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更新时间:2020-06-28 浏览次数:314 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. — Do you know __________________ man in the interview?

    — Yes, he is Doctor Zhang Wenhong, the leader of Shanghai COVID-19 treatment expert group.

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
  • 2. — I read for at least two hours every day.

    — Wow! That's a great __________________. Reading makes a full man.

    A . deal B . habit C . plan D . dream
  • 3. When talking to Western people, we should __________________ the topics like their age, weight, or money they make.
    A . avoid B . choose C . discuss D . prefer
  • 4. Tom never tells lies or cheats people. What a(n) ___________________ boy!
    A . brave B . creative C . friendly D . honest
  • 5. — __________________ I have a ticket, please?

    — Sorry. All the tickets were sold out half an hour ago.

    A . May B . Need C . Must D . Should
  • 6. As a football lover, John __________________ plays football these days because he is busy preparing for the school leavers' party.
    A . always B . often C . sometimes D . seldom
  • 7. __________________ the report of BBC News, millions of animals died in the Australian wildfires.
    A . Thanks to B . Because of C . According to D . Instead of
  • 8. —  Ben, what about your magic show this afternoon?

    — I __________________ a lot and I'm sure everything will be fine.

    A . practice B . am practicing C . have practiced D . will practice
  • 9. — Jane, could you tell me __________________?

    — The visit to the Stonehenge, a fantastic natural wonder.

    A . what you like best about your trip to England B . when you began your vacation in England C . where I can enjoy English modern buildings D . why English people like talking about weather
  • 10. — Would you like to try some cookies?

    — __________________ I have a sweet tooth.

    A . Are you kidding? B . No, thanks. C . Here you are. D . Yes, please.
  • 11. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        When my daughter was in grade school, one day she brought home1tiny twigs. They were trees given to the students by the school to plant.2of them looked strong enough, but with a hope for the future I got a tool and3them in our back yard. Over the years, an accident with the lawnmower and poor soil brought a(n)4to three of them. All that was left was a single tree.

        It grew5It never got very tall or very straight. Then, I noticed that it was starting to die. The leaves on the6branches had fallen of. Those on the branches a little further up had turned brown. Only the top part of the tree was7green. Last summer I did my best to save it by feeding it a lot of fertilizer8failed.

        This morning I went to the9and looked at it again. I was wondering if it would be better to just10. It sure would no longer have to watch it slowly decay. As I walked over to take a closer look at it, however, I noticed11moving within the leaves in the topmost branches. It was a bird patiently building a nest to live in. I12when I looked at it and. decided that maybe this old tree had some life and usefulness left in it yet. It may not be healthy or pretty, but it was still giving a bird a13and oxygen to this world.

        This tree reminded me of something too. All of our lives have14. It doesn't matter if we are young and strong or old and weak.15our last moment we always have things to do, love for us to give, and joy for us to share.

    A . three B . four C . five D . six
    A . One B . Some C . All D . None
    A . decorated B . planted C . selected D . threw
    A . end B . life C . change D . future
    A . slowly B . quietly C . freely D . wildly
    A . higher B . lower C . weaker D . stronger
    A . even B . once C . still D . also
    A . but B . and C . or D . so
    A . park B . farm C . field D . yard
    A . dress it up B . cheer it up C . cut it down D . put it away
    A . everything B . something C . nothing D . anything
    A . cried B . shouted C . smiled D . puzzled
    A . stage B . food C . memory D . home
    A . value B . hope C . luck D . future
    A . With B . After C . Until D . Since
  • 12. 阅读理解

        As COVID-19 spreads in the world, many countries are changing their social habits in order to protect themselves. France

        France is famous for its romantic greetings. They touch each other's faces and make a kissing sound. But now, this habit may have to stop. A French manner expert said that simply looking into a person's eyes can be enough as a greeting.


        In Brazil, chimarrao is a special drink that is commonly shared among a group of close friends. The tea is passed around in a cup, and everyone takes turns to drink it. But at present, people are encouraged not to share it.


        Australians are quite free when it comes to greetings. "G'day, mate", a handshake, and smile will be enough. But now the Australian government is asking Australians to take a pat on the back instead of a handshake.


        Traditionally, people in Iran shake hands to greet with one another. But today, COVID-19 has made "footshake" a new way of greeting.

        A video has been popular in Iran, showing three friends meeting - hands in their pockets -tapping their feet against each other as a greeting.

    1. (1) This passage mainly introduces four new _________________.
      A . foreign countries B . social habits C . special drinks D . local languages
    2. (2) If you meet your friend Jenny in France this year, you'd better _________________ as a greeting.
      A . look into her eyes B . share a drink C . pat her back D . touch her face
    3. (3) From the passage, we learn that "footshake" has been a new way of greeting in _________________.
      A . France B . Brazil C . Australia D . Iran
  • 13. 阅读理解

        During the day, we work hard like bees. But do you know our bodies are busy too while sleeping at night?

    11:00 pm Better Lock the Doors

        To find the most comfortable position, some people sleep on their backs or stomachs. Most people curl up and lie on the side like a baby. Others take more unusual positions, such as on elbows and knees or completely covered in the sheets.

        During the first few hours of the night, some behaviors can be caused by the disagreement between your brain and body. For example, the brains of sleepwalkers want to stay awake, while their bodies are in a deep sleep. So most sleepwalkers walk around and return to bed without waking up.

    4:00 am Dare to Dream

        Your sweetest - or scariest - dreams usually happen in the last hours of sleep. If you awaken in the middle of a dream, you might find it difficult to move for a moment. Certain parts of your brain have shut down, stopping messages going to the muscles and disabling the body for a time.

        Dreams may seem foolish, but some cultures believe they are real events happening to a person's soul during sleep. Others use their dreams to solve the problems of daily life.

        7:00 am ____________________________

        Time to wake up, but wait, your arm can't feel anything. As you begin to move, an uncomfortable feeling floods down from your shoulder. When pressure on your arm stops sending messages to the brain, your arm loses all feelings. As the pressure is reduced and messages sending restarts, uncomfortable feelings appear. So don't worry if you wake up and your arm is still "asleep". It'll be wide awake in a moment.

    1. (1) Which of the following is the sleeping position for most people?
      A . B . C . D .
    2. (2) The underlined "they" in Paragraph 5 refers to __________________.
      A . cultures B . dreams C . problems D . messages
    3. (3) People often find it hard to move when they just wake up because __________________.
      A . their brains are still in deep sleep B . they dream in the last hours of sleep C . their brains fail to get messages D . walking in the sleep makes them tired
    4. (4) Which of the following can be put in the blank __________________ in the passage?
      A . Get Comfortable B . I'm Falling… Asleep C . Wake Up Immediately D . But My Arm Is Still Asleep
  • 14. 阅读理解

        On a street in New Orleans is an old building. It used to be a grocery store. But now it is empty. On the boards covering the windows are stickers. Each sticker says "I wish this was...". Someone has written "full of food" on one of the stickers.

        When we think of public art, we often think of sculptures or other large works of art in city centers. Candy Chang's public art, however, is somewhere else. Chang makes her art in a city's older or poorer neighborhoods. She uses the outside walls of empty buildings as her painting cloth. She paints, writes messages, or puts stickers on them. Chang wants to reach out to people with her art. She sees it as the start of a conversation - a conversation with local people.

        In 2010, Chang started the "I Wish This Was" project in New Orleans. Chang asked people to look at the abandoned buildings in their community. She wanted them to think about what else could be there. She printed hundreds of small stickers and stuck them on these buildings. The stickers said "I wish this was" in large letters and included a space for people to write. Anyone could write anything. Chang was amazed at the reaction. Hundreds of people wrote on the stickers. Someone wrote, "I wish this was a grocery store". Another person wrote, "I wish this was Heaven.

        There are many abandoned buildings in neighborhoods around the world. It's hard for people to create a close neighborhood if the streets are full of empty buildings. By making art that gives people a voice, Chang hopes to build stronger communities. Chang's art projects get people thinking and. talking about problems in their community. This initiative may help city planners to create better cities - ones that truly meet the needs of people.

    1. (1) In Paragraph 2, "sculptures or other large works of art" are mentioned to show __________________.
      A . public art is various and colourful B . Candy Chang has popular works C . Candy Chang's public art is special D . public art is seen as part of culture
    2. (2) Candy Chang stuck small stickers on the empty buildings to__________________.
      A . encourage people to communicate B . tell the differences of buildings C . teach the knowledge of public art D . create large beautiful paintings
    3. (3) The underlined word "initiative" in Paragraph 4 probably means __________________.
      A . ability of making decisions B . original and positive action C . environmental problem D . neighborhood relationship
    4. (4) What's the best title of this passage?
      A . An Art Project: Good or Bad? B . The Future of Public Art C . Candy Chang, A Successful Artist D . A New Art in the Community
  • 15. 阅读理解

        One fine evening, a no less fine government clerk called Ivan was sitting in a theater, enjoying an opera happily. But suddenly he took off the glasses, bent over and… "Aptchee!" he sneezed. As a polite man, Ivan cleaned his face and looked round to see whether he brought trouble to anyone. Then he saw an old gentleman in front of him cleaning his neck carefully with his glove. That man was General Brizz.

        "I have spattered him," thought Ivan, "this is no good. I must apologize.'

       Ivan gave a cough, bent his whole person forward, and whispered in the general's ear.

        "Sorry, sir. I spattered you accidentally…"

        "Never mind, never mind."

        "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it…"

        "Oh, please, sit down! Let me listen!"

        Ivan was ashamed, smiling stupidly and falling back to the seat. He watched the opera but no longer felt pleased." I should explain to him… that it's the law of nature, or he'll think I meant to do that."

        The next morning, Ivan put on a new uniform, had his hair cut and went to Brizz's office.

        "Yesterday at the theater, if you remember, sir," Ivan began, "I sneezed and spattered. It was an accident..."

        "Oh, it's nothing...I'd forgotten it!" replied General impatiently, waving his hand.

        "He has forgotten, but there's displeasure in his eyes." thought Ivan, "He doesn't want to talk, that means he's angry... I must explain clearly."

        When the general finished his work, Ivan stepped toward him, overcoming his shyness, "If I trouble you, sir, I'm simply regretful! Please forgive me... I didn't do it to..."

        The general made a red face, "Why, you're simply making fun of me," he shut the door behind him.

        "There's nothing of making fun!" thought Ivan, "He can't understand. I have to explain in person."

        The next day, Ivan went to the general's again.

        "Sorry to disturb you yesterday, sir," he said, "but I was apologizing for spattering you, not to make fun as you said..

        "Get out!" shouted General, turning suddenly purple.

        "Wha... what?" asked Ivan weakly, shaking all over and feeling nothing but fear.

        "Get out!" repeated General.

        Seeing and hearing nothing, he went out into the street and walked along...Reaching home, without taking off his uniform, he lay down on the sofa, and later ... dead.

    1. (1) Why did Ivan apologize to General Brizz?
      A . Because he influenced the general's work. B . Because he was too noisy at the theatre. C . Because his sneeze troubled the general. D . Because he made big mistakes at work.
    2. (2) From the underlined sentences, we can learn that Ivan ___________________.
      A . took his apology very seriously B . cared much about his appearance C . got a new job at Brizz's office D . planned to have dinner with Brizz
    3. (3) After Ivan came to the office again, General Brizz ___________________.
      A . accepted his apology B . got out and shut the door C . thought he was crazy D . became quite mad at him
    4. (4) Who do you think caused Ivan's death? Why? (请用约40词回答)
  • 16. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    below   policeman   whenever   far   improve

    1. (1) My mother always encourages me I meet difficulties.
    2. (2) In Harbin, the temperatures usually fall zero in winter.
    3. (3) Jack hurt his leg during school hiking, so he couldn't walk much .
    4. (4) Lingling often goes to the English corner her spoken English.
    5. (5) With the help of and soldiers, workers built Huoshenshan Hospital only in ten days.
  • 17. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

        A group of Dutch high school students, along with three teachers and twelve sailors, completed a five-week trip across the Atlantic Ocean on the (第三) day of May. They were studying the Caribbean when COVID-19 happened suddenly. As a (结果), they had to return home by ship instead of by plane. (虽然) they had little sailing experience, their ship, the Wylde Swan, successfully arrived at Harlingen late Sunday morning.

        As they arrived, the students (悬挂) up a sign on the boat. It showed they had completed (活动) like crossing the Atlantic, mid-ocean swimming and passing by the Bermuda Triangle, where some ships have ever (奇怪地) disappeared.

       17-year- old Hurkmans said this trip would be one of (令人激动的) adventures in her life. The company's (主管) held this kind of educational boat trip every year. He said, “The students (检查) to make sure nobody was ill by doctors in (三月). They have made us very proud."

  • 18. 今年的“史上最长”寒假让同学们有了不同寻常的体验——空中课堂、居家自学、居家运动等。或逍遥自在过,或纠结迷惘过,或用心改变过....请根据下图提示,结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文分享你的心路历程,并发表观点。




        My winter holiday has come to an end this year and it has brought me an unforgettable experience.

        At first, …

