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更新时间:2017-05-08 浏览次数:838 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

         Two friends and I moved into a house off campus when I was a junior at Iowa State University.

    We were all a bit afraid of our landlord, a rude middle aged man who was "all business" when we signed the lease.

        He gave us a lecture about paying the rent on time and maintaining the house and appliances. We weren't really supposed to, but during the fall semester, my housemates and I threw a party.

    We sent invitations to many friends and told everyone that we knew to come to our house on Friday night. We drew a large crowd and everyone had a great time. The last guests left in the wee hours of the morning.

         Exhausted, we decided to sleep in and clean the house and yard the next morning. Well, you guessed it!

        We were awakened about 7:00 a.m. by our landlord, who was knocking on the door. Sheepishly, we let him in, expecting to incur his wrath. Instead, he picked up a party invitation that had been laying on the sidewalk and asked, "Why didn't you girls invite me?"

         He came into the house, made a minor repair, and spent a few minutes helping us pick up trash from the yard. We weren't quite sure what to make of our unexpected luck.

         I figured that he viewed my housemates and I as irresponsible after the party incident and this would prove him right. But I was wrong. He said, "I have a daughter about your age, and the same thing happened to her once. He also taught me an important lesson about not judging a book by its cover.

    1. (1) Why did the writer feel a little afraid of her landlord?   

      A . The landlord said nothing to us. B . He was a rude middle aged man who was "all business" when they signed the lease. C . He didn't play a joke on us. D . He was always angry with us .
    2. (2) Which of the following words can take the place of the underlined word “incur his wrath”?

      A . get stressed out. B . get angry . C . be scolded. D . be praised.
    3. (3) What did the landlord do after enering the house?   

      A . He asked us why we didn't invite her . B . He blamed us because we didn't clean the house and yard. C . He didn't say anything. D . He thought we were irresponsible.
    4. (4) What do you think of the landlord?

      A . He is really serious and unkind. B . He is so rude and politeless . C . He is so kind and understanding. D . He is really strict and cruel.
    5. (5) What did the writer want to tell us?   

      A . Never judge from appearances B . A friend without faults will never be found.   C . Accidents will happen. D . A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
  • 2. 阅读理解
    Comedy King Stephen Chow's upcoming film 'The Mermaid' has released its first trailer(预告片).
    Actor Deng Chao, who plays the leading role in this film, appeared in the trailer by reporting his findings of a mermaid to the police.
    A series of hand-painted posters by the director come out along with the trailer.
    Set plot(情节) in the modern world, the film describes the story of a biological professor, who was saved by a mermaid, and then falls in love with the mermaid.
    So far, the film has unveiled(公开) its first official poster, with a photo of crashing waves, the title, and the director's name.
    The film also stars Kris Wu, Show Luo, and the new-face actress Lin Yun as the titular character.
    'The Mermaid' is scheduled to be released during China's Lunar New Year, on February 8th.
    1. (1) Who is the director of ‘the Mermaid'?  

      A . Deng Chao B . Kris Wu C . Show Luo D . Zhou Xingchi
    2. (2) Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

      A . Comedy King Stephen Chow's upcoming film 'The Mermaid' has showed during China's LunarNew Year, on February 8th. B . Deng Chao appeared in the trailer by reporting his findings of a mermaid to the police. C . The poster was handed by famous star Stephen Chow D . The film is about a biological professor, who was saved by a mermaid, and then falls in love with the mermaid.
    3. (3) How many stars are mentioned in this passage?

      A . three B . four C . five D . six
    4. (4) The passage above is probably _____________________________________.

      A . a piece of news B . a movie review C . a book guide D . a movie poster
  • 3. 阅读理解
             College students in China prefer paying bills through mobile devices, a survey has found.
    The study, directed by China University Media Union and Ant Financial Services Group, collected consumption(消费) data from more than 10 million students from 4,000 universities and colleges.
             According to the survey, 92 percent of those born in the 1990s used mobile payments in 2016, with each college student paying an average of 40,839 yuan ($5,900) through Alipay, a 97-percent increase from 2015.
    Chen Lin, who studies at a university in Beijing, said she has been using mobile payments for a long time and uses cash on very few occasions, often carrying only 100 or 200 yuan on her.
             "Almost all the shopping on and around campus, either buying food in the canteen or purchasing books and snacks at other stores, can be done with a cellphone and a campus card," she said, adding that even some of the most inconspicuous(不显眼的) stalls agree to accept payment via mobile devices.
             The survey also found that female students use e-payments more often than their male peers, though male students tended to spend more.Hu Hao, a junior at a university in Shanghai, calculated that he spent about 16,000 yuan online purchases in 2016, accounting for(比率占) about 70 percent of the total of his expenditures(开支) for the whole year.
    He said that judging from his own experience, male college students seemed to spend more because they seldom compare prices.
    "In addition, some male students may have to buy gifts or pay bills for their girlfriends, which may also be a reason why they spend more," Hu added.
    1. (1) Most of the mobile payments users according to the passage are _______.

      A . students from primary schools. B . students from middle schools. C . students from high schools.     D . students from universities.
    2. (2) What's the main idea of the third paragraph?

      A . Paying bills through mobile is all used by younger generation. B . Paying bills through mobile devices popularity has grown quickly. C . Paying bills through mobile devices continues to change the way people connect with each other.     D . Female students use e-payments more often than their male peers
    3. (3) Which of the following things can we buy through mobile payments according to the passage?  

      A . food in the canteen B . books in the stores   C . snacks in inconspicuous stalls D . all of above
    4. (4) Which of the following is one of the reasons why mobile payments becomes popular?

      A . people who pay bills through mobile devices need't take any cash with them. B . mobile payments can be used in any phone. C . People who pay bills through mobile devices can spend less money on the same thing.     D . Everyone except the olds can use mobile payments.
    5. (5)

      What's the structure of this passage ?

    6. (6) Where might you find this passage?  

      A . in a novel B . in the newspaper C . in a biology magazine D . on a sports website
  • 4. 阅读下面文章,然后从文后所给的A—F个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入题中。其中有一项是多余选项。

    A.Stay patient  

    B.Ask questions

    C.Change the topic of the conversation

    D.Try to listen   

    E.Don't take it to heart.

    F.Put yourself into their shoes


        If the topic of the conversation is boring, it actually makes a bad conversationalist. Try to change the topic whenever you get the chance. In case the person doesn't understand it, don't give up and keep talking about something else. Insistence is a must here. The person will either go away or start talking about the other things.


        Dealing with a bad conversationalist is stressful, I know. But you should stay patient no matter what. Count to ten, breath and finally listen. This way, you will show you are respectful and you will avoid any kind of conflict. Just because the person is a poor conversationalist doesn't mean you should treat them badly. Respect is essential in any conversation.


        Listen to their story and offer your support. It's so easy to avoid people without asking them why they wanted to talk to you. Maybe that person needs your help or advice. Put yourself into their shoes and try to help them and cheer them up; you will also feel good. A bad conversationalist is not always so bad.


        Another good way to deal with a bad conversationalist is to pay attention and listen to them carefully. When you pay attention, you catch details that you would miss when you're distracted. Also, focus on the person's body language and expressions and you'll decode the full message and know the person's intentions.


        If you can't avoid that person, then ask a lot of questions. Learning something new feeds our minds, whether it is useful or not. Human brain can absorb a large amount of information and an average person uses less than 10% of the brain capacity. So, you can even benefit from a bad conversationalist, if they answer all your questions or maybe they will run away from you.  

  • 5. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
             Every girl dreams and Li Xie is no exception. She has read dozens of books on how to be a ballerina and Swam.Lake is her favorite. She hopes one day her dream will come true. She has1ballet lessons and all her teachers confirm she is a good student.
             One day she saw an advertisement saying 2a famous ballerina troupe will be performing in her hometown. Her thoughts ran wild, "I must meet up with the3 of the troupe and show him my skills, " she murmured to herself. She dressed herself 4 her ballerina costume and managed to evade(避开) the guards and hid in the dressing room.To her luck the leader entered and she timidly(胆小地) knocked at the door.
             She 5. came close to him and handed him a bunch of red roses and in her 6. the thorns pricked(刺痛) her hand but she did not make much ado about the pain.
             The leader observed her action .7 she told him her dream. "Alright, you dance and I will give you my verdict." 8 half way through the dance he stopped her and said, "I'm sorry you're not good enough!" On hearing this Li Xie ran as 9 as her legs could carry her and was ashamed. She gave up her dream.
              Many years later, she heard that 10. ballet troupe was performing in her town again.Bitter memories of the leader's harsh words came flooding 11to her. This time she was determined to find out Why the leader 12 her she was not good enough when all her teachers thought otherwise.This was his reply, "I tell this to every student." She angrily shot back, "You've ruined my life!  Then she got a 13shock, " "I remember your gift of roses and how the thorns had pricked your fingers but you 14bravery.
              If you only had treated ballet like that and did not give up so easily; 15, you still deserve my verdict! "
    A . given   B . taken  C . learned  D . made
    A . that  B . which  C . when D . what
    A . manager  B . leader C . teacher D . captain
    A . with  B . on     C . in   D . At
    A . excitedly    B . hurriedly  C . happily  D . bravely
    A . excitement  B . disappointment  C . relief   D . sadness
    A . since     B . for  C . As    D . because
    A . However B . Therefore C . So       D . But
    A .  quick    B . fast C . quickly  D . slowly
    A . different   B . the same C . Another D . the other
    A . back     B . forward C . toward    D . backward
    A . tells B . told  C . had told  D . was told
    A . farther   B . better     C . further      D . more
    A . carried out B . carried away C . carried on D . carried with
    A . also     B . instead    C . otherwise  D . therefore
  • 6. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。
        I was on vacation in Hawaii with my family. We were at the beach all day and at some point I took off my ring I got as a gift from my mom for graduation ring was very beautiful, gold and full of feeling value. I placed it in the cup holder of a foldable chair. Beach day continued, and we (pack) up and went home. (get) home, I realized what I'd done. I realized my ring wasn't on my finger. Panic followed on.
        We raced back to the beach with only 20 minutes to spare sunset. We got to the beach and located the general area where we were lying (early).
        About 15 strangers in the area got down on their hands and knees ( help) me to search for the ring. And they helped me to the end. (luck), I found the ring. I stood up and shouted to the group of kind (stranger) "I found it". They all crowded around me so happy and congratulated to me as though they (win)in this game. My tears of loss turn into tears of joy and thankfulness for the amazing effort put forth by this group of people.
  • 17.



    ②词数90左右, 开头已给出 (不计入总词数)。


    Dear Mary,

        I'm glad to receive your letter.……

    Yours sincerely,

    Wang Tao

