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更新时间:2019-07-10 浏览次数:564 类型:中考模拟
  • 16. 从方框内选择正确选项,并把字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。(方框中有一个选项是多余的)

    A. Sorry, but I am at work.

    B. Yes, are you free?

    C. My friend works at the theater and sometimes he gets free tickets.

    D. When is it?

    E. I can try.

    F. What is it about?

    A: Hi, Helen. It's Robert speaking!

    B: Hi, Robert. I can't talk too much with you.

    A: I know, but I'm going to the theater. I've got two tickets for an opera. Would you like to go with me?

    B: Thanks, I'd love to.

    A: Tonight.

    B: Tonight?


    B: I'm sorry, but I'm working late tonight.

    A: Oh, can't you ask your manager for a leave?


    A: OK. Bye.

  • 17. 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。

    A: Hi, ?

    B: Yes, please. My name is Amy. I want to work for your company.

    A: Nice to meet you, Amy. this kind of job before?

    B: No, I haven't. But it's the kind of job that I've always wanted to do. And I want to have a try.

    A: Really? Are you interested in it?

    B: Yes. I think it would give me an opportunity to develop my abilities.

    A: .

    B: I worked in an ad company before.

    A: ?

    B: Because my boss and I always had different opinions.

    A: Oh, I see. I'll talk with my manager about it and call you later.

    B: OK. .

  • 18. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并把字母序号写在短文后面的横线上。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

    A. clearly   B. that   C. However   D. proud   E. looked down   F. accept   G. understood   H. said   I. surprised   J. food   K. brave   L. what

        In China, people think being modest(谦虚的)is a virtue(美德)and being proud is bad. Once I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl, " Your spoken English is good. "But the girl answered," No, no. My English is very poor. "The boy felt . He thought he might not make himself understood or the girl had not heard him   " Yes, you speak very well," he said again. the girl still kept saying " No". In the end, the boy didn't know to say. What's wrong with the girl's answer? She didn't the praise in the same way as the American people do. She what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest. In the west, people will feel and confident when they are praised. So if someone says the you have made is very delicious, you should say," "Thank you." In western countries, if you say " No" while working, people may think that you really cannot do it. If you often say "No", you'll certainly be upon by others. So in the west, you should be  to show yourself. In my opinion, being confident does not mean being proud, so sometimes you should be confident of yourself.

  • 19. 阅读理解

        Now there seems to be an app for everything. And mobile apps have been a part of our life. The following apps are part of the most popular apps.

        Ctrip can be the best helper when you feel it is hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere at anytime.

        Ximalaya Reading has millions of books including poems. short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children I听)| What's special about it is that you can use it to download book recording that can be listened to. It has more than I million valuable resources.

        Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old. Kids can learn to speak, understand numbers and draw pictures with the-help of this app.

        World Hero may help learn more English words while. MR05 you're playing games, so if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English, use it!

        World of Tanks Blitz(坦克世界), a free-to-play online games with over 40 million downloads, bring quick-fire tank fights. "A lot of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun." It will be the best choice to kill your time.

    1. (1) Ctrip is a useful app for _________ .
      A . playing games B . learning English C . booking tickets D . drawing pictures
    2. (2) You can NOT know about _________ from Ximalaya Reading.
      A . Poems B . novels C . news D . fairy tales
    3. (3) To remember words in a fun way, _________ is a good choice.
      A . Ctrip B . World Hero C . Baby Bus D . World of Tanks Blitz
    4. (4) World of Tanks Blitz has _________ downloads and it fits in people's free time.
      A . more than 40 million B . less than1milion C . more than 1 million D . less than 40 million
    5. (5) According to the information above, _________ .
      A . we can buy tickets from Ctrip only in the daytime B . we have to pay some money for World of Tanks Blitz? C . we can't use Ximalaya Reading to download book recording D . Peter, a 2-yearold boy, can learn to draw pictures with the help of Baby Bus
  • 20. 根据下面每段话的陈述内容,从方框中选出各段恰当的小标题。

    A. The reasons for getting hiccups

    B. An invention

    C. Three awards

    D. Making hiccups go away

    E. The hiccup is a common problem

    Have you ever hiccupped(打嗝)in a quiet room full of people? Have you ever hiccupped so hard that you had to stop what you were doing? The hiccup is a problem that almost everyone has experienced.

        People get hiccups for some reasons. Hiccups might result from eating or drinking too much or too quickly. A sudden change in the stomach's temperature, such as drinking hot water immediately after drinking cold water, may also cause hiccups. They may even happen because of being excited or being under a lot of stress.

        Ideas on how to stop hiccups have been created, shared, and tried for years. However, what works for one person may not work for everyone. Perhaps the most common method people use is to hold their breath for a few seconds. If this doesn't work, you can try swallowing(吞下)hard while holding your breath. There are also some strange-sounding ways, like drinking a lot of water.

       A young girl named Mallory Kievman couldn't make her hiccups go away. She knew that sweet and sour things were commonly used to cure hiccups, and she knew that swallowing hard could also help. She decided to use the two ideas to make a special lollipop(棒棒糖). After she failed many times, Mallory invented a lollipop that worked by putting water, sugar and vinegar (醋)together.

        Mallory wanted to find out whether her lollipops would help others. She gave her lollipops to friends. Most of them were cured of their hiccups after eating the lollipops. Mallory entered a competition with her lollipop and won three awards for her creative idea. She was successful.

  • 21. 根据短文内容,判断下列各句正、误。

        Japanese girls love stickers(贴纸). After school, the sticker stores are usually full of young girls.

        Every kind of stickers can be bought in stores. The cartoon sticker with Hello Kitty or Doraemon on it is always the hot topic. Of course, stickers with pop stars are becoming more and more popular. New stickers come out every day, so young girls always go to those stores. Choosing stickers in those stores may be the best time for girls after school.

        Every Japanese girl has a special book to put her favorite stickers. They classify(分类)their stickers according to different subjects. They like to get together in their classrooms or at their friends' houses to exchange stickers. Their talks can go on and on just by talking about their sticker books.

        Young Japanese girls often stick their favorite stickers to cards and then send the cards to friends. For them, the sticker is not only something to collect, but also a tool to know about friends. They can see what their friends like by looking at the stickers they collect.

    1. (1) Japanese boys love stickers.
    2. (2) The cartoon and pop stars' stickers are popular.
    3. (3) Not every Japanese girl has a special book to put her favorite stickers.
    4. (4) Young Japanese girls often stick their favorite stickers to cards.
    5. (5) Stickers can help the girls to know about their friends.
  • 22. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)

    A. She agreed with the plan.

    B. It was really a big success.

    C. On their website, they posted pictures of the cupcakes and videos on how to make cupcakes.

    D. when Katelyn first saw her uncle cooking cupcakes, she became interested in baking.

    E. They would like to sell cupcakes to raise money for people with different health problems.

        Katelyn Clarkson, an 11-year-old girl, loves baking(烘烤)very much. Three years ago, In her spare time, Katelyn often cooked cupcakes for her family and friends.

        A few months ago, Katelyn's teacher had a serious disease. Soon Katelyn had an idea of helping her teacher by selling cupcakes. Katelyn told the idea to her best friend Mattie who also loved baking cupcakes. They spent the whole afternoon making over 60 cupcakes and sold them to their friends and relatives. Their teacher was moved when she received money from the two little girls. Within days, the two girls got the idea of Cupcakes for a Cure. They were excited about their idea. Katelyn and Mattie later found they also needed someone to manage the money. They found Charlie. Charlie was happy to join them. He wrote down where the money was from and even set up a bank account(账户). Also, Charlie made a website for their work. Of course, they made advertisements about their money-raising activities and called on people to join them.

        Last month, they held their first money-raising activity.  Katelyn and Mattie baked more than 300 cupcakes. All of them were sold during the two-hour activity.

  • 23. 根据短文内容填空,每空不超过2个词。

        Jason Queally is one of the fastest men in the world on a bicycle.

    Every year, an important human-powered bicycle race is held in Nevada, the USA. The speed of the bike is measured for only 200 meters, but players take more than a kilometer to get their bikes going fast. Jason Queally's fastest speed for the 200-meterrase was 103.5 kilometers an hour.

        At this year's race, Jason failed to reach the finishing line. He was speeding along about seventy kilometers an hour when he began to lose control of his bike. When he tried to slow down, it began to smoke. Soon the inside of his bike was filled with smoke. He couldn't see, and he couldn't breathe. At seventy kilometers an hour, a crash could be very serious. Jason was frightened, but he managed to stop the bike safely. He would repair his bicycle and try again another time to be the world's fastest man on a bike. Better luck next time, Jason.



    One of the men in the world on a bicycle.

    Fastest speed for the 200-meter race

    an hour


    He was speeding at about 70 km an hour when he began to of his bike. When he tried to slow down, it began to smoke.


    Although he was frightened, he managed to stop the bike

  • 24. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        This morning I woke up being a little bit worried. Too many unlucky things happened and I needed to make many decisions. I decided to go for a walk and tried to relax. On the way, I kept repeating to myself," Don't stop being kind. Others may have worse situations than me." I already felt better when walking in the park enjoying the beautiful trees and the smiles to and from strangers. I decided to go shopping on my way back.

        After paying. I sat-down for a while and got a coffee. An elderly man sat next to me and started talking very loudly. I noticed that he had hearing aids(助听器)in both cars. He had a coffee too. I tried talking with him, but I realized he could not under-stand anything. I stayed anyway and he told me about his difficulties with hearing, his son who worked in the supermarket and that he was at the age of 89! He felt happy to still be able to do the shopping on his own.

        He said he liked talking to people and he apologized many times. I told him it was lovely to talk to him and after a while I said goodbye, shook his hands and wished him a good day. He was so happy and grateful(感激的).He thanked me many times and the last thing he said was" Thank you for listening". I thought the whole point was" I just stayed and listened".

    1. (1) Why was the writer unhappy at first?
    2. (2) How did the writer comfort(安慰)himself?
    3. (3) How old is the old man?
    4. (4) What's wrong with the old man?
    5. (5) Was the old man grateful to the writer?
  • 25. Miss Wang 将于下周调往其他学校,同学们想举办一次惊喜派对欢送Miss Wang。假如你是班长Maria,请你根据提示完成这封邀请函。(每空一词)

    Dear classmates,

        I'm sure all of you have known Miss Wang is leaving to go to another school. We're sad that she is leaving she is such a nice teacher. She is beautiful, friendly, patient and knowledgeable. To how much we will miss her, let's have a party for her in our classroom at 4:00 p.m. this Friday. Can you come to the party? Please tell me if you can come this Tuesday. I 'm looking forward to you all.



  • 26. 请你根据下列要点提示介绍徒步的好处,文中必须包含提示中的所有要点,可适当发挥。条理清晰,书写规范,90词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。




        Nowadays, more and more people love hiking very much. …

