respect.

        Have small talk. Instead of jumping right into  you can have small talk first. Talk about their lunch, their kids or their day. Listen carefully and pay attention to  they are saying to you. Show them you're  in asking questions.

        Congratulate other people on their success. When  do well, offer them your praise (赞美) . If you meet a friend in the store who has recently graduated, got married or  a new job, congratulate him.

         uncomfortable topics. Some topics can make people uncomfortable. It's not polite to talk about such topics. Try to keep your conversation in the pleasant areas.

        Make eye contact (接触). When you are having a conversation  someone, look them in the eye. Keeping eye contact shows that you are paying attention. However, don't stare at (盯着) people all the time.

  • 28. 新型冠状病毒( Novel coronavirus )引发的具有传染性的病毒性肺炎影响了人们的生活. 请你根据以下提示要点,结合生活实际,用英文写一篇短文,谈谈如何预防新型冠状病毒肺炎(NCP).







    1)文章必须包含提示的所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. 省略号部分需要自拟,至少一点;


    3)词数:80左右. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.

    参考词汇: antiseptic masks 防菌口罩

    Because of Novel coronavirus, we Chinese had a special Spring Festival.

        I strongly believe we can keep healthy if we follow the suggestions.

