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更新时间:2020-06-15 浏览次数:262 类型:中考模拟
  • 12. 根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列各句正误。
    1. (1) The speaker goes 10 the park with her son every morning.
    2. (2) The speaker sat down under a big tree because she was tired.
    3. (3) The speaker found the box on the ground.
    4. (4) The speaker found nothing in the box.
    5. (5) Finally the speaker called the police.
  • 28. 完成对话从方框中选择正确的选项(有一个选项与对话内容无关)。

    A. What would you like me to do?

    B. Just feed it.


    D. We can't take Polly with us.

    E. I'll take good care of her.

    F. Are you sure you don't mind?

    A: Tom, could you do something for me,please?

    B: Certainly!

    A: Well, do you know I'm going to England next week for a holiday?

    B: Yes. I heard about it

    A: Could you look after her for us while we're away?

    B: With pleasure.


    B: Yes, of course. I'm sure. 1 would love to look after her. Glad to help!

    A: I've written it all down on this list.

    B: OK!

    A: I'm sure you will. Thank you very much.

  • 29. 补全对话根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整正确(词数不限)。

    A: Hi, Mike! How is it going?

    B: ! Where are you going,Martin?

    A: I'm going to Renmin Square. My friends invited me to go skateboarding there.

    B: You can skateboard! ?

    A: Last year. It's great fun. Would you like to join us?

    B: 43.

    But I can't skateboard.

    A: . I can teach you. It's easy to learn.

    B: Great! You are so kind. Well, by the way, have you finished your homework yet?

    A: Yes. ?

    B: Me, too.

    A: Great! Let's go.

  • 30. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文(方框中有两个选项是多余的)。

    A. After    B. as    C. before    D. centers    E. common    F. complete

    G. connected    H. express    I. history    J. lively    K. These    L. this

        Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.

        Chinese paper cutting, or jianzhi, is a kind of folk art. It's a way to people's hope and feeling. It has a of more than 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult. Red paper is usually used as red is with happiness in Chinese culture. The most pictures are flowers, animals, xi (喜) and Fu(福). They are put on windows, doors, and walls symbols of wishes for good luck.

        Chinese clay art is well-known and popular all over the country. Now many kids learn to make it in schools or even shopping To make Chinese clay art, the clay is shaped by hand into things,such as cute children or characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. the things get dry in the air, they are fired at a very high heat and then polished and painted. It takes several weeks to everything. Although they look so small, they look very real. small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.

九、阅读理解。(40 分)
  • 31. 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。

        The following is a mark table about English competitions. Find some useful information to the questions below.


    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3

    Group 4

    ⒈ answer correctly





    ⒉ answer quickly





    ⒊ answer humorously





    ⒋ speak clearly





    ⒌ speak loudly





    ⒍ speak freely





    ⒎ have a good manner





    ⒏ cooperate( 合作)










    1. (1) _______________ cooperate best of all the groups.
      A . The students in Group 1 B . The students in Group 2 C . The students in Group 3 D . The students in Group 4
    2. (2) Group 1 is thought to have spoken as ________________ as Group 3.
      A . clearly B . loudly C . freely D . quickly
    3. (3) Group 4 did best in "________________".
      A . answer humorously B . speak freely C . cooperate D . answer quickly
    4. (4) In "answer correctly", Group I was ________________ marks lower than Group 4.
      A . 6 B . 9 C . 11 D . 10
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Group 1 did as well as Group 4 in "have a good manner". B . All of the groups did well in "answer quickly". C . The average of Group 3 is 3 marks more than Group 1. D . Group 3 is the winner of the competition.
  • 32. 阅读理解

        A poor student lived in a small room near a restaurant. His room was close 1o the kitchen of the restaurant. The restaurant owner was a good cook but the only thing he loved was money.

        One day when the owner was in the kitchen, he heard the poor student talking to his friend. "I feel happy to live here. Though I eat only rice every day the smells from the restaurant make the rice delicious."

        The restaurant owner got angry and thought the student was stealing the smells from his kitchen! He decided to take him to the judge (法官).

        Everybody laughed when the man ended his talk. But the judge said to the student seriously,"You are wrong. You should pay or the smells." After hearing that, the restaurant owner was very happy but the poor student was afraid. "What should I do? I have only a few coins.'

        The judge asked the student if he had money on him. The student took out all his coins he had and gave them to the judge.

        "I will drop the coins into your left hand," the judge said to the student. No one talked, so everyone heard the sound of the coins when they fell into the student's left hand.

        "Well," said the judge to the restaurant owner. "You've heard his money. You've been paid for your smells."

    1. (1) Where did the poor student live?
      A . In the restaurant. B . In his friend's house. C . In the kitchen. D . Close to the kitchen.
    2. (2) What did the student think of the smells from the kitchen?
      A . Delicious. B . Sour. C . Terrible. D . Strange.
    3. (3) What did the restaurant owner do when he got angry with the student?
      A . He fought with the student. B . He took the student to the judge. C . He asked the student to move. D . He called the student's parents.
    4. (4) How much money did the poor student have?
      A . No coins. B . Only one coin. C . Only a few coins. D . Many coins.
    5. (5) Who did the judge think should pay for the smells?
      A . No one. B . The student. C . The student's friend. D . The restaurant owner.
  • 33. 根据短文内容,判析下列句子正误。

        When I was 5 years old, I went to the USA with my mom. I can still remember the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.

        On the morning of Halloween, we paid a visit to a pumpkin farm. Each of us brought a pumpkin to school with us. I used the pumpkin to make a lantern which had two triangle eyes and a scary mouth.

        In the afternoon,we put on the Halloween costumes and went on parade(庆典) in school. Some of the costumes were nice, but some of them looked scary, I chose to wear a suit of Superman's clothes.

        I did a lot of things that day, but my favorite part was "trick or real" in the evening. After dinner, I went outside with an empty bag. I hoped to get a lot of candies from people. At first, I was a bit nervous, so when I knocked at the door, my heart was beating very fast. A lady came out, and I said carefully to her, "trick or treat." My voice was very low, and even myself could hardly hear it. To my surprise, the lady was so kind to give me two candy bars, and I was so excited, thanked the lady and moved on. I couldn't remember how many houses I visited, but I could remember how many candies I got —I got 91 candies that day,and I was so proud of myself.

        What a happy Halloween I had! And I wish we could have an Halloween every month!

    1. (1) The writer has never forgotten his first Halloween holiday that he had in America.
    2. (2) The writer used a pumpkin to make a lantern with two triangle eyes and a scary mouth.
    3. (3) To the writer's surprise, a lady went on parade in school in Halloween costumes.
    4. (4) The writer liked to go outside with a full bag to get a lot of candies from people.
    5. (5) At last the writer felt very proud because he got 91 candies that day.
  • 34. 根据短文内容,将方框内的句子还原到空白处,使短文内容完整。

        It's easy to tell someone good news, but what about bad news? Are there any good ways to give bad news without making people too upset?

        Say something good. Try to start the conversation with something good so that what you say is not all bad. For example, "I know you play soccer very well, but we only need one teammate." Or you may end the conversation with a promise, ""

        Prepare your listener for the news. Use words to introduce what you're going to say, like "I'm really sorry, but..." or "I'm afraid I've got some bad news".

        Try to give a reason. Try to explain the decision: If you have to cancel a trip with friends, can you explain why?

        If you're giving someone bad news, try to use a soft friendly voice to make you sound kind, Say things 10 show you understand, like "I'm really sorry. I know this must be disappointing."

    A. I'm sure you will join us in the next game.

    B. The following ways might help.

    C. Use a soft friendly voice.

    D. This gives the listener time to prepare for what you will say.

    E. People like to know why things go wrong.

  • 35. 任务型阅读
    1. (1) 根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意及合适的标题。

      ⑵Nowadays, many Chinese students dream of studying abroad.

      ⑶It's true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves, and their foreign language skills will be improved.

      ⑷But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language. And they have to learn to look after themselves. Finally, studying abroad costs a large amount of money. But is it worth?

      ⑸We know that many famous people have achieved success through their hard work in Chinn. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him there, but he refused. He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, consider whether studying abroad is the right choice.

      A. Studying abroad can improve language skills

      B. Many problems should be considered

      C. Studying in China is also a good choice

      D. A discussion of studying abroad

      E. Dream of studying abroad

    2. (2) 根据短文内容,完成下面的表格(每空不超过两个词)。


      Studying abroad has become a ⑴ for Chinese students.


      It's helpful to the future development of Chinese students.

      It helps to⑵ foreign language skills.


      It takes Chinese students too much time to learn a foreign language.

      It's hard for Chinese students to study abroad ⑶ parents' care.

      The ⑷ of studying abroad is very high.

      The ⑸ of the writing

      To tell us studying abroad is not the only way to be successful with Liu Xiang's example.

  • 36. 根据短文内容。回答下列问题。

        Everyone wants to relax after working or studying for a long time. I have many ways of relaxing myself. Let me tell you some of my favorites.

        I am a big sports fan, so the usual way I relax is to watch or play many kinds of sports. My favorite sport is tennis, but I am interested in all kinds of sports. Whether I am playing tennis or watching a game on TV, it is exciting to see players doing their best. It's amazing to see people playing very well. It's true that playing sports is not physically "relaxing", but I find it really cool, and a good way of "relaxing" my brain after a day's hard work.

        I enjoy listening to music, and I always have some music playing during my free time. I listen to all types of music, but I enjoy listening to beautiful piano music most. Some people can't study while listening to music, but for me. I believe I can study better while listening to light songs. Some people choose to relax by traveling. I don't have a favorite place but I hear that traveling in Japan is rally enjoyable. I like visiting diet kinds of places and eating famous snacks there. I also enjoy sighting and seeing how the culture and people change from place to place.

    1. (1) What's the writer's favorite sport?
    2. (2) What kind of music does the writer enjoy most?
    3. (3) How many ways of relaxing does the writer give us?
    4. (4) The writer has ever been to Japan, hasn't he?
    5. (5) What is the passage mainly about?
  • 37. 学校上周六开展了以“爱在心中”为主题的志愿者活动,张伟同学以此为内容写了一篇日记。请你根据提示将他的日记补充完整。(每空词数不限,)

    Saturday,June 24th Sunny

        Today was n fine day and the sun was bright. My classmates and 1 went to the old people's home is volunteers.

        At the old people's home, we did helpful. First, we read newspapers to them and they told us stories about the past and how things used t0 be . We cleaned up their rooms and played chess with them. Finally. We had a performance for them.

        I think this activity was very . Many old people are very lonely and need us to them. I hope I can often go there.

  • 38. “灿烂星空,谁是真的英雄?”做出惊天动地伟业的人是英雄,为追求真理献出生命的人是英雄;在平凡岗位上默默奉献的人是英雄;在危难时挺身而出的人是英......

    2020年到米之际,一场疫情肆虐而来,钟南山院士以84岁高龄,挺身而出,成为国人心中的英雄。以"The Hero In My Heart"为题写一篇短文。


    提示词:hobby,be good at,save thousands of Chinese people, encourage...to do...

    要求: ①适当拓展,行文流畅。

    ②词数: 90词左右。


    The Hero In My Heart

        As we know,most people have heroes in their hearts. For me,Zhong Nanshan is the hero in my heart. He is a great doctor in our country.

