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更新时间:2019-10-30 浏览次数:215 类型:期中考试
  • 16. 完形填空

        Students are always asked to do much homework. Have you read the following passage?

        You'd better not work when you are very hungry. If you1your homework right after school, you may have a snack before getting to work. Always do your homework 2you get tired.3wait until very late in the evening, or the homework will seem much 4than it really is.

        Break your time into manageable(易处理的)periods. If you have more than 5, give yourself a break after an hour. But don't break it up6 that you can't get anything done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time 7. Don't put it off until the last 8. If you put off doing your homework, you will always think of it, and you won't enjoy your 9 so much. If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much work to do for the exam.

        A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it all. Do your homework 10every day. This will help you make it a habit. It will make it easier to do, and it will make free time more enjoyable as well.

    A . decide to do B . decided doing C . have done
    A . after B . when C . before
    A . Not B . Please C . Don't
    A . harder B . hard C . easy
    A . one hour work B . an hour work C . an hour's work
    A . so much B . so little C . so often
    A . with a stop B . without stopping C . stopping
    A . week B . hour C . minute
    A . lunch B . free time C . meals
    A . at a time B . in a short time C . at the same time
  • 17. 阅读理解

        Family traditions are special habits or customs that your family have. For example, in the family of Bill Gates, his parents keep the tradition of reading with children. And what's the tradition in your family?

    ★Nick, 15, England

        On every family member's birthday, we give him or her a surprise. Last Sunday, it was my mother's birthday. And I knew that she wanted to see a film. So I bought a ticket without telling her first. This made her really happy.

    ★Jack, 15, Cuba

        Every weekend, my parents and I go to my grandparents' home. My grandparents cook many delicious foods. I meet all my cousins. We talk about interesting things at school. Sometimes, my parents also play games with us.

    ★Yu Xin,14, China

        During every summer or winter holiday, we have a family trip across the country. I'm always the one who chooses where to go. We have visited Qingdao, Xiamen and Beijing. I enjoy the trips.

    1. (1) The family of Bill Gates keep the tradition of          with children.
      A . playing B . reading C . singing D . travelling
    2. (2)        bought a film ticket for his mother.
      A . Bill B . Jack C . Nick D . Yu Xin
    3. (3) Sometimes, Jack's parents            when the family get together.
      A . cook food B . talk about interesting things C . meet cousins D . play games with the children
    4. (4) The three children are talking about their               .
      A . school life B . birthday parties C . birthday plans D . family traditions
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Chip was in the first grade when I arrived at his school as a counselor(辅导员). It was shocking to me that he was described as an angry, uncontrollable and evil(道德败坏的)boy. How could such a little boy, after being in school only one year, be considered "evil"?Over the next several months, I came to know Chip well enough to see that he was neither evil nor uncontrollable.

        But, one day, Chip threw a chair at his teacher and was sent to my office. I asked him what made him do this. He replied that his teacher hated him. He felt there was no way to ever get her to like him. I asked him if he would tell his teacher this. He nodded, and we called her into my office.

        When the teacher came,           . He then said that he knew he was a very, very bad boy, and he didn't think anyone could ever like him. His teacher listened to him with heartfelt compassion. Then she gave him a big warm hug, telling him she didn't hate him at all and, actually, she cared very much about him. Only sometimes Chip's behaviour really scared her. It was clear to both Chip and me that she really meant it.

        I put my left arm on his shoulders and the right hand on his heart. I told him how wonderful and lovely I saw him to be. I praised how special and brave he was to express his hurt feelings.

        As I was speaking to him, his whole body came to rest on my right hand next to his heart. It was a moment in time unlike anything I had experienced before. From then on, I'm pleased to see his behaviour improved through the rest of school years.

        A child's mind is clear and sensitive(敏感的). He receives whatever others say without protection. It is as easy to consider someone hopeless as it is to consider him able in his own special way.

    1. (1) The first paragraph mainly tells us            .
      A . Chip was very popular at school B . the teacher didn't care about Chip at all C . Chip had no way to get others to like him D . the writer thought differently about Chip
    2. (2) Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in the passage?
      A . she couldn't control her feelings B . I advised her to be more patient C . Chip became angry and crazy again D . I encouraged Chip to express his feelings
    3. (3) The underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 shows that Chip       .
      A . accepted the writer B . wanted a rest C . was quite afraid D . felt a little nervous
    4. (4) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . No pains, no gains. B . Love me, love my dog. C . Expect higher, act better. D . Where there is a will, there is a way.
  • 19. 阅读理解

        One day, when I arrived at school, an ice cream truck was parked in the schoolyard. Ice cream men usually drove their trucks to primary schools. I had never thought one ice cream truck would come to bring ice cream to us older kids. When I went up to the truck, I was quite surprised to hear the man call out, "Free ice cream!" To make sure of his words, I asked, "I'm sorry. What did you say?"" Free ice cream. Choose whichever you like," he said, smiling.

        After I was certain that the man was just giving away the ice cream, I talked with him for a long time. He told me that his dream was to travel around, giving away ice cream, and that's what he was now doing. With his mother's support, he kept doing what he loved even during hard times. Now, some large companies were helping him with his plan.

        The man said he wanted to encourage people to do exactly what their hearts told them to do during their lives. I kept asking him, "So your dream was just to drive around and give away ice cream? It seems like a very unusual goal." "Yes, just meeting people and making them smile," he replied. At that point he handed me my ice cream. I thanked him, but what I got from him was much more than just ice cream. It can't easily be expressed in words. I believe what he was doing is exactly what great people do all the time: small acts of big love.

    1. (1) From the story we know that the writer was most probably           at that time.
      A . a middle school student B . a primary school student C . a middle school teacher D . a primary school teacher
    2. (2) Why did the writer ask the ice cream man to say what he had said again?
      A . Because he was not sure whether what he had heard was true. B . Because the ice cream truck had never been here. C . Because the ice cream man said in a low voice. D . Because his hearing was very poor.
    3. (3) With his mother's help and some large companies' support,           .
      A . the man became rich B . the man could produce ice cream C . the man could drive D . the man realized his dream
    4. (4) What's the best title for this story?
      A . A great man B . Small acts of big love C . A kind of charity D . My dream
  • 20. 阅读理解

        Many years ago, there lived an old man with his three sons, Dharma, Harrison and Keith, in a village. The man worked hard when he was young, so he had the largest farmyard and the most beautiful house in the village. However, his sons were all born to be lazy, which made him disappointed. He was worried that his sons would use up his money and starve to death.

        One day, the old man came up with a plan. He called his sons and said to them, "Look, my dear sons. There is lots of hidden gold in the land at the farmyard. If you work together, you may find it."

        In a wish to find out the gold, his sons worked hard from the morning to the evening digging and digging all through the land. Three days had passed, but they didn't find what they were looking for. They got frustrated and angry. They decided to give up and returned to ask their father.

        "There is no gold in the land. We are cheated."

        "Since the land has been dug soft, why don't you plant some crops there?" was the reply of the father to the sons.

        Off went the sons. Soon the whole once useless land was rich crops.

        "This is the real gold, my sons," said the proud father.

    1. (1) What do we know about the old man?
      A . He was the richest in his village. B . He was unable to feed his family. C . He loved daughters more than sons. D . He was quite successful as a farmer.
    2. (2) Why did the old man ask his sons to dig the land?
      A . He was too old to do it himself. B . He didn't have money. C . He decided to teach his sons an important lesson. D . He didn't want other people to set foot on his land.
    3. (3) Why did his sons agree to dig the land?
      A . They wanted to help their father. B . They wanted to grow their own crops. C . They didn't want to be lazy any more. D . They wanted to find the hidden gold.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the end of the story?
      A . The old man had achieved his goal. B . The three sons were still as lazy as before. C . The sons were quite angry with their father. D . The old man was still worried about his sons.
  • 21. 阅读理解

        Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents.

        However, it is not true.

        Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here is some advice for you to bridge the generation gap(消除代沟).

        Don't argue with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can't express yourself well if you are angry. Go to some-place to calm down. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.

        Try to reach a compromise(和解).Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days. Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

        Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

        A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. Please have a try!

    1. (1) The passage tells us         have a communication problem.
      A . parents and other people B . school kids and their parents C . teachers and their students D . parents and their children of all ages
    2. (2) Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you           .
      A . don't often get to them B . write a letter to them C . don't speak to them politely D . express yourself well
    3. (3) The underlined phrase "calm down" in the passage means "      ".
      A . make yourself happy B . get yourself quiet and relaxed C . have a good rest D . hide yourself quickly
    4. (4) From the passage we can learn that          .
      A . parents and children should not have a generation gap B . parents should show love and respect to their children C . there are some good ways to bridge the generation gap D . there are so many serious problems in families today
  • 22. 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。

        Some people still live in their home town. However, others may only visitonce or twice a year. Millions of Chinese leave the countryside(search)for work in the cities. Among these is Hua Xing. He(live)in Wenzhou for the last 13 years. With a hard joba factory, he seldom visits his home town." I haven't been back for three years. It's(shame), "he says. (develop) have been good in Hua Xing's home town since 2002, for example, new roads(appear). A new school (build). However, some things will never change in his home town. The big old tree is still beside the playground. Children in his time(usual) liked to play together under it. It washappy childhood.

  • 23. 假设你是李明, 你的朋友Peter即将面临中考, 然而他却深感压力巨大, 寝食不安, 情绪低落, 学习效率低下。请你写一封信给他提一些有益的建议, 帮助他调整心态, 提高学习效率, 轻松迎考。

    要点:1)学会放松(体育锻炼, 听音乐……);




    注意:1)词数:90词左右(文章的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数);

    2)可适当发挥, 但必须包含以上要点。

    Dear Peter,

        Don't worry about your study too much. First, you should


        I hope you can stay in good spirits and study better.


    Li Ming

